publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Lower limb kinematic, kinetic, and EMG data from young healthy humans during walking at controlled speeds. Scientific Data. 2021
- Os mapas naS coleções da Biblioteca Pública de Braga 2016
- La Cartografía del Setecientos en la Biblioteca Municipal de Coimbra: estúdio de una colección 2014
- «El geógrafo trabaja en su casa» : espaços portugueses na produção cartográfica de Tomás López 2008
- Contribuições da Universidade de Aveiro para a especificação da Rede de Area Local Não-cablada IEEE 802.11. Electrónica e Telecomunicações. 1997
artigo de conferência
- A Real-time Kinematic-based Locomotion Mode Prediction Algorithm for an Ankle Orthosis 2024
- An Inertial Data-Based Upper Body Posture Recognition Tool: A Machine Learning Study Approach 2020
- Reference Ankle Joint Torque Trajectory Generation for Robotic Gait Support 2020
- AI-based Reference Ankle Joint Torque Trajectory Generation for Robotic Gait Assistance: First Steps. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2020
- EMG-based Motion Intention Recognition for Controlling a Powered Knee Orthosis. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2019
- Kinematic and kinetic study of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements towards a human-like skeletal model* 2019
- Study of Gait Cycle Using a Five-Link Inverted Pendulum Model: First Developments* 2019
- Three-Link Inverted Pendulum for Human Balance Analysis: A Preliminary Study* 2019
- Aprendizagem baseada em problemas e objectos de aprendizagem 2011
- Experimental results of a pulse position modulation infrared transceiver 1996
artigo de revista
- Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effects by Thermochromic Asphalt Pavement. Coatings. 2022
- A Review on Locomotion Mode Recognition and Prediction When Using Active Orthoses and Exoskeletons. Bioengineering. 2022
- Kinematics, Speed, and Anthropometry-Based Ankle Joint Torque Estimation: A Deep Learning Regression Approach. Machines. 2021
capítulo de livro