publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Symptom provocation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Validation of the Braga Obsessive Compulsive image set (BOCIS). Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2024
- Trait anxiety is associated with attentional brain networks. Brain Structure and Function. 2024
- Nomenclatura Baseada na Neurociência para Psicofármacos: Quatro Razões para a Usar e Manter em Portugal. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2024
- Stress, anxiety, and depression trajectories during the “first wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic: what drives resilient, adaptive and maladaptive responses in the Portuguese population?. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Health Education and Promotion. 2024
- A rare presentation of obsessive-compulsive disorder after traumatic brain injury: Case report. Psychiatry Research Case Reports. 2023
- Trazodone in the Management of Major Depression Among Elderly Patients with Dementia: A Narrative Review and Clinical Insights. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2023
- Portuguese Consensus on Acute Porphyrias: Diagnosis, Treatment, Monitoring and Patient Referral. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2023
- Efficacy of internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice. 2023
- Speech graph analysis in obsessive-compulsive disorder: The relevance of dream reports. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2023
- Altered frontoparietal connectivity in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder during an fMRI cognitive reappraisal task. Psychiatry Research. 2022
- Syndrome of subjective doubles as a rare presentation of a first-episode psychosis. BMJ Case Reports. 2022
- Professionals as Targets in the Culture Wars: A European Perspective. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2022
- The Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R): Translation and Validation of the European Portuguese Version. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2022
- Increased Excursions to Functional Networks in Schizophrenia in the Absence of Task. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022
- Multimodal meta-analysis of structural gray matter, neurocognitive and social cognitive fMRI findings in schizophrenia patients. Psychological Medicine. 2022
- A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of frontal networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder during cognitive reappraisal. European Psychiatry. 2022
- An fMRI study of cognitive regulation of reward processing in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2022
- Association of amygdala size with stress perception: Findings of a transversal study across the lifespan. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2022
- Differential patterns of association between resting-state functional connectivity networks and stress in OCD patients. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2022
- Neural Correlates of an fMRI Cognitive Reappraisal Task in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 2022
- Perceived stress modulates the activity between the amygdala and the cortex. Elife. 2022
- The Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit: A Large Cohort Validation Study in the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Hospital 2022
- The thalamus and its subnuclei-a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Elife. 2022
- Non-pharmacological treatment of gambling disorder: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. BMC Psychiatry. 2021
- Sociodemographic and lifestyle predictors of mental health adaptability during COVID-19 compulsory confinement: A longitudinal study in the Portuguese population. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
- A Psiquiatria em Diálogo com a Sociedade. Revista Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental. 2021
- A wake-up call for burnout in Portuguese physicians during the COVID-19 outbreak: a national survey study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2021
- Multimodal Meta-Analysis of Structural Grey Matter, Executive Function and Emotional Processing fMRI Findings in Schizophrenia Patients. Biological Psychiatry. 2021
- Sociodemographic and lifestyle predictors of mental health adaptability during COVID-19 compulsory confinement: a longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
- Stress Influences the Effect of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms on Emotion Regulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021
- The Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R): Translation and Validation of the Portuguese Version. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2021
- Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: The Missed Diagnosis. Revista Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental. 2020
- Consentimento Informado na Eletroconvulsivoterapia: Reflexões sobre o Impedimento de Consentir. Revista Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental. 2020
- Frontoparietal hyperconnectivity during cognitive regulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder followed by reward valuation inflexibility. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2020
- A Wake-up Call for Burnout in Portuguese Physicians During the COVID-19 Outbreak: National Survey Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2020
- Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Patients With Psychiatric Disorders Among Medical Students and Professionals. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020
- An overview of the first 5¿years of the ENIGMA obsessive–compulsive disorder working group: The power of worldwide collaboration. Human Brain Mapping. 2020
- Brain structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a graph analysis from the ENIGMA Consortium. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2020
- Levetiracetam induced mania – A case report. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2020
- Modality-specific overlaps in brain structure and function in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Multimodal meta-analysis of case-control MRI studies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 2020
- Paliperidone in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case Study. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2020
- Scratching the surface of a neglected threat: huge growth of Instant Lottery in Portugal. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020
- The rates of co-occurring behavioural addictions in treatment-seeking individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary report. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. 2020
- Corrigendum: Reduced Hedonic Valuation of Rewards and Unaffected Cognitive Regulation in Chronic Stress (Frontiers in Neuroscience, (2019), 13, (724), 10.3389/fnins.2019.00724). Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2019
- A structured remediation program for communication skills. International Journal of Medical Education. 2019
- Delírio de Infestação: um sintoma ou uma doença?. Psilogos. 2019
- P5 medical center, a platform to improve health and promote behavioral change in a Digital Era. The European Health Psychologist. 2019
- Editorial: The impact of stress on cognition and motivation. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Fifteen Years of Experience from a Medical School¿ Clinical Skills Laboratory 2017
- Ensino da Anatomia na Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho. Archives of Anatomy. 2016
- Acute Mania Induced by Hypothyroidism in a Male Patient After Thyroidectomy. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2016
- Is “plausibility” a core feature of obsessions?. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 2015
- DSM-5: oportunidade perdida ou classificação possível?. Elife. 2015
- Violência contra as mulheres-tempo de actuar. Arquivos de Medicina. 2015
- The woman who sees smaller objects: Is it psychiatric or neurological?,A mulher que via objetos menores: Um caso psiquiátrico ou neurológico?. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2014
- Comorbilidade entre Esquizofrenia e Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva: Uma Revisão. Psilogos. 2014
- Preditores de Abstinência Alcoólica numa Amostra de Doentes Portugueses – Um Estudo Retrospectivo. Psilogos. 2014
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Determinants of Poor Mental Health of Medical Students in Portugal—A Nationwide Study. Healthcare. 2023
- How Long Does Adaption Last for? An Update on the Psychological Impact of the Confinement in Portugal. Healthcare. 2022
- Protective Elements of Mental Health Status during the COVID-19 Outbreak in the Portuguese Population. Healthcare. 2021
- A Systematic Review of Behavioral, Physiological, and Neurobiological Cognitive Regulation Alterations in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Brain Sciences. 2020
- Altered response to risky decisions and reward in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 2020
- Relationship between obsessive compulsive disorder and cortisol: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Structure and Function. 2019
- The resting-brain of obsessive-compulsive disorder.. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2019
- Reduced Hedonic Valuation of Rewards and Unaffected Cognitive Regulation in Chronic Stress. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2019
- 10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative. Frontiers in Neurology. 2019
- Mapping Cortical and Subcortical Asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Consortium. Biological Psychiatry. 2019
- The efficacy of biofeedback approaches for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research. 2019
- Quality of life and mental health in amblyopic children treated with and without occlusion therapy. Journal of AAPOS. 2019
- Treatments used for obsessive–compulsive disorder—An international perspective. Human Psychopharmacology. 2019
- Trait determinants of impulsive behavior: a comprehensive analysis of 188 rats. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Koro syndrome associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Clinical case and brief review,Síndrome de koro associado a transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo: Caso clínico e breve revisão. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria. 2018
- Depression in medical students: Insights from a longitudinal study. BMC Medical Education. 2017
- The neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a multimodal perspective. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Coprophagia and Entomophagia in a Patient with Alcohol Related Dementia. Case Reports in Psychiatry. 2017
- Fifteen Years of Experience from a Medical School' Clinical Skills Laboratory. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2017
- Hoarding Disorder: A Case Report. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2017
- Pertubação obsessivo-compulsiva e religião: uma revisão sistemática 2017
- Ensino da Anatomia na Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho. Archives of Anatomy. 2016
- A Review of Pharmacologic Treatment for Compulsive Buying Disorder. Cns Drugs. 2016
- An Objective Structured Clinical Exam to Assess Semiology Skills of Medical Students. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2016
- Stress induced risk-aversion is reverted by D2/D3 agonist in the rat. Brain Structure and Function. 2015
- SCRATCH THAT! - Two case reports of scratch-card gambling disorder. Addictive Behaviors. 2015
- Cotard Syndrome without Depressive Symptoms in a Schizophrenic Patient. Case Reports in Psychiatry. 2015
- Depressão em pacientes HIV positivos: a realidade de um hospital português. Scientia Medica. 2015
- Differential impact of chronic stress along the hippocampal dorsal–ventral axis. Brain Structure and Function. 2015
- The impact of stress in decision making in the context of uncertainty. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2015
- A novel risk-based decision-making paradigm. Acta Cytologica. 2014
- Comorbilidade entre Esquizofrenia e Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva: uma revisão. Psilogos. 2014
- Preditores de abstinência alcoólica numa amostra de doentes portugueses: um estudo retrospectivo. Psilogos. 2014
- Perceived Stress in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder is Related with Obsessive but Not Compulsive Symptoms. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2013
- Mechanisms of initiation and reversal of drug-seeking behavior induced by prenatal exposure to glucocorticoids. Elife. 2012
- Stress Transiently Affects Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2012
- Chronic Stress Causes Frontostriatal Reorganization and Affects Decision-Making. Science. 2009
- Dissociation of the morphological correlates of stress-induced anxiety and fear. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2008
- Mismatch between anxiety status and morphometric parameters in the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Behavioural Brain Research. 2006
capítulo de livro
- BeingVersusAppearing: TwoSides of the Same Coin? 2023
- A Arte da Entrevista Clínica 2020
- Saúde mental em tempos de pandemia COVID-19: uma perspetiva da Medicina 2020
- Obsessão e Compulsão 2019
- The Role of Environmental Factors in the Pathogenesis of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2019
- A Ciência da Prática 2018
- Resposta Neuronal ao Stress 2017
- Impacto do trabalho na saúde mental: uma perspetiva do século XXI 2016
- Modelos Neuroanatómicos e Imagiologia 2016
- Há lugar para as benzodiazepinas no tratamento das perturbações de ansiedade? 2015
- Saúde e Jovialidade: cuidar da saúde na cidade mais jovem do país 2013
- Sobre a Revisão Curricular do Ensino Secundário 2001
- Health literacy of inland population in the mitigation phase 3.2. of COVID-19's pandemic in Portugal - a descriptive cohort study 2020
- Magnetic resonance imaging-based neurofeedback improves obsessive-compulsive symptomatology 2020
- Common structural grey matter and functional activation abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analytic investigation 2019
- Prefrontal cortical thickness is associated with response to cognitive-behavioural therapy in children and adolescents with OCD 2019
- Dissociation between striatal volume and risky decison-making in OCD 2019
- A feasibility study of fMRI neurofeedback for treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder 2019
- Decreased cognitive flexibility impairs decision-making in obsessive-compulsive disorder ¿ a functional magnetic resonance imaging study 2019
- Decreased cognitive flexibility impairs decision-making in obsessive-compulsive disorder – a functional magnetic resonance imaging study 2019
- Distinct contributions of obsessive and compulsive symptoms for whole-brain functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder 2017
- Symptomatic self-regulation with mobile devices in obsessive-compulsive disorder 2017
- The role of chronic stress on addictive vulnerability – focus on the nucleus accumbens 2017
- Rheological properties of mixtures involving ionic liquids and molecular solvents 2016
- Exemplo prático da aprendizagem da anatomia do ombro com recurso a ecografia na escola de ciências da saúde da universidade do minho (ECS-UM) 2016
- Koro syndrome in an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient 2016
- DSM-5: oportunidade perdida ou classificação possível?. Elife. 2015
- Chronic stress induces perseverative responding on a paradigm of impulsivity. 2015
- Violência contra as mulheres: tempo de actuar. Arquivos de Medicina. 2015
- Metformin-induced Psychosis: a Case Report. 2015
- Psychological Profile of Patients with Facial Focal Dystonias 2015
- Functional, social, and psychological characteristics of patients with facial dystonias treated with botulinum toxin 2015
- Variable delay-to-signal: A fast paradigm for assessment of decision and response impulsivity in rodents 2013
- Can we still talk about paraphrenia? A case report 2013
- Capgras syndrome in a three-decades non-treated schizophrenia: a case report 2013
- Impairment of place preference conditioning by chronic stress is associated with D2 receptors over-expression 2013
- Polydipsia as a first signal of psychosis - a case report 2013
- Psychogenic excoriations: a case report 2013
- Stigmatizing attitudes towards mental ILL patients among medical students and professionals 2013
- Postoperative psychosis - a case report 2012
- Predictors of continuous alcohol abstinence in a portuguese treatment sample 2012
- Stress-induced risk aversion is reverted by a D2-D3 agonist 2012
- Decision-making in a rat gambling task is modulated by D2D3 receptors 2011
- Attention deficits and action control are modulated by chronic stress 2010
- Factors Associated with Medical Student Distress 2010
- Medical Student Depression and Related Factors 2010
- How Is the Students’ Anatomy Performance in an Integrated Curriculum 2009
- Guia para as empresas promoverem o bem-estar e saúde mental dos seus colaboradores | P5-FJN
- Guia para desenvolvimento pessoal: Como investires no teu bem-estar? | P5-FJN