publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Influence of Temperature in the Early-age Elastic Modulus Evolution of Cement Pastes and Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2023
- Framework for (semi) automatised construction specification and quantity takeoff in the context of small and medium architectural design offices. Architecture, Structures and Construction. 2022
- Towards efficient BIM use of geotechnical data from geotechnical investigations. Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction. 2022
- A new test setup for measuring early age coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Assessing Viscoelastic Properties of Concrete during its Early Ages through Forced Dynamic Excitation of Test Beams. Key Engineering Materials. 2016
- A Retrospective View of EMM-ARM: Application to Quality Control in Soil-improvement and Complementary Developments. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Comparison Between Different Experimental Techniques for Stiffness Monitoring of Cement Pastes. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
artigo de conferência
- RecycleBIM: a framework for the circularity of construction materials through digital modelling 2023
- Towards Standardization of Data for Structural Concrete: Product Data Templates 2023
- RecycleBIM Approach Towards Integrated Data Management for Circularity: Proof of Concept in a RC Building 2023
- Comparação de três equipamentos distintos baseados em lidar para levantamento de edifícios existentes 2022
- Desafios de interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- Desenvolvimento de Requisitos de Informação para o gerenciamento de instalações de uma cantina universitária 2022
- Projeto SECClasS - O desenvolvimento de um sistema de classificação da construção com componente de sustentabilidade adaptado ao BIM 2022
- Rumo à definição de "Product Data Templates" nacionais para aplicação generalizada em contexto BIM: esforços da CT197 2022
- Rumo à definição de Product Data Templates nacionais para aplicação generalizada em contexto BIM: esforços da CT197 2022
- Automatização parcial da verificação regulamentar de projetos de edificação para efeitos de licenciamento municipal urbanístico: proposta, implementação e aplicação piloto 2022
- Modelação da informação e ferramenta digital orientadas à produção automática do MTQ no contexto da disciplina de Arquitectura 2022
- Os desafios da interoperabilidade entre BIM e BEM 2022
- A low-cost maturity method implementation based on open-source developments 2022
- Automatização parcial da verificação regulamentar de projetos de edificação para efeitos de licenciamento urbanístico: proposta, implementação e aplicação piloto 2022
- Desenvolvimento de requisitos de informação para o facility management de uma cantina 2022
- Modelação da informação e ferramenta digital orientadas à produção automática do MQT no contexto da disciplina de arquitetura 2022
- Projeto SECCLASS – o desenvolvimento de um sistema de classificação da construção com componente de sustentabilidade adaptado ao BIM 2022
- Rumo à definição de ‘Product Data Templates’ nacionais para aplicação generalizada em contexto BIM: esforços da CT197 2022
- Effect of Expansive Additives on the Early Age Elastic Modulus Development of Cement Paste by Ambient Response Method (ARM) 2021
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures. 2021
- Concept for process towards automated building permits in Portugal 2021
- Communication tools used by distributed teams in a BIM learning project. 2020
- Communication tools used by distributed teams in a BIM learning project 2020
- O Mestrado Europeu BIM A+ 2020
- Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge 2020
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- Medição do coeficiente de dilatação térmica do betão nas primeiras idades: Um novo método experimental baseado no aquecimento/arrefecimento interno 2019
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão. 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- Performance of RC slabs under the combined effect of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2018
- Volume stability of cement-based materials: round robin testing within COST Action TU1404 2018
- BIM na pormenorização de estruturas de betão armado pre-esforçado 2018
- Método experimental para o estudo do efeito combinado de cargas aplicadas e retração impedida em lajes de betão 2018
- Assessing the mechanical behaviour of concrete before and during setting with a resonance based technique: preliminary prototypes and results 2017
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste 2017
- Microstructure-based modelling prediction of elasticity in hydrating cement paste. 2017
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
- Thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in service life: a multi-scale approach in the IntegraCrete project 2017
- Bond durability, quality control and design of NSM CFRP-Concrete Systems 2017
- Participação Portuguesa no programa inter-laboratorial Europeu RRT+ da ação COST TU1404: Fase de ensaios preliminares 2016
- Multiscale modeling of hydration, elasticity and creep of VeRCoRs concrete. Focus on creep characteristic times 2016
- Bender-extender elements for characterization of cement paste at early ages 2016
- Bender-extender elements for characterization of cement paste at early ages. 2016
- Monitoring and simulating humidity profiles in concrete elements during drying 2016
- Monitoring and simulating humidity profiles in concrete elements during drying. 2016
- Bond on NSM CFRP systems: Recent contributions of UMinho on durability, quality control and design 2016
- Combined bender elements and accelerometers system: Measurement and interpretation 2016
- New experimental insights for better parameter estimation and modelling of concrete at early ages 2015
- Effects of curing temperature on pull-out behavior and stiffness evolution of epoxy adhesives for NSM-FRP applications 2015
- EMM-ARM – Retrospective and current developments 2015
- Characterization of concrete properties at early ages: Case studies of the University of Minho 2015
- Continuous Monitoring of Concrete Mechanical Properties since an Early Age to Support Construction Phasing 2015
- EMM-ARM Retrospective and current developments 2015
- Innovative Method for the Continuous Monitoring of Concrete Viscoelastic Properties since Early Ages: Concept and Pilot Experiments 2015
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão: análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Estudo experimental da viabilidade de utilização de sub-produtos do biodiesel como aditivos para materiais cimentícios 2014
- Metodologia para medição contínua do coeficiente de dilatação térmica do betão desde as primeiras idades 2014
- Monitorização contínua das propriedades mecânicas do betão nas primeiras idades para apoio ao faseamento construtivo 2014
- Monitorização contínua das propriedades viscoelásticas do betão desde as primeiras idades: um novo método baseado em ações dinâmicas 2014
- Nova metodologia para o controlo de qualidade de sistemas NSM CFRP durante a cura do adesivo 2014
- Maturity testing through continuous measurement of E-Modulus: an inter-laboratory and inter-technique study 2014
- A new methodology for assisting quality control of NSM-CFRP systems since very early ages 2014
- Comportamento termo-higro-mecânico de elementos em betão : análise experimental e simulação numérica 2014
- Estudo experimental da viabilidade de utilização de sub-produtos do biodiesel como adjuvantes para materiais cimentícios 2014
- Mechanical properties of resins: tensile strength and E-modulus since early ages 2014
- Monitorização contínua da deformabilidade de solos estabilizados com cimento desde as primeiras idades em amostras recolhidas diretamente de uma camada piloto 2014
- Monitoring of elastic properties of concrete since very early age by means of cyclic loadings, ultrasonic measurements, natural resonant frequency of composite beam (EMM-ARM) and with smart aggregates 2013
- Monitoring elastic properties of concrete since very early age by means of cyclic loadings, ultrasonic measurements, natural resonant frequency of composite beam (EMM-ARM) and with smart aggregates 2013
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos internos de humidade 2012
- Avaliação experimental do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde as primeiras idades: aplicação laboratorial e in situ 2012
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos intermos de humidade 2012
- Metodologia EMM-ARM para caracterização do endurecimento do betão nas primeiras idades 2011
artigo de revista
- Continuous Monitoring of Elastic Modulus of Mortars Using a Single-Board Computer and Cost-Effective Components. Bioengineering. 2023
- Hardening characterisation of a non-proprietary and more eco-friendly UHPC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- A new test setup for simulation of the combined effect of bending and axial restraint in slab-like specimens. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Internal curing of alkali-activated slag-fly ash paste with superabsorbent polymers. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Internal curing by superabsorbent polymers in alkali-activated slag. Cement and Concrete Research. 2020
- 3D numerical simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC one-way slab under the combined effect of thermal, shrinkage and external loads. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Microstructural simulation and measurement of elastic modulus evolution of hydrating cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Research. 2020
- Concrete with fine and coarse recycled aggregates: E-modulus evolution, compressive strength and non-destructive testing at early ages. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- COST TU1404 benchmark on macroscopic modelling of concrete and concrete structures at early age: Proof-of-concept stage. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Microstructure-Based Prediction of the Elastic Behaviour of Hydrating Cement Pastes. Applied Sciences. 2018
- Experimental validation of a framework for hygro-mechanical simulation of self-induced stresses in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Towards a robust and versatile method for monitoring E-modulus of concrete since casting: Enhancements and extensions of EMM-ARM. Strain. 2017
- Glycerol resulting from biodiesel production as an admixture for cement-based materials: an experimental study. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2017
- Influence of temperature on the curing of an epoxy adhesive and its influence on bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP systems. Composite Structures. 2016
- Testing Concrete E-modulus at Very Early Ages Through Several Techniques: An Inter-laboratory Comparison. Strain. 2016
- Monitoring the early stiffness development in epoxy adhesives for structural strengthening. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2015
- Quality control and monitoring of NSM CFRP systems: E-modulus evolution of epoxy adhesive and its relation to the pull-out force. Composite Structures. 2015
- Comparison between different experimental techniques for stiffness monitoring of cement pastes. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Continuous monitoring of sand-cement stiffness starting from layer compaction with a resonant frequency-based method: Issues on mould geometry and sampling. Soils and Foundations. 2014
- Hygrometric assessment of internal relative humidity in concrete : practical application issues. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014
- Continuous monitoring of concrete E-modulus since casting based on modal identification: A case study for in situ application. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Improving Regulations for Automated Design Checking Through Decision Analysis Good Practices: A Conceptual Application to the Construction Sector 2024
- A Cost-Effective Micro-controller Based System for EMM-ARM Tests in Cement Paste 2023
- Development of a BIM Model for Facility Management with Virtual/Augmented Reality Interaction 2023
- Aprendizagem de máquinas aplicada a modelos de informação de construção: BIM2GNN 2022
- 3D Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Simulation of a RC Slab Under Restrained Shrinkage and Applied Loads: Influence of the Reinforcement Ratio on Service Life Behaviour 2022
- Effect of Expansive Additives on the Early Age Elastic Modulus Development of Cement Paste by Ambient Response Method (ARM) 2021
- Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures 2021
- Elastic Modulus Measurement Through Ambient Response Method 2020
- Design challenge for reinforcement in a highly restrained slab 2017
- Overview of difficulties in design associated to concrete shrinkage 2017
- Regulatory framework and recommendations for RC design considering the effects of shrinkage 2017
- EMM-ARM technique for continuous monitoring of E-modulus of cement based materials: recent developments. 2013
- Experiments for support of thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete shrinkage. 2013
- O impacto do BIM na agilização do licenciamento urbano 2021
- 3D Thermo-hygro-mechanical approach for simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC slab under the combined effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2019
- BIM as a tool for setting and infrastructure management 2019
- NDT testing of stiffness evolution of UHPFRC since casting 2017
- Abordagem multi-física ao comportamento em serviço das estruturas de betão: monitorização dos campos internos de humidade 2012
- Avaliação experimental do módulo de elasticidade de materiais cimentícios desde as primeiras idades: aplicação laboratorial e in situ 2012
- EMM-ARM methodology for characterization of concrete hardening since early ages 2011
- European Network for Digital Building Permits
- BIM A+ Applications portal
- DiCE - Cluster Digitalization for the Construction Industry - Part of ISISE research group
- LiMA - Licenciamento Municipal Automático (Digital Building Permitting in Portugal)
- PDTs - Product Data Templates for Portugal
- buildingSMART Portugal
- Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge 2019
- Design of reinforcement for RC elements under the combined effect of applied loads and restrained shrinkage 2017
- Livro de atas do PTBIM - 1º Congresso português de Building Information Modelling 2016
- fib Commission 5: Seminar on Durability of Concrete Structures 2014
- Concrete properties and structural behaviour since its early ages 2013