publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Plant SWEET transporters: from sugar transport to plant-pathogen interaction and more atypical physiological roles. New Phytologist. 2021
- Microsatellite High-Resolution Melting (SSR-HRM) to Track Olive Genotypes: From Field to Olive Oil. Journal of Food Science. 2018
- Mapping Grape Berry Photosynthesis by Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging: The Effect of Saturating Pulse Intensity in Different Tissues. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2013
artigo de revista
- Plant SWEETs: from sugar transport to plant-pathogen interaction and more unexpected physiological roles. New Phytologist. 2021
- Breia, R. Conde, A. Conde, C Fortes, AM. Granell, A. Gerós, H. (2020) VvERD6l13 is a grapevine sucrose transporter highly up-regulated in response to infection by Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe necator. 154, 508-516. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.06.007 - Top 10% Journal in Plant Science category in Scopus rank - CiteScore 2021 = 7.1 - CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020
- Breia, R.; Mósca, A.F.; Conde, A.; Correia, S.; Conde, C.; Noronha, H.; Soveral, G.; Gonçalves, B.; Gerós, H. Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) PaPIP1;4 Is a Functional Aquaporin Upregulated by Pre-Harvest Calcium Treatments that Prevent Cracking. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3017. (CiteScore 2021 = 6.8). Int. J. Mol. Sci.. 2020
- VvSWEET7 Is a Mono- and Disaccharide Transporter Up-Regulated in Response to Botrytis cinerea Infection in Grape Berries. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020
- Kaolin particle film application stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2018
- Postharvest dehydration induces variable changes in the primary metabolism of grape berries. Food Research International. 2018
capítulo de livro
- Impact of the Light Microclimate on Photosynthetic Activity of Grape Berry (Vitis vinifera): Insights for Radiation Absorption Mitigations’ Measures. Climate Change Management. 2018
- Conde C. Breia R, Moutinho-Pereira J, Grimplet J, Gerós H (2016) Metabolic rearrangements in grapevine response to salt stress. in Grapevine in a Changing Environment: a molecular and ecophysiological perspective. Geros H, Chaves MM, Medrano H and Delrot S eds. Wiley-Blackwell. 2016
- Grapevine interaction with environment & sustainability 2024
- Membrane solute transport in plant-environment interaction 2022
- Keep it simple ¿ Circadian cycles of stomata opening 2021
- Plant-environment interactions: from intracellular processes through to climate change. 2021
- Membrane solute transport in grapevine and plant environment interaction 2021
- Inovação agrícola e crescimento sustentado 2021
- Flavescence Dorée¿derived leaf yellowing in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is caused by a general repression of isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways. 2021
- Grapevine in a changing environment field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures 2021
- From the French paradox to nanoencapsulation of wine bioactive compounds. Workshop Exploring the molecular diversity of grape, a source of natural ingredients 2020
- Grapevine in a changing environment ¿ field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures¿ in the international Webinaire ¿Vine & Wine: building the heritage of the future 2020
- Grapevine interaction with Botrytis cinerea and the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters 2019
- Kaolin foliar application stimulates sugar transport activity in grape berries and variably modifies primary metabolism 2019
- Kaolin foliar application upregulates sugar transport capacity in grape berries and modifies primary metabolome 2019
- Kaolin particle film application stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves 2019
- Elucidation of the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters on plant-pathogen interaction in grapevine 2018
- Elucidation of the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters on plant-pathogen interaction in grapevine – a transcriptional Analysis and VvSWEET15 characterization 2017
- Microsatellite High Resolution Melting (SSR-HRM) Analysis for olive oil authenticity 2015
- Mapping of photosynthetic activity in the grape berry by Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging 2013
- Photomixotrophic grape berry cell suspensions: a suitable cell model for the study of abiotic stresses in fruit photosynthesis 2013
- Photosynthetic performance of grape cells under abiotic stress 2013
- A 2D in vivo approach to study photosynthesis in grape berry 2011
- Da bioquímica à agro-indústria 2011
- In vitro cultures of grape tissues: new possibilities to study grape berry physiology 2011
- A 2d in vivo approach to study photosynthesis in grape berry 2010
- Sugar import and accumulation into the vacuole of grape cells 2008
- Biotic stress in grapevine – elucidation of the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters on plant-pathogen interaction 2020
- Study of the photosynthesis and of the metabolism of sugars and organic acids during the development and ripening of the grape berry 2011
- Compartimentação de açúcares em células da videira (Vitis vinifera L.) 2008