publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Seismic assessment of confined masonry against URM and RC-framed buildings on sloping ground in hilly regions: performance-based analysis and application of the Indian code. Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. 2024
- A macro-modeling approach for non-linear analysis of multi-story perforated masonry walls with grout and reinforcement concentrated at their pier ends. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Seismic Performance of Confined Versus Unreinforced Masonry Buildings on Hilly Slopes Using Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis Approaches. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2023
- Shake-table testing of a stone masonry building aggregate: Overview of blind prediction study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2023
- Capturing the attentional response to clinical auditory alarms: An ERP study on priority pulses. Antibiotics. 2023
- Investigations on the structural behaviour of archaeological heritage in Peru: From survey to seismic assessment. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Potencialidades de construção e projeto de edifícios em alvenaria simples. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Harmonization of the predicted post-peak seismic response of URM structures in finite element models 2024
- Preservation of stone masonry buildings: Benchmarking of modelling approaches for seismic assessment and international call to action 2024
- Investigating the seismic response of URM walls with irregular opening layout through different modeling approaches 2023
- Situação e potencial das alvenarias em Portugal perante o contexto internacional 2022
- Implications of modelling assumptions on the seismic assessment of URM structures through FE and SE-based approaches 2022
- Seismic testing of adjacent interacting masonry structures – shake table test and blind prediction competition 2022
- Applicability of FEM and pushover analysis to simulate the shaking-table response of a masonry building model with timber diaphragms 2021
- Design of masonry structures (General rules): Highlights of the new European masonry code 2020
- Auditory alarms design tool: Spectral masking estimation based on a psychoacoustic model 2020
- Applicability of FEM for nonlinear seismic analysis of URM structures with timber diaphragms accounting for wall-to-floor/roof connections 2019
- Nonlinear static analysis of an asymmetric unreinforced masonry building using macro-element modelling approach 2019
- Seismic analysis of masonry structures applying and comparing different numerical approaches: finite element and macro-element methods 2019
- Análisis mecánico de albañilería arqueológica de adobe bajo cargas de compresión uniaxial: El caso de Huaca de la Luna 2015
- Mechanical analysis of archaeological masonry of adobe under loads of uniaxial compression: The case of Temple of the Moon 2015
- On-site investigation and numerical analysis for structural assessment of the archaeological complex of Huaca de la Luna 2014
- Seismic assessment of the St. Peter Apostle church of Andahuaylillas in Cusco, Peru 2014
- Study on the seismic behaviour of archaeological heritage buildings: a wall in Chokepukio 2014
- Preliminary structural assessment of adobe archaeological remains of "Huaca de la Luna" in Trujillo, Peru 2014
- Study on the seismic behaviour of St. Peter the Apostle Church of Andahuaylillas in Cusco, Peru 2014
- The Old Municipal Chambers Building – Damaged but not Destroyed – Will it be there in another 125 years? 2012
- Implementação de uma solução em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de betão 2012
- Pushover analysis of a modern aggregate of masonry buildings through macro-element modelling 2012
- Pushover seismic analysis of quasi-static tested confined masonry buildings through simplified model 2012
- The old municipal chambers building: damaged but nor destroyed : will it be there in another 125 years? 2012
- A new proposal for the design of confined masonry buildings 2010
- Previsão de assentamentos de fundações superficiais através de técnicas de Data Mining 2010
- Data mining techniques and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests for the assessment of damage levels in concrete exposed to high temperatures and subject to compression 2009
- Development of design software for plain masonry buildings 2009
- Data mining applied to compaction of geomaterials 2009
- Análise da estabilidade e optimização da geometria de taludes recorrendo a técnicas de inteligência artificial 2008
- Artificial intelligence applied to compaction rules and management 2008
- Benchmarking of commercial software for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings 2008
- Data mining no guide terrassements routiers 2008
- Propagação de ondas ultra-sónicas em provetes de betão expostos a temperaturas elevadas 2008
artigo de revista
- SLaMA-URM method for the seismic vulnerability assessment of UnReinforced Masonry structures: Formulation and validation for a substructure. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Finite Element and Equivalent Frame modeling approaches for URM buildings: Implications of different assumptions in the seismic assessment. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Soft computing-based models for the prediction of masonry compressive strength. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Benchmarking the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings from a blind prediction test. Infrastructures. 2021
- Inovação e projeto de alvenaria estrutural segundo o Eurocódigo 6. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Discourses on migrants, refugees and minorities in the public sphere: the 21st century under debate. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2020
- Lateral in-plane seismic response of confined masonry walls: From numerical to backbone models. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Structural behaviour and design rules of confined masonry walls: Review and proposals. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Efficiency and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seismic Strengthening Techniques for Old Residential Buildings in Lisbon. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of the old building stock at urban scale: application to a neighbourhood in Lisbon. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2017
- Unreinforced and confined masonry buildings in seismic regions: Validation of macro-element models and cost analysis. Engineering Structures. 2014
- A model for pushover analysis of confined masonry structures: Implementation and validation. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Artificial intelligence applications in transportation geotechnics. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2013
- Study of the seismic behavior of the old municipal chambers building in Christchurch, New Zealand. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Construir com alvenaria estrutural : vencer a crise com construção mais eficiente 2012
- Verificação da segurança sísmica de edifícios em alvenaria através de metodologias simplificadas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2012
- A perda de tradição e a falta de ação social na indústria da construção 2011
- Possibilities and comparison of structural component models for the seismic assessment of modern unreinforced masonry buildings. Computers & Structures. 2011
- Potencialidades de construção e projeto de edifícios em alvenaria simples 2011
capítulo de livro
- Reducing Annoyance of Healthcare Soundscapes with Harmonious Alarms 2021
- Design of masonry structures (General rules): Highlights of the new European masonry code 2020
- Análise de estruturas antigas e novas em alvenaria: possibilidades e aplicações 2010
- Earthquake design and assessment of masonry structures : review and applications 2009
- Earthquake design and assessment of masonry structures: review and applications 2009
- Beyond the MAPK Pathway: Unravelling the Importance of RKIP in Lung Adenocarcinoma 2023
- Inovação e projeto de alvenaria estrutural segundo o Eurocódigo 6 2021
- Applicability of FEM for nonlinear seismic analysis of URM structures with timber diaphragms accounting for wall-to-floor/roof connections 2019
- Seismic analysis of masonry structures applying and comparing different numerical approaches: finite element and macro-element methods 2019
- Proposal of provisions for analysis and design of confined masonry in EN 1996-1-1. Project Team for SC6.T1 'Masonry - Revised version of EN 1996-1-1', Background Document N 6 2016
- A view from the past to the future of masonries 2014
- A new design approach for structural masonry based on experimental and numerical analysis: The seismic factor 2013
- Construir com alvenaria estrutural : vencer a crise com construção mais eficiente 2012
- Verificação da segurança sísmica de edifícios em alvenaria através de metodologias simplificadas 2012
- A perda de tradição e a falta de ação social na indústria da construção 2011
- Naturtejo Geopark signage Project: the structure of the touring offer in a large territory 2011
- The societal role of the masonry constructions 2011
- Semana da Escola de Engenharia 2010 2010
- Masonry design for life quality and seismic safety 2010
- Sustainable seismic design of masonry buildings 2009
- Pushover-based seismic design of masonry buildings 2009
- Macro-modelling methodologies for pushover seismic analysis of masonry buildings 2009
- Data mining techniques and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests for the assessment of damage levels in concrete exposed to high temperatures and subject to compression 2009
- Manual de dimensionamento de alvenarias estruturais. Versão revista e ampliada 2009
- Avaliação da segurança de estruturas com recurso à análise push-over 2008
- Protótipo de software para apoio à optimização da compactação de geomateriais em vias de comunicação (em linguagem R) 2007
- Manual de avaliação da segurança sísmica e reforço de edifícios tradicionais de alvenaria dos Açores 2022
- Portuguese as a heritage language in contact with German and French: a comparative study on the acquisition of verbal mood 2019
- cBloco : manual de dimensionamento estrutural : elementos de apoio ao projecto e execução de elementos de alvernaria estrutural e não estrutural com unidades cBloco 2008
- Análise dinâmica de um edifício antigo de alvenaria através de um modelo de macro-elementos 2017
- Metodologias inovadoras no cálculo sísmico de estruturas em alvenaria simples e confinada 2013
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema pericial para apoio à optimização da compactação de geomateriais em vias de comunicação 2007