publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Estudar o desconhecido, publicar o possível? A resposta à pandemia da covid-19 nas principais revistas Scopus em Ciências da Comunicação. Palabra Clave. 2024
- Vacinar ou arriscar? A mensagem da Organização Mundial de Saúde para promover a vacinação contra a covid-19. Revista de Saúde Pública. 2024
- The investors' prospects on mandatory auditor rotation: evidence from Euronext Lisbon. Quantitative Finance and Economics. 2023
- The wealth effects of takeover bids regulation in the European Union. European Financial Management. 2022
- Earnings management and stock price crashes post U.S. cross-delistings. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2022
- Exploration of anti EFG1 locked nucleic acid gapmers to control Candida albicans filamentation. Access Microbiology. 2021
- A construção da Identidade Organizacional nas universidades públicas portuguesas: à procura de uma definição. Revista de Letras. 2021
- The impact of securities regulation on the information environment around stock-financed acquisitions. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money. 2021
- Candida Albicans Virulence Factors and Its Pathogenicity. Antibiotics. 2021
- Comunicar a responsabilidade social: um modelo de comunicação para as universidades públicas portuguesas. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2021
- A Responsabilidade Social nas Universidades: Ensino, Investigação e Extensão. Cadernos de Comunicação. 2019
- Application of 2'OMethylRNA antisense oligomer to control Candida albicans EFG1 virulence determinant. Antibiotics. 2019
- Portrait of Candida Species Biofilm Regulatory Network Genes. Trends in Microbiology. 2017
- A relevância das novas tecnologias na comunicação organizacional: o caso dos websites nas universidades portuguesas 2016
- Antifungal activity against Candida species and phenolic characterization of decoction, infusion and hydroalcoholic extract of cultivated Salvia officinalis L.. Planta Medica. 2014
- In vitro study of the antifungal potential of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. against Candida species. Planta Medica. 2014
- Candida biofilms and oral candidosis: Treatment and prevention. Periodontology 2000. 2011
artigo de conferência
- O impacto das tecnologias na comunicação interna das equipas de inovação: um trabalho de investigação-ação 2020
- As universidades portuguesas na sociedade moderna: a história de evolução de uma missão social 2019
- Candidacidal potential of licorice phenolic extract: emphasis on its mode of action 2016
- Contribution of plant phytochemicals to organic homeostasis: focus on the aging process and opportunistic infections 2016
- Contribution of plant-derived phenolic compounds to combat Candida species biofilms 2016
- Folk medicinal plant extracts as a source of biomolecules with antifungal properties against Candida species 2015
- Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as a promisor candidacidal in biofilms and planktonic cells: comparison between phenolic extract and isolated compounds 2015
- New approaches to the treatment of candidiasis regarding alternative and complementary medicine 2015
- Phenolic extracts of Fragaria vesca L. roots with anti-Candida potential: chemical characterization and in vitro antifungal capacity 2015
- The use of different phenolic compounds rich extracts obtained from cultivated thyme for antioxidant and antibacterial purposes 2015
- Eucalyptus globulus L. extract as an antifungal agent against Candida species 2014
- In vitro study of the antifungal potential of Lamiaceae hydroalcoholic extracts against Candida species 2014
- Phenolic compounds in decoction, infusion and hydroalcoholic extract of cultivated thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) with bioactive properties 2014
- Alunos com NEE na disciplina de Educação Física: identificação e modelos de atuação 2013
- Alunos com NEE na disciplina de Educação Física : identificação e modelos de atuação 2013
artigo de revista
- Combined Application of Antisense Oligomers to Control Transcription Factors of Candida albicans Biofilm Formation. Mycopathologia. 2023
- Sfl1 is required for Candida albicans biofilm formation under acidic conditions. Biochimie. 2023
- Swine Colibacillosis: Global Epidemiologic and Antimicrobial Scenario. Antibiotics. 2023
- Effect of Vapor-Phase Oregano Essential Oil on Resistant Candida Species Biofilms: Mechanisms of Action. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023
- Effect of phage vB_EcoM_FJ1 on the reduction of ETEC O9:H9 infection in a neonatal pig cell line. Veterinary Research. 2023
- NADES-Based Cork Extractives as Green Ingredients for Cosmetics and Textiles. Processes. 2023
- Overview of phlorotannins’ constituents in Fucales 2022
- Exploring the Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in Portugal. Antibiotics. 2022
- Therapeutic Textiles Functionalized with Keratin-Based Particles Encapsulating Terbinafine for the Treatment of Onychomycosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Swine enteric colibacillosis: Current treatment avenues and future directions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2022
- Vapor-Phase of Essential Oils as a Promising Solution to Prevent Candida Vaginal Biofilms Caused by Antifungal Resistant Strains. Healthcare. 2022
- Cationic lipid-based formulations for encapsulation and delivery of anti-EFG1 2' OMethylRNA oligomer. Blood. 2022
- Vulvovaginal candidiasis and asymptomatic vaginal colonization in Portugal: Epidemiology, risk factors and antifungal pattern. Blood. 2022
- Evaluation of biofilm formation on acrylic resin surfaces coated with silicon dioxide: an in situ study. Brazilian Oral Research. 2022
- Orchestrating entrepreneurial ecosystems in circular economy: the new paradigm of sustainable competitiveness. Management of Environmental Quality. 2022
- The impact of securities regulation in the European Union on M&A: Does it compensate to go beyond borders?. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. 2022
- O estado de arte da Comunicação Organizacional: as tendências do século XXI. Observatorio. 2020
- Zein impart hydrophobic and antimicrobial properties to cotton textiles. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2020
- Environmental pH modulates biofilm formation and matrix composition in Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Antibiotics. 2020
- Candida albicans Adaptation on Simulated Human Body Fluids under Different pH. Antibiotics. 2020
- The impact of cross-delisting from the U.S. On firms’ financial constraints. Journal of Business Research. 2020
- Antimicrobial coating of textiles by laccase in situ polymerization of catechol and p-phenylenediamine. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2019
- The Role of Candida albicans Transcription Factor RLM1 in Response to Carbon Adaptation. Antibiotics. 2018
- Financial constraints and financial crises: the case of Portuguese listed companies. International Journal of Financial Research. 2018
- The Effectiveness of Voriconazole in Therapy of Candida glabrata’s Biofilms Oral Infections and Its Influence on the Matrix Composition and Gene Expression. Mycopathologia. 2017
- Candida glabrata Biofilms: How Far Have We Come?. Journal of Fungi. 2017
- Candida Species Biofilms' Antifungal Resistance. Journal of Fungi. 2017
- A relevância das novas tecnologias na comunicação organizacional: o caso dos websites nas universidades portuguesas. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2016
- Candida tropicalis biofilm and human epithelium invasion is highly influenced by environmental pH. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 2016
- Novel strategies to fight Candida species infection. Antibiotics. 2016
- Candida glabrata susceptibility to antifungals and phagocytosis is modulated by acetate. Antibiotics. 2015
- Candida bracarensis: Evaluation of Virulence Factors and its Tolerance to Amphotericin B and Fluconazole. Mycopathologia. 2015
- Evaluation of bioactive properties and phenolic compounds in different extracts prepared from Salvia officinalis L.. Food Chemistry. 2015
- Detection and Quantification of Fluconazole Within Candida glabrata Biofilms. Mycopathologia. 2015
- Activity of phenolic compounds from plant origin against Candida species. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Candida tropicalis biofilm's matrix-involvement on its resistance to amphotericin B. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2015
- Decoction, infusion and hydroalcoholic extract of cultivated thyme: Antioxidant and antibacterial activities, and phenolic characterisation. Food Chemistry. 2015
- In Vivo Anti-Candida Activity of Phenolic Extracts and Compounds: Future Perspectives Focusing on Effective Clinical Interventions.. Biomed Research International. 2015
- Influence of glucose concentration on the structure and quantity of biofilms formed by Candida parapsilosis. FEMS Yeast Research. 2015
- Plants used in folk medicine: The potential of their hydromethanolic extracts against Candida species. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Effect of progesterone on Candida albicans vaginal pathogenicity. International Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014
- An in vitro evaluation of Candida tropicalis infectivity using human cell monolayers. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Internal Communication in Contemporary Organizations 2022
- The Relevance of Internal Communication in Innovation Processes: The Bosch Case Study. Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies. 2022
- Science Communication: the origins of the flatten the curve metaphor in COVID-19 media messages 2021
- Candida as Foodborne Pathogens 2015
- Candida biofilms gene determinants 2015
- Silver Nanoparticles to Fight Candida Coinfection in the Oral Cavity 2015
- Targeting candidiasis with protein-based therapeutic systems 2023
- Aptamers for blocking enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli 2023
- Detecting Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in animal production: method development and validation 2023
- Oregano Essential Oil: An Effective and Non-Toxic Approach for prevent or treat Resistant Candida Species 2023
- Epidemiology, risk factors and antifungal pattern 2022
- Controlling ETEC colonization on cultures of an intestinal pig cell line with a T4-like phage 2022
- Efeito da fase de vapor de óleos essenciais em Candida albicans e Lactobacillus gasseri aderidos a epitélio vaginal humano reconstituído 2022
- Virtual meetings manual 2022
- The impact of securities regulation on the information environment around stock-financed acquisitions 2021
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction 2017
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction. 2017
- Impact of alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment on Candida glabrata biofilms’ transcription profile 2016
- The chemical structure of the biofilm matrices of Candida glabrata induces resistance to antifungal drugs 2016
- Carboxylic acid transportes Jen1 and Jen2 affect Candida albicans biofilms’ formation and susceptibility to fluconazole 2016
- Fluconazole vs Voriconazole: Candida glabrata's biofilms response to different azoles 2015
- Fluconazole vs Voriconazole: Candida glabrata’s biofilms response to different azoles 2015
- How do Candida glabrata’s biofilms respond to antifungal drugs? 2015
- Cross-delisting, financial constraints and investment sensitivities 2015
- Earnings management and stock price crashes post-crossdelisting 2015
- Post-operating performance of cross-delisted firms from U.S. stock exchanges 2015
- Pseudomonas-Candida interaction in dual-species biofilms 2011
- Adhesion to and viability of Salmonella Enteritidis on food contact surfaces 2008
- Adhesion and viability of Listeria monocytogenes to food contact surfaces 2007
- The killer toxin of the halotolerant yeast Candida nodaensis 2003
- The real economic effects of cross-delistingfrom the united states: evidence on post-operating performance, financial constraints and stock crash risk 2016
- Impacto do modelo de educação desportiva segundo o género: estudo de caso 2014
- Effects of working capital management on the profitability of portuguese manufacturing firms 2011