publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effectiveness of a TRM solution for rammed earth under in-plane cyclic loads. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- Evaluation of non-destructive techniques for mechanical characterisation of earth-based mortars in masonry joints. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa 2021
- Reducing the Seismic Vulnerability of Existing Buildings: Assessment and Retrofit. Bioengineering. 2019
- Characterization of a Compatible Low Cost Strengthening Solution Based on the TRM Technique for Rammed Earth. Key Engineering Materials. 2017
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Construir em terra ainda faz sentido? 2012
artigo de conferência
- Experimental Out-of-Plane Behaviour of a Rammed Earth Sub-Assemblage Subjected to Seismic Inputs 2021
- Structural Performance of a Medieval Stone Masonry Arch Bridge 2020
- Characterization of compatible TRM composites for strengthening of earthen materials 2019
- Análise numérica do comportamento sísmico de uma estrutura de taipa 2019
- Experimental study of the in-plane behaviour of rammed earth strengthened with TRM 2019
- In-plane seismic performance of plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth components 2019
- Numerical seismic analysis of CEB structures 2019
- Historic and modern earthen structures: Challenges and recent research 2018
- Investigation of the bond and shrinkage behaviour of TRM strengthening for rammed earth. REHABEND. 2018
- Modelling the seismic out-of-plane behaviour of rammed earth components 2018
- In-plane behaviour of earthen materials: A numerical comparison between adobe masonry, rammed earth and COB 2017
- Performance of adobe vaults strengthened with LC-TRM: an experimental approach 2017
- Assessment of the injection of grouts to repair cracks in rammed earth 2016
- Desempenho mecânico de alvenaria de BTC estabilizados através da ativação alcalina de cinzas volantes 2016
- Mechanical performance of compressed earth block masonry using granitic residual soils 2016
- Reparação de taipa com caldas à base de terra e cal hidraúlica 2016
- Sistema de alvenaria com incorporação de resíduos: blocos de terra compactada com ligante geopolimérico 2016
- CEBs stabilised with geopolymeric binders: mechanical performance of dry-stack masonry 2015
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts: a case study from Portugal 2014
- Caraterização do comportamento ao corte de alvenaria de blocos de terra compactada com junta seca 2014
- Mechanical behaviour of compressed earth blocks stabilised with industrial wastes 2014
- Modelling of rammed earth under shear loading 2014
- Modelling of the structural behaviour of rammed earth components 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts : a case study from Portugal 2014
- Shear behaviour of rammed earth walls repaired by means of grouting 2014
- Rammed earth: feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Rammed earth : feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Residual granitic soil improvement for rammed earth construction 2012
- Repair of earth masonry by means of grouting: importance of clay in the rheology of a mud grout 2010
- A construção em taipa e os sismos 2010
- Grouting as a mean for repairing earth constructions 2010
- Repair of earth masonry by means of grouting : importance of clay in the rheology of a mud grout 2010
- Grouting as a repair/strengthening solution for earth constructions 2009
- Strengthening of masonry and earthen structures by means of grouting: design of grouts 2009
- Three-leaf stone masonry repair and strengthening 2008
- On the strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2008
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento diferido de alvenaria de adobe 2007
- Comportamento experimental de paredes de alvenaria de panos múltiplos 2006
artigo de revista
- Out-of-plane shake table test of a rammed earth sub-assembly. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2022
- Early-age shrinkage and bond of LC-TRM strengthening in rammed earth. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2022
- Mechanical Characterization of Masonry Built with iCEBs of Granite Residual Soils with Cement–Lime Stabilization. Bioengineering. 2022
- Mechanical Characterization of Masonry Built with iCEBs of Granite Residual Soils with Cement–Lime Stabilization. Bioengineering. 2022
- Performance of rammed earth subjected to in-plane cyclic displacement. Materials and Structures. 2022
- An analytical bond stress-slip model for a TRM composite compatible with rammed earth. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Compressed earth blocks stabilized with glass waste and fly ash activated with a recycled alkaline cleaning solution. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021
- Experimental characterization of adobe vaults strengthened with a TRM-based compatible composite. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Experimental characterization of adobe vaults strengthened with a TRM-based compatible composite. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Ensaio sísmico de uma estrutura de taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Expeditious damage index for arched structures based on dynamic identification testing. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Expeditious damage index for arched structures based on dynamic identification testing. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Numerical modeling of the seismic out-of-plane response of a plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth subassembly. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Numerical Investigation of the In-Plane seismic Performance of Unstrengthened and TRM-Strengthened Rammed Earth Walls. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Experimental Investigation on the Bond Behavior of a Compatible TRM-based Solution for Rammed Earth Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Multiscale Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofit of Existing Masonry Buildings. Bioengineering. 2019
- Static Behavior of Cob: Experimental Testing and Finite-Element Modeling. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019
- Modelação do comportamento sísmico de construções de taipa para fora do plano. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2019
- Comparison of the performance of hydraulic lime- and clay-based grouts in the repair of rammed earth. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Evaluating the seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings from Portugal: From simple tools to advanced approaches. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Evaluating the seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings from Portugal: From simple tools to advanced approaches. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Avaliação simplificada da vulnerabilidade sísmica de construções de taipa do Alentejo. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2018
- ICEBs stabilised with alkali-activated fly ash as a renewed approach for green building: Exploitation of the masonry mechanical performance. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Validation of the repair effectiveness of clay-based grout injections by lateral load testing of an adobe model building. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Validation of the repair effectiveness of clay-based grout injections by lateral load testing of an adobe model building. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Effectiveness of the repair of unstabilised rammed earth with injection of mud grouts. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Mechanical characterisation of dry-stack masonry made of CEBs stabilised with alkaline activation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Mechanical characterisation of dry-stack masonry made of CEBs stabilised with alkaline activation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Static behaviour of rammed earth: experimental testing and finite element modelling. Materials and Structures. 2015
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Rammed earth construction with granitic residual soils : the case study of northern Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Rammed earth construction with granitic residual soils : the case study of northern Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Rheological properties of alkaline activated fly ash used in jet grouting applications. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Rheological properties of alkaline activated fly ash used in jet grouting applications. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Construir em terra ainda faz sentido? 2012
- On the development of unmodified mud grouts for repairing earth constructions: Rheology, strength and adhesion. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Soil stabilisation using alkaline activation of fly ash for self compacting rammed earth construction. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Soil stabilisation using alkaline activation of fly ash for self compacting rammed earth construction. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls: An experimental research. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Creep of PVDF monofilament sutures: service performance prediction from short-term tests. E-Polymers. 2003
capítulo de livro
- An Analytical Approach for Pull-Out Behavior of TRM-Strengthened Rammed Earth Elements. RILEM Bookseries. 2022
- Durability of Earth Materials: Weathering Agents, Testing Procedures and Stabilisation Methods. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2022
- Seismic Assessment of Earthen Structures. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2022
- Nondestructive testing, assessment, and strengthening for reducing the seismic vulnerability of masonry structures 2021
- Assessment of a Medieval Arch Bridge Resorting to Non-destructive Techniques and Numerical Tools. Structural Integrity. 2020
- Assessment of a Medieval Arch Bridge Resorting to Non-destructive Techniques and Numerical Tools. Structural Integrity. 2020
- Experimental Investigation of the Structural Response of Adobe Buildings to Lateral Loading Before and After the Implementation of Compatible Grout Repairs. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Experimental Investigation of the Structural Response of Adobe Buildings to Lateral Loading Before and After the Implementation of Compatible Grout Repairs. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Macromodeling approach for pushover analysis of textile-reinforced mortar-strengthened masonry 2019
- Preface [18th International Probabilistic Workshop - IPW 2020]. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- 18th International Probabilistic Workshop 2021
- A TRM-Based Compatible Strengthening Solution for Rammed Earth Heritage: Investigation of the Bond Behavior 2019
- Experimental shear behaviour of rammed earth strengthened with a TRM-based compatible technique 2019
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Conservation and New Construction Solutions in Rammed Earth 2014
- Conservation and New Construction Solutions in Rammed Earth 2014