publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Protótipo de Edifício de Habitação e Comércio em Betão Auto-compactável Reforçado com Fibra de Aço. Revista Concreto e Construções. 2015
artigo de conferência
- Structural response of the E-SFRSCC slabs 2016
- Ensaio à rotura de protótipo de edifício em lajes de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras 2015
- Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no desenvolvimento de novos sistemas estruturais 2013
- A design model for fibre reinforced concrete bending elements with longitudinal pre-stressed steel and FRP bars 2012
- Design and testing elevated steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete slabs 2012
- Edifícios de habitação e comércio em lajes fungiformes de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2012
- Design-oriented approach for strain-softening and strain-hardening fibre hybrid reinforced concrete elements failing in bending 2011
artigo de revista
- Numerical assessment of the potential of fibre reinforced shotcrete for structural strengthening of underground masonry tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022
- Integrated approach for the prediction of crack width and spacing in flexural FRC members with hybrid reinforcement. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Mechanical behavior of concrete prisms reinforced with steel and GFRP bar systems. Composite Structures. 2019
- Prediction of the load carrying capacity of elevated steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs. Composite Structures. 2017
- A two-phase material approach to model steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete in panels. Composite Structures. 2016
- Protótipo de edifício de habitação e comércio em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibra de aço. Revista Concreto e Construções. 2015
- A model to simulate the moment-rotation and crack width of FRC members reinforced with longitudinal bars. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Assessment of the performance of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete in elevated slabs. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- A design model for strain-softening and strain-hardening fiber reinforced elements reinforced longitudinally with steel and FRP bars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no desenvolvimento de novos sistemas estruturais 2013
- A parametric study on the use of strain softening/hardening FRC for RC elements failing in bending. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2012
- Design-oriented approach for strain-softening and strain-hardening fibre hybrid reinforced concrete elements failing in bending 2011