publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Indoor acoustic quality of educational buildings in South West Europe: Influence of current ventilation strategies. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Trends in Motion Sickness Countermeasures for Autonomous Driving: review and future research. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- Ergonomic assessment of study' places in an University dormitory - a pilot study. SHO2019: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2019
- Thermal environment in freight transport - the case of a vehicle without air conditioning. SHO2019: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2019
- Acidentes de trabalho que resultam em lesões musculoesqueléticas no setor do retalho alimentar. International Journal on Working Conditions. 2018
- Ergonomic Evaluation of Workstations for International Students at Universities: a Case Study. Sho2016: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2016
- Illuminance and whole body vibration evaluation in a company from footwear industry in Portugal. Sho2015: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2015
- Perceived Vibration Exposure Symptoms in Workers Performing Seasonal Olives Harvesting. Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Thermal environment in freight transport - the case of a vehicle without air conditioning 2019
- Dealing with Aging and Multigeneration Workforce Topics at Top Global Companies: Evidence from Public Disclosure Information. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- Characterization of school furniture in a basic education school 2018
- Comparison between methods of assessing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders on upper limb extremities: A study in manual assembly work 2018
- Cytostatic-drugs handling in hospitals: Impact of contamination at occupational environments 2018
- Labor claims and certification in occupational health and safety management 2018
- Wearable technology for occupational risk assessment: Potential avenues for applications 2018
- A Cooperative Human-Machine Interaction Warning Strategy for the Semi-Autonomous Driving Context 2017
- Improving Safety and Health in a Lean Logistic project: a case study in an automotive electronic components company 2016
- Assessing student individual performance within PBL teams: findings from the implementation of a new mechanism 2015
- Illuminance and whole body vibration evaluation in a company from footwear industry in Portugal 2015
- A case study: ergonomic analysis of a hospital call center 2014
- Alarm detection in noise work environments: the influence of hearing protection devices 2014
- Project of ergonomic shelves for supermarkets in a Lean work environment 2014
- Qualitative evaluation of occupational exposure to chemical agents in a workplace of a research laboratory 2014
- Challenges in attending to OHS regulations in rice mills in southern of Brazil 2013
- Perceived vibration exposure symptoms in workers performing seasonal olives harvesting 2013
- Vibration exposure in mechanical olive harvesting: workers’ perception 2013
- Estudo do ruído num hospital distrital 2010
artigo de revista
- Ergonomics Applied to the Development and Evaluation of Insoles for Protective Footwear. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Predictive Model of Clothing Insulation in Naturally Ventilated Educational Buildings. Bioengineering. 2023
- Bradykinesia Detection in Parkinson’s Disease Using Smartwatches’ Inertial Sensors and Deep Learning Methods. Electronics. 2022
- Improvement of Performance in Freezing of Gait detection in Parkinson's Disease using Transformer networks and a single waist-worn triaxial accelerometer. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2022
- Reopening higher education buildings in post-epidemic COVID-19 scenario: monitoring and assessment of indoor environmental quality after implementing ventilation protocols in Spain and Portugal. Indoor Air. 2022
- Assessment of ventilation rates inside educational buildings in Southwestern Europe: Analysis of implemented strategic measures. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Digitalization of Musculoskeletal Risk Assessment in a Robotic-Assisted Assembly Workstation. Safety. 2021
- Lean Manufacturing and Ergonomics Integration: Defining Productivity and Wellbeing Indicators in a Human–Robot Workstation. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Automatic Resting Tremor Assessment in Parkinson's Disease Using Smartwatches and Multitask Convolutional Neural Networks.. Bioengineering. 2021
- Ergonomic intervention on a packing workstation with robotic aid –case study at a furniture manufacturing industry. WORK. 2020
- Towards an Ergonomic Assessment Framework for Industrial Assembly Workstations—A Case Study. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Deep Learning Approaches for Detecting Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease Patients through On-Body Acceleration Sensors. Bioengineering. 2020
- Improving processes in a postgraduate office of a university through lean office tools. International Journal for Quality Research. 2019
- Occupational Risk Prevention through Smartwatches: Precision and Uncertainty Effects of the Built-In Accelerometer. Bioengineering. 2018
- Business sustainability through employees involvement: A case study. FME Transactions. 2015
- Effects of occupational vibration exposure on cognitive/motor performance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2014
- Effects of vibration exposure on professional drivers: A field test for quantifying visual and cognitive performance. WORK. 2012
- The influence of operator driving characteristics in whole-body vibration exposure from electrical fork-lift trucks. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Assessing Mental Workload in Industrial Environments: A Review of Applied Studies 2024
- Development of a Rapid Assessment Method of the Potentiality to Transform Manufacturing Workstations into an Assistive Collaborative System 2024
- Next Generation Automobile Haptic Seat: In Inclusive Way 2023
- Emotional responses to motion sickness in autonomous driving. AHFE International. 2022
- Industrial Occupational Safety 2021
- Human-Centered Approach for the Design of a Collaborative Robotics Workstation. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2020
- Industry 4.0 Upcoming Challenges 2020
- Characterization of the thermal environment of the metal industry workers (with foundry) 2016
- Foreword [Occupational Safety and Hygiene III] 2015
- Foreword 2016
- What Times Should Be Used for fNIRS and EEG Protocol? 2023
- Can the Use of Well-Adjusted School Furniture Improve Students’ Performance? 2020
- How Ergonomics Is Contributing to Overall Equipment Effectiveness: A Case Study 2020
- Safety Requirements for the Design of Collaborative Robotic Workstations in Europe – A Review 2020
- The impact of autonomous vehicles’ active feedback on trust 2020
- Capturing the Ups and Downs of Accidents’ Figures – The Portuguese Case Study 2019
- Capturing the Ups and Downs of Accidents’ Figures – The Portuguese Case Study 2019
- Ergonomic Assessment and Workstation Design in a Furniture Manufacturing Industry—A Case Study 2019
- Preface 2019
- Study of the School Furniture Adequacy to Students’ Anthropometric Dimensions 2019
- Sustainable Business Strategies: What You Think Is What You Do? 2019
- Tackling Autonomous Driving Challenges – How the Design of Autonomous Vehicles Is Mirroring Universal Design 2019
- Weighing the importance of drivers’ workload measurement standardization 2019
- Wellness in Cognitive Workload - A Conceptual Framework 2019
- Wellness in Cognitive Workload - A Conceptual Framework 2019
- Workload Measures—Recent Trends in the Driving Context 2019
- Workload Measures—Recent Trends in the Driving Context 2019
- Driving Workload Indicators: The Case of Senior Drivers 2018
- Global City: Index for Industry Sustainable Development. 2018
- Cytotoxic drug manipulation and its impact on occupational safety of hospital workers 2016
- A systematic approach for externalities in occupational safety through the use of the delphi methodology 2015
- A systematic approach for externalities in occupational safety through the use of the delphi methodology 2015
- A systematic approach for externalities in occupational safety through the use of the delphi methodology 2015
- Occupational Safety and Hygiene II 2014