publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Remote activation of activin a type ii receptor via magnetic nanoparticles for tendon regeneration strategies. Orthopaedic Proceedings. 2018
artigo de revista
- Outlook in tissue-engineered magnetic systems and biomagnetic control. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering. 2023
- Controlling Macrophage Polarization to Modulate Inflammatory Cues Using Immune-Switch Nanoparticles. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Human tendon-derived cell sheets created by magnetic force-based tissue engineering hold tenogenic and immunomodulatory potential. Acta Biomaterialia. 2021
- Hyaluronic Acid Oligomer Immobilization as an Angiogenic Trigger for the Neovascularization of TE Constructs. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2021
- The impact of cryopreservation in signature markers and immunomodulatory profile of tendon and ligament derived cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2021
- Magnetic triggers in biomedical applications: prospects for contact free cell sensing and guidance. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2021
- Magnetic responsive materials modulate the inflammatory profile of IL-1ß conditioned tendon cells. Acta Biomaterialia. 2020
- Remote triggering of TGF-ß/Smad2/3 signaling in human adipose stem cells laden on magnetic scaffolds synergistically promotes tenogenic commitment. Acta Biomaterialia. 2020
- Magnetic Stimulation Drives Macrophage Polarization in Cell to–Cell Communication with IL-1ß Primed Tendon Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Modulates Tendon Cells Response in IL-1ß-Conditioned Environment. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2020
- Magnetic biomaterials and nano-instructive tools as mediators of tendon mechanotransduction. Nanoscale Advances. 2020
- Evaluation of tenogenic differentiation potential of selected subpopulations of human adipose-derived stem cells. International Review of Neurobiology. 2019
- Magneto-mechanical actuation of magnetic responsive fibrous scaffolds boosts tenogenesis of human adipose stem cells. Nanoscale. 2019
- Tropoelastin-Coated Tendon Biomimetic Scaffolds Promote Stem Cell Tenogenic Commitment and Deposition of Elastin-Rich Matrix. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2019
- Bi-directional modulation of cellular interactions in an in vitro co-culture model of tendon-to-bone interface. Cell Proliferation. 2018
- Human adipose tissue-derived tenomodulin positive subpopulation of stem cells: A promising source of tendon progenitor cells. International Review of Neurobiology. 2018
- Magnetic responsive cell-based strategies for diagnostics and therapeutics. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Strontium-Doped Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles in Osteogenic Commitment. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2018
- Triggering the activation of Activin A type II receptor in human adipose stem cells towards tenogenic commitment using mechanomagnetic stimulation. Analytical Chemistry. 2018
- Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels Enriched with Platelet Lysate as a Cryostable Off-the-Shelf System for Cell-Based Therapies. Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine. 2017
- Tissue-engineered magnetic cell sheet patches for advanced strategies in tendon regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia. 2017
- Exploring the Potential of Starch/Polycaprolactone Aligned Magnetic Responsive Scaffolds for Tendon Regeneration. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2016
- In vitro and in vivo assessment of magnetically actuated biomaterials and prospects in tendon healing. Analytical Chemistry. 2016
- The effect of magnetic stimulation on the osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human stem cells derived from the adipose tissue (hASCs). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015
- Understanding the role of growth factors in modulating stem cell tenogenesis. Antibiotics. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Pulsed electromagnetic field modulates the inflammatory environment induced by interleukin-1β on human tendon-derived cells. Orthopaedic Proceedings. 2018
- Pulsed electromagnetic field actuated biomaterials for inflammation regulation in tendons 2018
- Tenomodulin subpopulation of human adipose stem cells as a promising source of tendon progenitor cells. European Cells & Materials. 2016