publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- As Trials Go By: Effects of 2-AFC Item Repetition on Statistical Learning Performance. . Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2023
- Eliciting reconceptualization innovative moments to foster change in Career Construction Counseling. Career Development Quarterly. 2023
- Is the quality of therapeutic collaboration associated with the assimilation of problematic experiences progress? A comparison of two cases. Psychotherapy Research. 2023
- Innovative Moments and the Process of Change in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2023
- Ambivalence resolution in the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: An exploratory case study. Psychotherapy Research. 2022
- Cross-sectional study investigating the prevalence and causes of vision impairment in Northwest Portugal using capture-recapture 2022
- Innovative moments on online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for alcohol dependence: a case study. Análise Psicológica. 2021
- Does emotional processing predict change in depression? a longitudinal study.. Psychotherapy Research. 2020
- Lung Volume Reduction Surgery: Re- interpreted With Longitudinal Data Analyses Methodology.. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2019
- Innovative Moments and Session Impact in Brief Integrative Psychotherapy: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 2019
- Joint modelling of longitudinal and competing risks data in clinical research. Revstat Statistical Journal. 2019
- Modelling environmental monitoring data coming from different surveys. South African Statistical Journal. 2019
- The Therapeutic Collaboration in Dropout Cases of Narrative Therapy: An Exploratory Study. Revista de Psicoterapia. 2018
- Longitudin alanalysis of tumor marker CEA of breast cancer patients from Braga’s hospital. Revstat Statistical Journal. 2015
- METMAVI-VIth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Biometrical Journal. 2014
- Erratum to: Innovative moments in grief therapy: The meaning reconstruction approach and the processes of selfnarrative transformation (Psychotherapy Research, (2013), 10.1080/10503307.2013.814927). Psychotherapy Research. 2013
- A reviewon joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and time-to-event. Revstat Statistical Journal. 2011
- Monitoring NO3 contamination of aquifer system of Bacia do Cávado/Ribeiras Costeiras. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 2011
- The use of eGFR and ACR to predict decline in renal function in people with diabetes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2011
- Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: The fourth Armitage lecture. Statistics in Medicine. 2008
- Longitudinal Study of the Profile and Predictors of Left Ventricular Mass Regression After Stentless Aortic Valve Replacement. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2008
- Hyponatremia during the first 24 hours following minor ear, nose and throat surgery secondary to the use of Ringer Lactate solution | Hiponatrémia nas primeiras 24 horas pós-cirurgia otorrinolaringológica minor secundária ao uso de Lactato de Ringer. Arquivos de Medicina. 2007
- Effect and duration of lung volume reduction surgery: Mid-term results of the Brompton trial. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. 2006
- Exploratory analysis of longitudinal trials with staggered intervention times. Biostatistics. 2005
- Survival of hemodialysis patients: Modeling differences in risk of dialysis centers. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2003
artigo de conferência
- A joint model of time to breast cancer recurrence and CA15-3. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018
- Joint modelling of longitudinal CEA tumour marker progression and survival data on breast cancer. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Combined Tools for Surgical Case Packages Contents and Cost Optimization: A Preliminary Study. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Anti-saccades in early stages of multiple sclerosis 2015
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012
- Analysis of clinical outcome of patients with lung emphysema 2010
artigo de revista
- Innovative moments in recovered cases treated with the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders. Psychotherapy Research. 2022
- Premature termination of the unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: The role of ambivalence towards change. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2022
- Ambivalence Resolution in Meaning Reconstruction Grief Therapy: An Exploratory Study. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 2021
- Innovative moments on online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for alcohol dependence. Análise Psicológica. 2021
- What is the effect of emotional processing on depression? A longitudinal study. Psychotherapy Research. 2021
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. 2020
- A review of capture-recapture methods and its possibilities in ophthalmology and vision sciences. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2020
- Correlation structure in hierarchical linear modelling: An illustration with the therapeutic alliance. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2019
- Psycholinguistic variables in visual word recognition and pronunciation of European Portuguese words: a mega-study approach. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 2019
- Ambivalence Predicts Symptomatology in Cognitive-Behavioral and Narrative Therapies: An Exploratory Study.. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019
- Joint modelling of longitudinal and competing risks data in clinical research. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2019
- Relational schemas as mediators of innovative moments in symptom improvement in major depression. Psychotherapy Research. 2019
- Reconceptualization innovative moments as a predictor of symptomatology improvement in treatment for depression. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2018
- Relationships between neuropsychological and antisaccade measures in multiple sclerosis patients. Antibiotics. 2018
- The therapeutic collaboration in dropout cases of narrative therapy: an exploratory study. Revista de Psicoterapia. 2018
- Ambivalence resolution in brief psychotherapy for depression. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2018
- Psychological Change in Everyday Life: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2018
- Narrative Changes Predict a Decrease in Symptoms in CBT for Depression: An Exploratory Study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2017
- Using endogenous saccades to characterize fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2017
- Spatial–temporal modellization of the (Formula presented.) concentration data through geostatistical tools. Statistical Methods and Applications. 2016
- Ambivalence in Narrative Therapy: A Comparison Between Recovered and Unchanged Cases. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2016
- Ambivalence in grief therapy: The interplay between change and self-stability. Death Studies. 2016
- Narrative innovations predict symptom improvement: Studying innovative moments in narrative therapy of depression. Psychotherapy Research. 2016
- Longitudinal analysis of tumor marker CEA of breast cancer patients from Braga's hospital. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2015
- Time to improve and recover from depressive symptoms and interpersonal problems in a clinical trial. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2015
- Spatial modeling of factor analysis scores. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014
- Assessing interpolation error for space-time monitoring data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2014
- Ambivalence in emotion-focused therapy for depression: The maintenance of problematically dominant self-narratives. Psychotherapy Research. 2014
- Comparing two methods of identifying alliance rupture events. Psychotherapy. 2014
- Innovative moments in grief therapy: The meaning reconstruction approach and the processes of self-narrative transformation. Psychotherapy Research. 2014
- Long-term effects of psychotherapy on moderate depression: A comparative study of narrative therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014
- Real-time monitoring of progression towards renal failure in primary care patients. Biostatistics. 2014
- The Innovative Moments Coding System and the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale: A case study comparing two methods to track change in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research. 2014
- The development of the therapeutic alliance and the emergence of alliance ruptures. Anales de Psicología. 2014
- Therapeutic collaboration and resistance: Describing the nature and quality of the therapeutic relationship within ambivalence events using the Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System. Psychotherapy Research. 2014
- Higher temperature reduces the effects of litter quality on decomposition by aquatic fungi. Freshwater Biology. 2012
- Innovative moments and change in client-centered therapy. Psychotherapy Research. 2012
- Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-focused therapy for depression. Psychotherapy. 2012
- A review on joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and time-to-event. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2011
- Narrative change in emotion-focused psychotherapy: A study on the evolution of reflection and protest innovative moments. Psychotherapy Research. 2011
- The use of eGFR and ACR to predict decline in renal function in people with diabetes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2011
- Narrative change in emotion-focused therapy: How is change constructed through the lens of the innovative moments coding system?. Psychotherapy Research. 2010
- Longitudinal study of the profile and predictors of left ventricular mass regression after stentless aortic valve replacement. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2008
- Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes : the fourth Armitage lecture. Statistics in Medicine. 2007
- Effect and duration of lung volume reduction surgery : mid-term results of the brompton trial. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. 2006
- Exploratory analysis of longitudinal trials with staggered intervention times. Biostatistics. 2005
- Survival of hemodialysis patients : modeling differences in risk of dialysis centers. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2003
- Providing feedback to therapists on client¿s ambivalence in psychotherapy: A preliminary study 2019
- Providing feedback to therapists on client’s ambivalence in psychotherapy: A preliminary study 2019
- To change or not to change? The impact of ambivalence on therapeutic outcomes 2019
- Ambivalence in psychotherapy: The development of a new feedback tool 2018
- Therapeutic collaboration and the dyad's physiological syncrony in psychotherapy 2018
- Modelling environmental monitoring data coming from different surveys 2016
- Development of a language and communication screening test and identification of protective and risk factors associated with communication and language disorders 2012
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012