publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Durability properties of lightweight concrete with ceramic mould casting waste. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2024
- Experimental analysis of carbonation, humidity fields and the evolution of elastic modulus in air lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2024
- Performance of Eco-Friendly Cement Mortars Incorporating Ceramic Molds Shells and Paraffin Wax. Materials. 2023
- Physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete with incorporation of ceramic mold casting waste. Materialia. 2023
- Mortars with the incorporation of treated ceramic molds shells wastes. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Sustainable alkaline activation of fly ash, aluminium anodising sludge and glass powder blends with a recycled alkaline cleaning solution. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2019
- Statistical Study of Curing Conditions in Alkali Activation of Mine Tailings. Environmental Geotechnics. 2019
- Non-structural Performance of Pastes and Mortars Fabricated from Alkali Activated Electric Arc Furnace Slag 2019
- Alkali-Activated Fly Ashes: Influence of Curing Conditions on Mechanical Strength. U.Porto Journal of Engineering. 2018
- Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Several Factors on Compressive Strength of Alkali Activated Fly Ash. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2017
- Development of a Process for Copper Recovering from Galvanic Sludges. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Evaluation of the Energetic Valorization Potential of Polymeric and Textile Industrial Wastes. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Kinetic Study of Thermal De-Chlorination of PVC-Containing Waste. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Alternative Feedstocks for Biodiesel Production. Key Engineering Materials. 2012
- Technical Aspects of Adsorption Process onto an Innovative Eggshell-Derived Low-Cost Adsorbent. Key Engineering Materials. 2012
- Chemical Modification of Pure Titanium Surfaces for Oral Implants. Implant Dentistry. 1999
- Isopiestic determination of the coefficients of activity of magnesium in Al¿Cu¿Mg liquid alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 1995
artigo de conferência
- Development of composites with plastic waste and used foundry sands 2023
- Betão leve com resíduos de moldes cerâmicos de fundição 2022
- Caracterização física e mecânica de argamassas com incorporação de resíduos industriais 2022
- Physicochemical Characterization of the Rejected Waste From the Mechanical and Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste 2021
- Evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid FRP laminates fabricated by hand lay-up method: experimental and analytic assessment 2018
- Incorporation of metallurgical wastes as inorganic fillers in resins 2018
- Archaeometalurgical analysis and archaeological contextualization of a bronze spearhead from Gralheira (Muro Mountain Range, Baltar, Paredes, North Portugal). 2017
- Fracture Behavior in Geopolymer Mixtures including Fly Ash and various Industrial Waste 2017
- Geodesign, eco-brutalist artefacts for architecture, tourism and urbanism 2017
- Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Geopolymers incorporating Wastes from Ferrous Foundry and Stone Cutting Sludge 2017
- Mechanical properties of fly ash geopolymers containing steelmaking ladle slag 2017
- Tribologial Behavior of Geopolymer Mixtures including Fly Ash and various Industrial Wastes 2017
- Estudo da evolução da carbonatação em argamassas de cal aérea 2016
- Use of different inorganic solid wastes to produce glass foams 2015
- Fractionation of oily sludges produced in the treatment of hydrocarbon wastes 2015
- Incorporation of industrial wastes from thermal processes in cement mortars 2014
- Recuperação de compostos clorados e energia a partir de resíduos contendo PVC 2013
- Creep behavior of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Energetic valorisation of PVC-containing waste 2012
- OILCA : enhancing the competitiveness and reducing the carbon footprint of the olive oil sector through waste management optimisation and the establishment of an ecological label 2012
- Recovery of copper and nickel hydroxide from galvanic sludge : pilot scale experiments 2012
- Value - exchange and technological transfer on the recovery of wastes from vegetable processing industry on SUDOE 2012
- Production of metallic nanoparticles, from industrial residues, by the use of different types of reduction gases 2012
- Assessment of the Luiz Bandeira historical bridge 2012
- Assessment of the bôco historical RC bridge 2012
- Development of a process for waste eggshell valorisation 2012
- Novos dados químicos de formas de pão de açúcar produzidos em Portugal: séc. XV a XVI 2012
- Pyrolitic decomposition of PVC material and evaluation of the potential of the de-chlorination fraction for subsquent energy recovery process 2012
- Adsorption process onto an innovative eggshell-derived low-cost adsorbent in simulated effluent and real industrial effluents 2011
- Biodiesel production by microalgae and macroalgae from north littoral portuguese coast 2011
- Influence of free fatty acid content in biodiesel production on non-edible oils 2011
- Small sized pilot scale experiments on the recovery cooper and nickel hydroxide from galvanic sludge 2011
- Waste management in Portugal and Europe: an overview of the past, present and future 2011
- Caracterização do betão da Ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Laboratory and field leaching tests for predicting the environmental impact of Portuguese steel slag 2010
- Giving value to wastes : development of new technological routes to waste management 2009
- Incorporation of industrial wastes in wood pellets 2009
- Valorização de resíduos industriais não perigosos na fileira de produção de materiais cerâmicos 2007
- The geotechnical re-use of Portuguese inert siderurgical aggregate 2007
- A geotecnia na valorização de agregados siderúrgicos inertes reciclados : um projecto nacional 2006
- Gestão de resíduos industriais por incorporação em materiais para construção civil 2004
- Study of the interface reactions between two lead-free solders and copper substrates 2004
- Effect of the Bi content on the mechanical properties of a Sn-Zn-Al-Bi solder alloy. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Leaching of brasses in long-term direct contact with water. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Influence of chemical composition and volume fraction of phases on the dezincification resistance of brasses 2001
- Influence of the iron content on the solidification behaviour of cast aluminium bronze used in marine applications 2001
- A new treatment process to recover magnetite, zinc and lead from iron and steelmaking dusts and sludges 1999
- Statistical and analytical procedure for the estimation of the provenance of archaeological ceramics 1999
- Control of complex inclusions during metallurgical treatments on liquid and solid steels 1991
artigo de revista
- Mortars with the incorporation of treated ceramic molds shells wastes. Composite Structures. 2023
- Experimental Characterisation of Different Ecological Substrates for Use in Green Roof Systems. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Matérias-primas críticas e resíduos. Indústria e Ambiente. 2022
- Characterization of Stainless Steel Spent Pickling Sludge and Prospects for Its Valorization. Metals. 2022
- Cement mortars with ceramic molds shells and paraffin waxes wastes: Physical and mechanical behavior. Composite Structures. 2022
- D’ECO design economic circular opportunities 2022
- Os resíduos e a dependência energética 2022
- Iron and Aluminium Production Wastes as Exclusive Components of Alkali Activated Binders—Towards a Sustainable Alternative. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Compressed earth blocks stabilized with glass waste and fly ash activated with a recycled alkaline cleaning solution. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021
- Unsaturated Response of Clayey Soils Stabilised with Alkaline Cements. Biomolecules. 2020
- Analytical hybrid effect prediction and evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid fibre-reinforced polymers composites for civil engineering applications. Journal of Composite Materials. 2020
- Overexpression of circulating MiR-30b-5p identifies advanced breast cancer. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2019
- Influence of service temperature on shear creep behaviour of a rigid low-density closed-cell PIR foam. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Using foundry slag of ferrous metals as fine aggregate for concrete. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018
- Experimental analysis of the carbonation and humidity diffusion processes in aerial lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Effects of different environmental conditions on the mechanical characteristics of a structural epoxy. Composite Structures. 2016
- Glass foams from cathode-ray tubes 2015
- Luiz Bandeira Bridge: Assessment of a Historical Reinforced Concrete (RC) Bridge. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2013
- Study of a Two Steps Process for the Valorization of PVC-Containing Wastes. Production Planning and Control. 2013
- Desenvolvimento e caracterização de latões ecológicos 2012
- Kinetics of thermal de-chlorination of PVC under pyrolytic conditions. Waste Management. 2012
- Projecto PVC4GAS : valorização material e energética de resíduos com PVC. Valorização de Resíduos. 2012
- Valmetais: desenvolvimento de processo para recuperação de metais não ferrosos a partir de lamas galvânicas. Valorização de Resíduos. 2012
- Análise química de cerâmicas arqueológicas da cidade do Porto : um conjunto de louça preta das épocas moderna e contemporânea. Olaria : Estudos Arqueológicos, Históricos e Etnológicos. 2011
- O modo de praparar o barro nas olarias de loiça vermelha do distrito da Guarda : caracterização química das suas produções. Olaria : Estudos Arqueológicos, Históricos e Etnológicos. 2011
- Alternative Low-cost Adsorbent for Water and Wastewater Decontamination Derived from Eggshell Waste: An Overview. Production Planning and Control. 2011
- Estudo da lixiviação do agregado proveniente de escórias de aciaria de forno de arco eléctrico em laboratório e no campo 2010
- Handmade Clay Bricks: Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2010
- O modo de preparar o barro nas olarias de louça vermelha do distrito da Guarda : caracterização química das suas produções. Olaria : Estudos Arqueológicos, Históricos e Etnológicos. 2010
- Utilisation of pulp and paper industry wastes as raw materials in cement clinker production. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation. 2009
- Propriedades do ASIC da siderurgia nacional e possibilidades da sua utilização em obra : uma perspectiva geomecânica 2008
- Argamassas de cimento portland com incorporação de <<óxido secundário>> aluminífero. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2005
- Effect of the bismuth content on the interface reactions between copper substrate and Sn-Zn-Al-Bi lead-free solder. Revista de Metalurgia. 2005
- Influence of the chemical composition on the machinability of brasses. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2005
- Leaching behaviour of a galvanic sludge in sulphuric acid and ammoniacal media. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2005
- Physical and chemical characterisation of metal finishing industrial wastes. Journal of Environmental Management. 2005
- Solvent extraction applied to the recovery of heavy metals from galvanic sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2005
- Contribution to the knowledge of the Cu-Sn-Zn system for compositions close to brass alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004
- Effect of experimental variables on the inertization of galvanic sluges in clay-based ceramics. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2004
- Inertização de resíduos industriais de alumínio em materiais cerâmicos refractários 2004
- Role of the mixing conditions and composition of galvanic sludges on the inertization process in clay-based ceramics. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2004
- Phase equilibria of the Al-Cu-Zn system for compositions close to brass alloys. Journal of Phase Equilibria. 2003
- Cations extraction of sandy-clay soils from cavado valley, Portugl, using sodium salts solutions,Extração de cátions em solos areno-argilosos do vale do cávado, Portugal, utilizando soluções de sais de sódio. Scientia Agrícola. 2002
- Mechanical behaviour of Portland cement mortars with incorporation of Al-containing salt slags. Cement and Concrete Research. 2000
- A análise química como auxiliar na determinação de origem de fragmentos cerâmicos arqueológicos. Olaria : Estudos Arqueológicos, Históricos e Etnológicos. 1998
- Caracterização físico-química de argilas e amostras etnográficas da região de Prado/Vila Verde/Barcelos. Olaria : Estudos Arqueológicos, Históricos e Etnológicos. 1998
- Modeling of chemical wear in ferrous alloys/silicon nitride contacts during high speed cutting. Acta Materialia. 1998
- Characterization and pre-treatment of steelmaking dusts in order to recover valuable products. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca. 1998
- Purification of sulphuric acid solutions from the leaching of nickelliferous of laterites. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Design Methodologies for Sustainable Products from Mixed Waste Plastics and Foundry Sands 2024
- Application of industrial wastes in substrates for ecological green roofs 2020
- As produções de louça preta em Trás-os-Montes: caracterização etnográfica e química, seu interesse para o estudo das cerâmicas arqueológicas 2012
- Ancient clay bricks: manufacture and properties 2010
- Caracterização química e micro-estrutural de faianças portuguesas 2001
- Inside the Sierra: the case study of Late Bronze sword of Venda das Raparigas, Alcobaça (Centre of Portugal) 2019
- Brass smelting dust as a source of ZnO in the production of targets used in magnetron sputtering thin film deposition 2015
- Removal of copper (II), chloride and methylene blue using eggshell residues as low-cost biosorbents 2012
- Kinetic study of thermal de-chlorination of PVC containing waste 2011
- Ancient Clay Bricks: Manufacture and Properties 2010
poster de conferência