publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Seed germination and seedling development assisted by ultrasound: gaps and future research directions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2024
- Unveiling Acoustic Cavitation Characterization in Opaque Chambers through a Low-Cost Piezoelectric Sensor Approach. Electronics. 2024
- Ultrasound Prototype for Improving Germination and Seedling Growth in Tomato and Maize Seeds. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2023
- Experimental validation and numerical assessment of a temperature-controlled thermoelectric generator concept aimed at maximizing performance under highly variable thermal load driving cycles. Energy. 2023
- 3D Printing of Flexible Conductive Polymers on Textiles for Sensing and Electrical Connection - ALGILAMA VE ELEKTRIK BAGLANTISI IÇIN TEKSTIL ÜZERINE ESNEK ILETKEN POLIMERLERIN 3D BASKISI. Tekstil ve Mühendis. 2022
- Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on Solidification Behavior of Al7SiMg Alloy. International Journal of Metalcasting. 2022
- Comparison of CFD and FSI Simulations of Blood Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries. Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation and Modeling. 2022
- Prediction of Solder Joint Reliability with Applied Acrylic Conformal Coating. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2022
- Effect of Mg17Al12 phase morphology on the corrosion behaviour of AZ91D in Hank’s solution 2019
artigo de conferência
- Influence of Geometry and Mass on the Heat Transfer Properties of a Casted Heat Sink 2023
- Effect of the ultrasonic melt treatment on the deployment outcomes of a magnesium stent manufactured by microcasting: a finite element analysis 2019
- Literature review and analysis of wrist rehabilitation devices. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2018
- Finite Element Analysis of Stent expansion: Influence of Stent Geometry on Performance Parameters 2017
- Matlab simulation of autonomous servo driven oil-hydraulic power unit 2017
- Oil-hydraulic power units - state of the art 2017
- Implementation of a multivibrational medical device to assist the removal of teeth and roots 2015
- Implementação de um dispositivo multivibracional para auxiliar à remoção de dentes e raízes 2015
- The influence of melt treatment process on the quality and permormance [i. é performance] of Al based components 2013
- Miniaturised cylinder head production by rapid prototyping 2009
artigo de revista
- On the Aging Kinetics of a Flame-Resistant AZ91D-1.5%Ca Magnesium Alloy Processed with Ultrasonic Vibration. Materials. 2023
- Impact of the Ultrasonic-Assisted Casting of an AlSi7Mg Alloy on T6 Heat Treatment. Metals. 2023
- Thermal Contact Resistance between Mold Steel and Additively Manufactured Insert for Designing Conformal Channels: An Experimental Study. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2022
- Valorizing coffee silverskin based on its phytochemicals and antidiabetic potential: from lab to a pilot scale 2022
- The Influence of Precipitation Hardening on the Damping Capacity in Al–Si–Mg Cast Components at Different Strain Amplitudes. Metals. 2022
- Analysis of finite element and finite volume methods for fluid-structure interaction simulation of blood flow in a real stenosed artery. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021
- Ultrasonic Treatment as the Route for Grain Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys: A Systematic Review. Metals. 2021
- Vibration damping and acoustic behavior of PU-filled non-stochastic aluminum cellular solids 2021
- Manufacturing Methodology on Casting-Based Aluminium Matrix Composites: Systematic Review. Metals. 2021
- Macro-, meso- and microstructural characterization of metallic lattice structures manufactured by additive manufacturing assisted investment casting. Acta Cytologica. 2021
- Ceramic sonotrodes for light alloy melt treatment. International Journal of Metalcasting. 2021
- Blood flow simulations in patient-specific geometries of the carotid artery: A systematic review. Journal of Biomechanics. 2020
- 3D manufacturing of intracranial aneurysm biomodels for flow visualizations: Low cost fabrication processes. Mechanics Research Communications. 2020
- Effect of Hybrid Ultrasonic and Mechanical Stirring on the Distribution of m-SiCp in A356 Alloy. Metals. 2020
- Additive manufacturing assisted investment casting: a low-cost method to fabricate periodic metallic cellular lattices. Additive Manufacturing. 2020
- Effect of Yttria Mould Coating on the Investment Casting of AZ91D-1 wt% CaO Magnesium Alloy. International Journal of Metalcasting. 2020
- Influence of arterial mechanical properties on carotid blood flow: Comparison of CFD and FSI studies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019
- Ultrasonic Vibration as a Primary Mixing Tool in Accelerating Aluminum–Copper Alloys Preparation from Their Pure Elements. Metals. 2019
- The Role of Acoustic Pressure during Solidification of AlSi7Mg Alloy in Sand Mold Casting. Metals. 2019
- Ultrasonic Assisted Turning of Al alloys: Influence of Material Processing to Improve Surface Roughness. Surfaces. 2019
- Ultrasonic Melt Treatment of Light Alloys. International Journal of Metal Casting. 2019
- Design and development of a new approach to wrist rehabilitation. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2019
- Positive, zero and negative Poisson’s ratio non-stochastic metallic cellular solids: dependence between static and dynamic mechanical properties. Composite Structures. 2019
- Thin-rib and high aspect ratio non-stochastic scaffolds by vacuum assisted investment casting. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2019
- Ultrasonic grain refinement of die cast copper alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019
- Effect of Internal Structure in the Compression Behavior of Casted Al/LECA Composite Foams. Journal of Composites Science. 2018
- Temperature variability of Poisson’s ratio and its Influence on the complex modulus determined by dynamic mechanical analysis. Technologies. 2018
- Design and fabrication of thin-walled reservoir based on microcasting assisted by vacuum for neutral argon plasma system in minimally invasive medical devices. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2018
- Heat treatment as a route to tailor the yield-damping properties in A356 alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2018
- Low-Temperature Brazing of Titanium Using Al-Based Filler Alloys. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2018
- Ultrasonic melt processing in the low pressure investment casting of Al alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017
- Mechanical behavior of honeycomb lattices manufactured by investment casting for scaffolding applications. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications. 2016
- Effect of grain and secondary phase morphologies in the mechanical and damping behavior of Al7075 alloys. Metals and Materials International. 2016
- Low pressure sand casting of ultrasonically degassed Al7SiMg alloy: Modelling and experimental validation of mould filling. Materials & Design. 2016
- Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment in the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of AZ91D Mg Alloy. Metals. 2015
- Grain refinement of Al-Mg-Sc alloy by ultrasonic treatment. Metals and Materials International. 2015
- Effect of ultrasonic degassing on performance of Al-based components. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals SocIETy of China. 2014
- A new approach to ultrasonic degassing to improve the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2014
- Effects of substituting ytterbium for scandium on corrosion behaviour of Al-Sc alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2014
- Physical modification of intermetallic phases in AleSieCu alloys. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2014
- Influence of indirect ultrasonic vibration on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of Al-Si-Cu alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2013
- The effect of Sc additions on the microstructure and age hardening behaviour of as cast Al-Sc alloys. Materials & Design. 2012
- Effect of melting pressure and superheating on chemical composition and contamination of yttria-coated ceramic crucible induction melted titanium alloys. Journal of Materials Science. 2011
- Evaluation of ultrasonic aluminium degassing by piezoelectric sensor. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2011
- Influence of ultrasonic melt treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi9Cu3 alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2011
- On assessment of processing variables in vertical centrifugal casting technique. International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 2009
- Recycling of aluminium swarf by direct incorporation in aluminium melts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2009
The combined effect of melt stirring and ultrasonic agitation on the degassing efficiency of AlSi
9 Cu3 alloy. Materials Letters. 2009 - The influence of processing parameters on the ultrasonic degassing of molten AlSi9Cu3 aluminium alloy. Materials Letters. 2009
- Characterisation of metal/mould interface on investment casting of gamma-TiAl. International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Flow Visualizations in a PDMS Cerebral Aneurysm Biomodel 2023
- Comparison of CFD and FSI Simulations of Blood Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries 2022
- New Vibratory Device for Wrist Rehabilitation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Low-cost Acoustic Cavitation Characterization Inside Of Opaque Chamber Through Piezoelectric Sensor For Optimizing Sonolysis 2024
- Ultrasonic assisted machining overview: accessing feasibility and overcoming challenges for milling applications 2023
- A new methodology to manufacture biodegradable magnesium stents 2022
- Casting and forming of advanced aluminum alloys 2020
- Implementation of a multivibrational medical device to assist the removal of teeth and roots 2015