publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere. 2023
- My Teaching Is Not Gender Biased, Is It?. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 2023
- Eco-physiological Responses of Aquatic Fungi to Three Global Change Stressors Highlight the Importance of Intraspecific Trait Variability. Microbial Ecology. 2023
- Impacts of diffuse urban stressors on stream benthic communities and ecosystem functioning: A review. Limnetica. 2023
- Clinical Supervision - Supervisory Models, Styles and Strategies. . International Journal of Health Science . 2022
artigo de conferência
- Applying optimization models in the scheduling of medical exams 2022
- Artefacto #0000: study of traditional ceramic jug for innovation by design, in Northern Portugal 2017
- Artefacto #0000: study of traditional ceramic jug “Infusa”, for innovation by design, in Northern Portugal 2017
- To be or not to be... alkali-reactive. A challenge for the petrographic method. 2016
- Assessment of concrete aggregate for ASR potential by petrography. The work developed by RILEM TC-ACS (2007-2013). 2014
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- Effects of riparian plant diversity on leaf-litter decomposition along an eutrophication gradient 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012
- Structural and functional measures of invertebrate and fungal communities as predictors of eutrophication 2012
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and riparian vegetation on litter decomposition in streams 2011
- Eutrophication alters non-additive effects of plant-litter diversity in streams 2011
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Pré-avaliação do Programa de Educação para a Sexualidade (PES) 2010
- Transformar a Pedagogia na Universidade: condições de impossibilidade. 2005
artigo de revista
- Negative impacts of cleaning agent DEPTAL MCL® on activated sludge wastewater treatment system. Heredity. 2022
- ITS rDNA Barcodes Clarify Molecular Diversity of Aquatic Hyphomycetes. Antibiotics. 2022
- Aquatic Hyphomycete Taxonomic Relatedness Translates into Lower Genetic Divergence of the Nitrate Reductase Gene. Journal of Fungi. 2021
- New climatic targets against global warming: Will the maximum 2 °c temperature rise affect estuarine benthic communities. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Spring stimulates leaf decomposition in moderately eutrophic streams. Aquatic Sciences. 2017
- Structural and functional measures of leaf-associated invertebrates and fungi as predictors of stream eutrophication. Ecological Indicators. 2016
- Microscopy- or DNA-based analyses: Which methodology gives a truer picture of stream-dwelling decomposer fungal diversity?. Fungal Ecology. 2015
- Eutrophication modulates plant-litter diversity effects on litter decomposition in streams. Freshwater Science. 2015
- Plant litter diversity affects invertebrate shredder activity and the quality of fine particulate organic matter in streams. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015
- Elevated temperature may intensify the positive effects of nutrients on microbial decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2014
- Effects of Riparian Plant Diversity Loss on Aquatic Microbial Decomposers Become More Pronounced with Increasing Time. Microbial Ecology. 2013
- Temperature alters interspecific relationships among aquatic fungi. Fungal Ecology. 2013
- Higher temperature reduces the effects of litter quality on decomposition by aquatic fungi. Freshwater Biology. 2012
- Intraspecific traits change biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning under metal stress. Oecologia. 2011
- Responses of Aquatic Fungal Communities on Leaf Litter to Temperature-Change Events. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2009
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi in streams. Heredity. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Diversity and inclusion on scientific societies: the case of the Iberian Society of Ecology 2023
- Is my teaching gender-fair? A self-assessment questionnaire 2023
- The MULTIBEF project: Multi–scale B-EF relationships under multiple stressors 2022
- MULTIBEF: Assessing multiscale B-EF relationships in water-filled tree holes under multiple stressors 2022
- The collection of aquatic hyphomycete pure cultures at SUPSIs Institute of Microbiology 2022
- Modelling Bar do “Método de Singapura” desde o 2.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino Básico 2021
- Resolução de problemas em contexto: uma aproximação ao Método de Singapura 2021
- À descoberta da estratégia Modelling Bar do “Método de Singapura(MS): Uma experiência didática no 1.ºCEB. 2021
- O gene da nitrato redutase é diverso entre as espécies de hifomicetos aquáticos? 2020
- Is the nitrate reductase gene divere between the aquatic hyphomycetes species? 2020
- Ecophysiological responses of aquatic hyphomycetes to climate change related stressors 2020
- The URBIFUN project – Urbanization effects on the relationship between microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning 2020
- Collaborator in Ecomandanga, a blog about nature, sustainability and science communication to the society. 2018 special issue about Portugal 2018
- Freshwater fungal diversity along an anthropogenic gradient in Hawaiian streams 2018
- Respostas dos decompositores aquáticos à disponibilidade de recursos e à temperatura 2017
- A timely look at effects of agriculture on fluvial DOM: the role of hydrology. AGRHYDROM, 2nd Young collaborative project from the Iberian Association of Limnology 2017
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and multitrophic species diversity on detrital food webs 2016
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and litter quality on leaf-litter associated fungi in streams 2015
- A case of using traditional and molecular approaches to assess the effects of season and eutrophication on fungal communities on plant litter decomposing in streams 2014
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Effects of riparian plant diversity on leaf-litter decomposition along an eutrophication gradient 2012
- Plant-litter decomposition by microbes increases with temperature and nutrient load in streams 2012
- Structural and functional measures of invertebrate and fungal communities as predictors of eutrophication 2012
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Effects of nutrient enrichment and riparian vegetation on litter decomposition in streams 2011
- Eutrophication alters non-additive effects of plant-litter diversity in streams 2011
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Responses of aquatic microbial decomposers to inorganic nutrients in a warming scenario 2009
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi 2007
- Aquatic Hyphomycete Taxonomic Relatedness Translates into Lower Genetic Divergence of the Nitrate Reductase Gene (GenBank Accession numbers: OK605570-OK605582; OK037615-OK037621; MZ812093-MZ812109))
- DNA barcodes of aquatic hyphomycete species (GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741)
- FUNACTION data management plan
- Fungal Identity Mediates the Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Freshwater Ecosystems
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- Gender Limnoedu
- Intraspecific traits change biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning under metal stress (Genbank accession GU938614-GU938617)
- New ITS rDNA barcodes clarify phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes
- Pequeno Mundo
- Responses of aquatic decomposers to resource availability and increased temperature 2013
- Effects of fungal diversity and cadmium on leaf litter decomposition in streams: studies in microcosms 2008
- Efeito do zinco e do fósforo na decomposição de folhas de Alnus glutinosa por hifomicetos aquáticos 2006