publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- A prognosis system for colorectal cancer. Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 2013
artigo de revista
- Ileocolic anastomosis dehiscence in colorectal cancer surgery 2023
- Increased CD3+, CD8+, or FoxP3+ T Lymphocyte Infiltrations Are Associated with the Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer but Not with the Overall Survival of Patients. Biology. 2021
- Clinical impact of sarcopenia on gastrointestinal tumors 2021
- VEGF Expression in Colorectal Cancer Metastatic Lymph Nodes: Clinicopathological Correlation and Prognostic Significance. Gastrointestinal Disorders. 2020
- Sarcopenia as a risk factor of morbimortality in colorectal cancer surgery 2020
- Coadjuvant Anti-VEGF A Therapy Improves Survival in Patients with Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastasis: A Systematic Review. Gastrointestinal Disorders. 2020
- Sarcopenia is associated with postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing bowel resection. Gastrointestinal Disorders. 2019
- Rational Identification of a Colorectal Cancer Targeting Peptide through Phage Display. Acta Cytologica. 2019
- Computed tomography enterography or magnetic resonance enterography in Crohn's disease – which to choose?. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2019
- Quality of Life (QoL) Among Ostomized Patients – a cross-sectional study using Stoma-care QoL questionnaire about the influence of some clinical and demographic data on patients’ QoL. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2019
- Rectal carcinoid tumor: diagnosis and management. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2019
- Visceral obesity is not correlated with lymph node metastases nor colorectal cancer survival. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2019
- Angiogenic factors: role in esophageal cancer, a brief review. Esophagus. 2018
- Early inflammatory biomarkers as predictive factors for freedom from infection after colorectal cancer surgery: a prospective cohort study. Surgical Infections. 2018
- Gastric cancer treated with pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy: revising an option for peritoneal carcinomatosis. Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment. 2018
- Computed tomography enterography and magnetic resonance enterography in small intestine of Crohn's disease. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2017
- Staging Accuracy of Computed Tomography and Endoscopic Ultrasound in Preoperative Staging of Esophageal Cancer: Results of an Referral Center. ARC Journal of Hepatology and Gastroenterology. 2017
- Gastric Cancer and Angiogenesis: Is VEGF a Useful Biomarker to Assess Progression and Remission?. Journal of Gastric Cancer. 2017
- The influence of metabolic syndrome in the outcomes of colorectal cancer patients. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. 2017
- Colorectal cancer: comparative analysis of clinical and pathological characteristics in patients aged above and below 45 years of age and impact on prognosis. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2016
- Ensino da Anatomia na Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho. Archives of Anatomy. 2016
- Prognostic impact of the number of resected lymph node on survival in colorectal cancer. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2016
- Predictive Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer: From the Single Therapeutic Target to a Plethora of Options. Biomed Research International. 2016
- Significance of glycolytic metabolism-related protein expression in colorectal cancer, lymph node and hepatic metastasis. BMC Cancer. 2016
- Hérnia inguinal: Anatomia, patofisiologia, diagnóstico e tratamento. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia. 2015
- Assessment of prognosis in patients with stage II colon cancer. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2015
- Ki-67 Expression in CRC Lymph Node Metastasis Does Not Predict Survival. Biomed Research International. 2015
- Preoperative staging of rectal cancer with MRI: correlation with pathologic staging. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2015
- Avaliação do risco cirúrgico nos doentes com cancro colo-rectal : POSSUM ou ACPGBI?. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia. 2013
- Clinicopathological correlation and prognostic significance of VEGF-A, VEGF-C, VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 expression in colorectal cancer. Anticancer Research. 2013
- A hospital based cohort study of colorectal cancer cases treated at Braga Hospital, Northern Portugal. Journal Gastrointestinal & Digestive System. 2013
- Update on colorectal carcinomatosis - from molecular biology to diagnosis and management. Surgical Science. 2013
- Evaluation of quality parameters of rectal cancer surgery at the Coloproctology Unit of Hospital de Braga. Journal of Coloproctology (JCOL). 2011
- Role of endoglin and VEGF family expression in colorectal cancer prognosis and anti-angiogenic therapies. World Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2011
- Sensibilidade da ecografia endorectal no estadiamento do cancro do recto: correlação com o estadiamento patológico. Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia. 2010
- Increased expression of monocarboxylate transporters 1, 2, and 4 in colorectal carcinomas. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology. 2008