publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Assessing the Changing Sino–Russian Relationship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Bilateral Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Period. Europe-Asia Studies. 2023
- The Chinese Military-Civil Fusion Strategy: A State Action Theory Perspective. International Spectator. 2022
- Shi'a principles and Iran's strategic culture towards ballistic missile deployment. International Affairs. 2022
- Introduction: The European Union’s strategic partnerships: conceptual approaches, debates and experiences. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2016
- Portugal and the Netherlands: Punching Above Their Weight?. European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence Or Divergence. 2015
artigo de revista
- Mapping the literature on China and Russia in IR and area studies: A bibliometric analysis (1990–2019). Journal of Chinese Political Science. 2022
- Persuading the giant? Explaining eastern partnership states’ (unexpected) negotiation success in relations with the European Union. International Negotiation. 2022
- Shi'a principles and Iran's strategic culture towards ballistic missile deployment. International Affairs. 2022
- A Friend in Need? The Sino-Russian Relationship Under the Coronavirus Crisis in Twitter: a Russian Perspective. East Asia. 2021
- Iran’s strategic culture: the ‘revolutionary’ and ‘moderation’ narratives on the ballistic missile programme. Third World Quarterly. 2021
- The European Union's ‘Potential We’ between Acceptance and Contestation: Assessing the Positioning of Six Eastern Partnership Countries*. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2020
- European Union, Russia and the MH17 case: strategic narratives’ analysis (2014-2019). 2019
- Normative resistance to responsibility to protect in times of emerging multipolarity: the cases of Brazil and Russia. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 2018
- Introduction: Competing conditionalities? Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus between the European Union and Russia. European Politics and SocIETy. 2018
- Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities?. European Politics and SocIETy. 2018
- A Tale of Two Unions: Russia–Belarus Integration Experience and its Lessons for the Eurasian Economic Union. Journal of Borderlands Studies. 2016
- Ukraine, Russia and the strategic partnership dynamics in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood: recalibrating the EU’s ‘self’, ‘we’ and ‘other’. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2016
- Eurasian integration: elite perspectives before and after the Ukraine crisis. Post-SovIET Affairs. 2015
- Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and SocIETy. 2015
- The Politico-Military Alliance of Russia and Belarus: Re-Examining the Role of NATO and the EU in Light of the Intra-Alliance Security Dilemma. Europe-Asia Studies. 2014
- Ukraine’s Crisis and Russia’s Closest Allies: A Reinforced Intra-Alliance Security Dilemma at Work. International Spectator. 2014
- Vietnam's strategic hedging vis-à-vis china: The roles of the European Union and Russia . Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 2013
- Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first Trio Presidency on Policy Coherence for Development. EIOP European Integration Online Papers. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Introducing the Arms Race in the Middle East in the Twenty First Century: A “Powder Keg” in the Digital Era? 2023
- Pariah State No More: Belarus’ International Actorness against the Backdrop of the Ukraine Conflict 2018
- A política migratória da União Europeia em relação a Cabo Verde: a parceria para a mobilidade em análise 2017
- Developments in European Union - Africa relations and their implications for Asia 2017
- The many patterns of Europeanization: European union relations with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus 2013