publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mapping the implementation of active learning approaches in a school of engineering – the positive effect of teacher training. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2024
- Determinants of shared e-scooters usage in the city of Braga: Results from a mobility survey and trip data analysis. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- The Pedestrian Network Concept: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Urban Mobility. 2023
- A Planning Practice Method to Assess the Potential for Cycling and to Design a Bicycle Network in a Starter Cycling City in Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Experts' Opinions about the Sustainability Impact Intensity of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2021
- Public transportation demand model for low density territories. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2019
- Evaluation of road signs conformity for improving road safety in urban areas: a case study in Guimarães, Portugal. Urbe. 2017
- Robot orientation with histograms on MSL. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- Route planning for soft modes of transport: healthy routes. Wit Transactions on the Built Environment. 2011
- An urban environmental monitoring and information system. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2009
- A mobilidade sustentável em aglomerados urbanos de pequenas dimensões. Revista Minerva. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Are shared e-bikes disruptive of stablished shared e-scooter services? A case study of Braga, Portugal 2024
- Determinants of shared e-scooters usage in the city of Braga: Results from a mobility survey and trip data analysis 2022
- Serviços flexíveis de transporte público em áreas de baixa densidade populacional. Uma aplicação ao município de Braga 2022
- Transporte ativo para ligações intermunicipais. Uma nova tipologia de infraestrutura ciclável - Ciclovias rápidas 2022
- Utilização de plataformas digitais para avaliação de sistemas partilhados de trotinetes: O caso da cidade de Braga 2022
- Micromobility: a systematic literature review on the measurement of its environmental, social, and economic impacts on urban sustainability 2021
- Smart pedestrian network: an integrated conceptual model for improving walkability 2019
- Análise exploratória dos conflitos veículo-peão com recurso à micro simulação 2019
- Como promover a mobilidade ciclável em Portugal 2018
- Mobilidade sustentável em arruamentos urbanos e o processo de participação pública (stakeholders) 2018
- Modeling of the road network of the city of Guimarães. A case study associated with the impact of a new road 2017
- A modelação de tráfego a partir de contagens para avaliar o nível de eficiência da mobilidade 2017
- O papel de uma associação não-governamental na promoção do uso da bicicleta em Braga 2017
- Planeamento de uma mobilidade urbana sustentável e eficiente: metodologia para avaliar a descarbonização do setor 2017
- Avaliação da visibilidade de sinais de trânsito com base numa análise multicritério implementada num SIG. Uma aplicação no centro de Guimarães, Portugal 2016
- Evaluation of the visibility of traffic signs based on a multi-criteria analysis: an application in the historical centre of Guimarães, Portugal (Original: Avaliação da visibilidade de sinais de trânsito com base numa análise multicritério implementada num SIG. Uma aplicação no centro de Guimarães, Portugal) 2016
- Planning process of a cycling network : case study of Ponte de Lima, Portugal 2014
- Redes cicláveis: classificação e avaliação da inclinação do terreno aferida por métodos “low-cost” e “no-cost” 2014
- Road gradient for cycling infrastructures: Standard and Low-Cost measurement 2014
- Classificação da rede viária em função da sinistralidade em ambiente SIG 2013
- Flexible public transport in low density areas 2013
- Public transport towards sustainability in midsized municiplaities 2013
- Rotas saudáveis para cidades mais saudáveis 2013
- Sustainable mobility for healthy cities 2013
- Sustainable mobility in urban areas of midisized municipalities. 2013
- A new perspective on street classification towards sustainability 2012
- Acessibilidade pedonal em espaço público exterior: requalificação do centro urbano de Guimarães 2012
- Assessing the potential health benefits of cycling in the city of Viana do Castelo. 2012
- Electric mobility in Portugal : municipal plans for its promotion 2012
- Electric mobility in Portugal: the beginning 2012
- The influence of air pollution in the selection of healthy routes forwalking and cycling 2012
- Minho MSL: a new generation of soccer robots 2011
- A importância da infra-estrutura de transportes públicos colectivos em aglomerados urbanos de pequena dimensão ma promoção de uma mobilidade sustentável 2010
- Estudo de requalificação pedonal: o caso do centro urbano de Guimarães 2010
- Planeamento de itinerários para modos suaves de transporte : rotas saudáveis 2010
- Qualidade pedonal urbana: o caso de Guimarães 2010
- The role of public transport in the achievement of urban sustainable mobility in mid-sized cities 2010
- Sustainable mobility in a mid-sized city: a multimodal approach 2008
artigo de revista
- A Review of the Promotion of Sustainable Mobility of Workers by Industries. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- A Systematic Literature Review of the Hybrid Methodologies in Assessing Flood Indirect Impacts on Transportation. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Shared E-Scooters and the Promotion of Equity across Urban Public Spaces—A Case Study in Braga, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Health-oriented routes for active mobility. Journal of Transport & Health. 2022
- Perceived Walkability and Respective Urban Determinants: Insights from Bologna and Porto. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Towards Zero CO2 Emissions from Public Transport: The Pathway to the Decarbonization of the Portuguese Urban Bus Fleet. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Built environment attributes and their influence on walkability. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2022
- Public Transport Decarbonization via Urban Bus Fleet Replacement in Portugal. Energies. 2022
- Students' home-university commuting patterns: A shift towards more sustainable modes of transport. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 2022
- Transport Systems and Mobility for Smart Cities. Applied System Innovation. 2021
- Use and Perceptions of Pedestrian Navigation Apps: Findings from Bologna and Porto. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021
- The Role of Shared E-Scooter Systems in Urban Sustainability and Resilience during the Covid-19 Mobility Restrictions. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Levels and Characteristics of Utilitarian Walking in the Central Areas of the Cities of Bologna and Porto. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Experts’ opinions about the sustainability impact intensity of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2021
- Bikeability and Emerging Phenomena in Cycling: Exploratory Analysis and Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Sustainable mobility patterns to university campuses: Evaluation and constraints. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 2020
- Resilience of urban transportation systems. Concept, characteristics, and methods.. Journal of Transport Geography. 2020
- Cycle Highways: a new concept of infrastructure. European Planning Studies. 2020
- Pedestrian–Vehicle Interaction at Unsignalized Crosswalks: A Systematic Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Digital Platform/Mobile App to Boost Cycling for the Promotion of Sustainable Mobility in Mid-Sized Starter Cycling Cities. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Sustainability assessment of a bus system in a mid-sized municipality. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2020
- The impact of the ring road conclusion to the city of Guimarães, Portugal: Analysis of variations of traffic flows and accessibilities. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2020
- Micro-simulation of the impact of different speeds on safety road travel and urban travel time: case study in the city of Guimarães. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2019
- Public transportation demand model for low density territories. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2019
- Urban resilience: A conceptual framework. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2019
- A bus demand model for Low-Density Territories in Continental Portugal. International Journal of Transportation Systems. 2019
- Analysis of Road Safety Conflicts. The Case Study of a Road Interchange in Guimarães, PT. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 2019
- The impact of a ring road in an urban road network. The case study of Guimarães, Portugal. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 2019
- Olympics' impacts in Rio de Janeiro's urban sustainability. Transylvanian Review. 2018
- An integrated approach towards transforming an industrial park into an eco-industrial park: the case of Salaise-Sablons. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2018
- Avaliacão da conformidade de Sinais de Trânsito para melhorar a segurança rodoviária em meio urbano: uma aplicação no Centro de Guimarães, Portugal. Urbe. 2017
- A Mobile Environmental Monitoring Station For Sustainable Cities. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 2016
- Comparing standard and low-cost tools for gradient evaluation along potential cycling paths. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2015
- Safety classification using GIS in decision-making process to define priority road interventions. Journal of Transport Geography. 2015
- Healthy routes for active modes in school journeys. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 2013
- A comparison of the NCT Reichert R7 with Goldmann applanation tonometry and the Reichert ocular response analyzer. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2011
- A mobilidade sustentável em aglomerados urbanos de pequenas dimensões. Revista Minerva. 2008
capítulo de livro
- A bicicleta como transporte sustentável e os desafios para as Smart Cities 2023
- Smart Pedestrian Network: An Integrated Conceptual Model for Improving Walkability. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- Smart Pedestrian Network: An Integrated Conceptual Model for Improving Walkability. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2020
- The economic assessment of health benefits of active transport. Transport and Sustainability. 2015
- Avaliação do ruído e poluição atmosférica resultante do tráfego em Viana do Castelo 2010
- Sistema de informação e monitorização do ar e ruído - SmarBraga 2010
- Healthy and environmentally friendly cycle networks: a comparison between Cycle Highway and Ecovia 2021
- Método de Classificação e Seleção de Parques de Estacionamento 2021
- Assessing with Brazilian experts sustainable urban planning processes for olympics host city: the case of Rio de Janeiro 2019
- Cycle Highway: Concept and Benchmarking 2019
- Clinical Performance of NCT by REICHERT AT550 in Glaucomatous Patients 2003
- Guimarães mais verde no caminho da sustentabilidade 2020
- SPN: Smart Pedestrian Net. A smart approach to evaluate built environment attributes and their influence on walkability; fundamentals, assessment and application 2020
- Smart Pedestrian Net: A Smart Approach to Evaluate Built Environment Attributes and their Influence on Walkability, Fundamentals, Assessment and Application 2020
- Lighting assessment at workplaces in a granite manufacturing company 2019
- Sustainable Business Strategies: What You Think Is What You Do? 2019
- Global City: Index for Industry Sustainable Development. 2018
- Sistemas de informação geográfica na gestão de sinalização rodoviária: avaliação da conformidade de sinais de trânsito para melhorar a segurança rodoviária em meio urbano 2017
- A Remote System for Water Tank Level Monitoring and Control - a Collaborative Case-study 2009