publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Business operators’ perception of the impact of the Portuguese Way of St. James. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. 2024
- A comprehensive methodology for assessing outdoor thermal comfort in touristic city of Porto (Portugal). Urban Climate. 2022
- Pathways for adapting tourism to climate change in an urban destination – Evidences based on thermal conditions for the Porto Metropolitan Area (Portugal). Journal of Environmental Management. 2022
- Analysis of the Urban Thermal Environment and Exposition to Extreme Heat in the Municipality of Porto (Portugal),Análise do ambiente térmico urbano e áreas potencialmente expostas ao calor extremo no município do Porto (Portugal),Análisis del ambiente térmico urbano y áreas potencialmente expuestas al calor extremo en el municipio de Oporto (Portugal). Cuadernos de Geografia: Revista Colombiana de Geografia. 2022
- Olhares pedagógicos de estudantes e docentes do ensino básico sobre o potencial pedagógico dos story maps 2022
- Perceptions of human thermal comfort in an urban tourism destination – A case study of Porto (Portugal). Building and Environment. 2021
- Climate in tourism research agenda: future directions based on literature review. Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles. 2021
- An International Overview of Certified Practices in Creative Tourism in Rural and Urban Territories. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 2020
- Geo-Crowdsourcing Contributions for Cultural Mapping 2020
- Spatial Accessibility and Social Inclusion: The Impact of Portugal's Last Health Reform. GeoHealth. 2019
- As TIG e a Realidade Aumentada como ferramentas de promoção e desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial 2019
- Good and not-so-good practices in creative tourism networks and platforms: an international review. Research Agenda for Creative Tourism. 2019
- Promoção do pensamento espacial na educação geográfica: análise de manuais escolares do ensino básico 2019
- Residents' perceptions of tourism activity in a rural North-Eastern Portuguese community: A cluster analysis. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. 2019
- Perceptions of residents and of local and regional stakeholders towards the tourism development and their potential contribution to the creation of new experiences at Boticas. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. 2018
- The Use of Photos of the Social Networks in Shaping a New Tourist Destination: Analysis of Clusters in a GIS Environment. Spatial Analysis, Modelling and Planning. 2018
- Teaching and learning with geotechnologies on primary education: Students’ perceptions. EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning. 2017
- Perceptions of residents and of other local and regional stakeholders regarding tourism development and their potential contribution to the creation of new tourism experiences in Boticas. Journal of Tourism and Develpment. 2017
- Acessibilidade e SIG no Planeamento em Saúde: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Modelos de Alocação-Localização. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2015
- Mapping transport disadvantages of elderly people in relation to access to bus stops: Contribution of geographic information systems. Accessibility and Spatial Interaction. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Tourists’ Perceptions about Bioclimatic Comfort – the Case Study of the Municipality of Porto 2021
- Aplicação do Flickr à análise da capacidade de visitação da Área Metropolitana do Porto 2019
- The practices of creative tourism in urban and rural areas at international level 2019
- Laboratório de Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica 2018
- Profile of creative tourist in north-western of Portugal: An exploratory approach to creative experiences 2018
- Promover as tecnologias de informação geográfica na formação para a docência 2018
- Importance of statistics for data mining and data science 2017
- UPPERCARE: A community aware environment for post-surgical musculoskeletal recovery of elderly patients 2017
- Acessibilidade espacial aos serviços de saúde em Portugal continental 2016
- Contributos para a construção de um novo destino turístico sustentável – O caso do município de Boticas 2016
- Turismo e Valorização do Espaço Rural – Uma análise de Cluster em Ambiente SIG com base em Fotografias das Redes Sociais 2016
- Mobilidade e estratégias de promoção turística no município de Boticas – contributos para a construção de novos destinos turísticos 2015
- Contributos dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica no Planeamento das Acessibilidades aplicado aos Serviços de Saúde 2014
- A alta velocidade ferroviária como factor dinamizador da economia na região Norte: o transporte de mercadorias no eixo Porto - Vigo 2007
artigo de revista
- The Use of Collaborative Practices for Climate Change Adaptation in the Tourism Sector until 2040—A Case Study in the Porto Metropolitan Area (Portugal). Applied Sciences. 2022
- Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourist Risk Perceptions—The Case Study of Porto. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- The Planning of Tourism on Rural Areas: The Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Boticas Municipality (Northeastern Portugal). European Countryside. 2017
- The Planning of Tourism on Rural Areas: The Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Boticas Municipality (Northeastern Portugal). European Countryside. 2017
- GeoloGIS-BH: An Information System for Using the Built Heritage for Geological Teaching. European Journal of STEM Education. 2016
- O SIGeolog como ferramenta para a computação do ambiente geológico 2016
- The creation of a new tourist destination in low density areas: the Boticas case. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 2016
- Acessibilidade e SIG no planeamento em saúde: uma abordagem baseada em modelos de alocação-localização. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2015
- Effect of poling state and morphology of piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for skeletal muscle tissue engineering. Nanoscale. 2013
capítulo de livro
- A scientific-metric analysis of urban tourism and climate change – an investigation based on Web of Science and Scopus 2024
- Introduction 2024
- The impact of climate change on the dynamics of the urban thermal environment – the case study of the touristic area of Porto, Portugal 2024
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Wellbeing in the Municipality of Porto—An Analysis Based on Remote Sensing 2023
- Challenges and Dilemmas of Creative Tourism in the 21st Century: How Can We Preserve It From the Massive Offer? 2022
- creatour - catalisando o turismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e em áreas rurais / creatour - Catalyzing creative tourism in small-sized cities and rural areas. 2020
- Good and not-so-good practices in creative tourism networks and platforms: An international review 2019
- Geographical Information Systems: the past, present and future 2017
- Dinâmicas populacionais e as desigualdades de acesso em saúde em Portugal Continental 2014
- Functionalized nanobiopolymer as an alternative for burn wound dressing 2023
- A functionalized nanobiopolymer as an alternative for burn wound dressing 2023
- Constructing sustainable tourism strategies in rural territories - the role of creative tourism in southern Europe 2022
- The profile and motivations of participants in creative tourism activities carried out in Northern Portugal 2019
- Creating new experiences with tourists - the example of the institutions from the Portuguese region 2018
- First approach of creative tourist profile in Portugal - some case studies from Continental Portugal 2018
- Initiatives of Creative Tourism in Portugal 2018
- Profile of creative tourist in North-western of Portugal: an exploratory approach to creative experiences 2018
- SIGEOLOG-PC: A informação geológica na valorização do património construído 2016
- Monitorização de campo de águas subterrâneas 2016
- Sistemas de informação geológica (SIGeolog) como ponte entre o passado-presente-futuro ambiental 2015
- Sistemas de informação geológica (SIGeol) como ponte entre o passado-presente-futuro ambiental 2015
- Tourism and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities 2024
- Research Agenda of Urban Tourism and Climate Change 2023
- Geographic Information Systems 2018
- The Use of Photos of the Social Networks in Shaping a New Tourist Destination: Analysis of Clusters in a GIS Environment 2018
- Geographical Information Systems: the past, present and future 2017
poster de conferência