publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Guia da excursão geobotânica à serra da Gardunha 2023
- Acacia dealbata Link. Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk. Fire. 2022
- Quercus rotundifolia Lam. Woodlands of the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula 2022
- Caracterização química e potencial antioxidante de óleos essenciais de Lavandula viridis, Thymus mastichina e Thymus capitellatus – plantas autóctones do sul de Portugal 2020
- Originalities of willow of salix atrocinerea Brot. in mediterranean Europe 2020
- Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion Facilitators. Research in Ecology. 2020
- Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species. Forests. 2019
- Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- The Evolution of Climate Changes in Portugal: Determination of Trend Series and Its Impact on Forest Development. Climate. 2019
- Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource. Forests. 2019
- Caracterização química e potencial antioxidante de óleos essenciais de Lavandula viridis, Thymus mastichina e Thymus capitellatus – plantas autóctones do sul de Portugal 2019
- Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation: A Review on Carbon Cycle Flow Models for the Sustainability of Resources 2019
- Geobotanical study of the microforests of Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. badia in the Central and Southern Iberian Peninsula 2019
- Historical Development of the Portuguese Forest The Introduction of Invasive Species 2019
- Socioeconomic Aspects of the Forests in Portugal: Recent Evolution and Perspectives of Sustainability of the Resource 2019
- A phytosociological review of siliceous sedges in C-W Spain and their state of conservation based on diversity indices 2017
- Suitable methods for landscape evaluation and valorization: the third dimension in landscape metrics. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2012
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Externalizing forgetting: Delay testing in a long operant chamber.. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2023
- Searching for nothing: placing zero on the temporal continuum. Animal Cognition. 2023
- Number-of-responses matching in pigeons (Columba livia): Choice biases following delay and no-sample tests. Behavioural Processes. 2022
- Choice biases in no-sample and delay testing in pigeons (Columba livia). Animal Cognition. 2021
- 2´OMethylRNA EFG1 antisense oligomer to control Candida albicans filamentation. Antibiotics. 2020
- The paradoxical effect of low reward probabilities in suboptimal choice.. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2018
- Joint stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task. Animal Cognition. 2017
- The relative value of two options for pigeons depends on their context. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2016
- Unraveling sources of stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task. Learning & Behavior. 2016
- Coding in pigeons: Multiple-coding versus single-code/default strategies. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2015
- Short-term memory for temporal intervals: Contrasting explanations of the choose-short effect in pigeons. Learning and Motivation. 2011
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