publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Embodiment in Virtual Reality. The Body, thought, present and felt in the space of virtuality. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics. 2021
- Helping to detect legal swimming pools with Deep Learning and Data Visualization. Procedia Computer Science. 2021
- Disruptive data visualization towards zero-defects diagnostics. Procedia CIRP. 2018
- NUVE: Resizing the Digital Gesture. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics. 2014
- High dynamic range - A gateway for predictive ancient lighting. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Cosmic Dance: A Technoshamanic Journey through Consciousness 2023
- Sea of Cells: Learn Biology through Virtual Reality 2021
- The Benefits of Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Children with Autism: A Systematic Review 2021
- Aplicações móveis para o ensino da Matemática com realidade aumentada 2020
- An Augmented Reality Mathematics Serious Game 2020
- CodeCubes: Coding with Augmented Reality 2020
- Preface 2019
- Sci-fi Miners: a virtual reality journey to the nanocluster scale 2019
- From real to virtual embodied performance – a case study between dance and technology 2019
- Visualizing platonic solids with augmented reality 2018
- Generative face from random data, on 'how computers imagine humans' 2017
- Câmara Neuronal, a Neuro / Visual / Audio Performance 2013
- ERAS - An Ontology-Based Tool for Expeditious Reconstruction of Virtual Cultural Heritage Sites 2012
- NUVE : na senda da performance digital 2012
- Determination of Vine Vigour and Vegetative Expression based on a Digital Photography 2011
- NUVE: In between the analog and virtual body 2011
- Wine Tasting Sessions Management Solution 2011
- Global terrorism database visualization: um projecto de arte digital suportado por visualização de informação 2009
- Global terrorism database visualization : um projecto de arte digital suportado por visualização de informação 2009
- You Move You Interact: a full-body dance in-between reality and virtuality 2008
- You move you interact - developing a dancing performance system for full body interaction 2008
- You move you interact : a full-body dance in-between reality and virtuality 2008
- You move you interact : compreender os novos paradigmas de apreensão estética através de jogos digitais interactivos incorporando estádios cognitivos de aprendizagem 2008
capítulo de livro
- Potentiating Learning Through Augmented Reality and Serious Games 2023
- Arte pública digital e publicidade: um novo espaço relacional? 2021
- Braga, snapshots in virtual reality: do sentir ao pensar, [Braga, snapshots in virtual reality: from feeling to thinking] 2021
- Embodiment in Virtual Reality Performance 2021
- Virtual Reality in Industry 4.0 - A shop floor real time monitoring case study 2021
- “Play and Learn”: Exploring CodeCubes 2020
- A Brief Overview on the Evolution of Drawing Machines. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- Co:Lateral – realidades e virtualidades incorporadas 2019
- CodeCubes - Playing with Cubes and Learning to Code 2019
- Creative Approaches on Interactive Visualization and Characterization at the Nanoscale 2019
- Learning Basic Mathematical Functions with Augmented Reality 2019
- ‘Portugal Without Fires’, A Data Visualization System to Help Analyze Forest Fire Data in Portugal 2019
- Disruptive Data Visualization towards Zero-Defects Diagnostics 2017
- Expressão Digital do Movimento 2009
- Effect of distress on circulating microRNA levels and immune cell subpopulation distribution in diabetic foot ulcers 2022
- O impacto do distress na expressão de microRNAs circulantes e nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada na úlcera do pé diabético 2022
- Espaço/Programa 2022
- Preface 2019
- Sinais Discretos: Conceitos de modulação e codificação 2011
- Fundamentos de estruturas de dados – Listas e Árvores 2010
- Multiple Wireless Technologies Fusion for Indoor Location Estimation 2010