publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Digital Reconstitution of Road Traffic Accidents: A Flexible Methodology Relying on UAV Surveying and Complementary Strategies to Support Multiple Scenarios. Healthcare. 2020
- Vineyard Variability Analysis through UAV-Based Vigour Maps to Assess Climate Change Impacts. Agronomy. 2019
- UAV-Based Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Chestnut Trees. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Vineyard properties extraction combining UAS-based RGB imagery with elevation data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2018
- Spatial patterns of forest fires ignition’ causes in mainland Portugal 2017
- DEDISbench: A benchmark for deduplicated storage systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- CLON: Overlay networks and gossip protocols for cloud environments. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- Consulta Real em Ambiente Virtual: implementação de uma sala de referência e leitura virtual num arquivo 2007
- Group-based replication of on-line transaction processing servers. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
- Testing the dependability and performance of group communication based database replication protocols. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Generative Adversarial Networks in Healthcare: A Case Study on MRI Image Generation 2023
- Deriving UML Logic Architectures of Software Product based on a Cloud Reference Architecture: An Experience Report 2022
- viStaMPS: The InSAR collaborative project. ESA SP. 2015
- Using DNS to establish a Localization Service. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2014
- A distributed bootstrapping protocol for overlay networks 2009
- CAPI: cloud computing API 2009
- Dependable distributed OSGi environment 2008
- Consulta Real em Ambiente Virtual: implementação de uma sala de referência e leitura virtual num arquivo 2007
- Digitarq2: nova arquitectura aplicacional para gestão de Arquivos Definitivos 2006
- Revisiting epsilon serializabilty to improve the database state machine 2004
- Semantic reliability on the database state machine 2004
- Avaliação de um SGBD replicado usando simulação de redes 2003
- Optimistic total order in wide area networks. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Proceedings. 2002
- Partial replication in the database state machine 2001
- A human centered perspective for mobile information sharing and delivery 1996
artigo de revista
- Towards an accurate evaluation of deduplicated storage systems. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 2013
capítulo de livro
- The need of GCPs for multi-temporal analysis in agricultural applications 2018
- A Universal Pintura (A Cartografia nas Coleções da Biblioteca Pública e do Arquivo Distrital de Braga) 2015
- A Universal Pintura. A Cartografia nas coleções da Biblioteca Pública e do Arquivo Distrital de Braga 2015
- Manual de Formação para Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural: O Papel e Acção dos Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural - Vol I 2006
- Manual de Formação para Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural: O Papel e Acção dos Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural - Vol II 2006
- Manual de Formação para Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural: O Papel e Acção dos Agentes de Desenvolvimento Rural - Vol III. 2006