publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Nanomaterials and biochar mediated remediation of emerging contaminants. Heredity. 2024
- Impacts of diffuse urban stressors on stream benthic communities and ecosystem functioning: A review. Limnetica. 2023
- Can microplastics from personal care products affect stream microbial decomposers in the presence of silver nanoparticles?. Heredity. 2022
- Evidence of micro and macroplastic toxicity along a stream detrital food-chain. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022
- Elevated temperature may reduce functional but not taxonomic diversity of fungal assemblages on decomposing leaf litter in streams. Global Change Biology. 2022
- Importance of exposure route in determining nanosilver impacts on a stream detrital processing chain. Environmental Pollution. 2021
- Individual and mixed effects of anticancer drugs on freshwater rotifers: A multigenerational approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021
- Reply to the "Letter to the editor, Proteomic responses to silver nanoparticles vary with the fungal ecotype" by Huang et al.. Heredity. 2020
- Physiological responses to nanoCuO in fungi from non-polluted and metal-polluted streams. Heredity. 2014
- Polyhydroxyfullerene Binds Cadmium Ions and Alleviates Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2014
- Phytoplankton diversity as indicator of water quality for fish cultivation. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Effects of nano CuO on aquatic decomposers: from community to cellular responses 2012
- Humic acids and nanoparticle size change the toxicity of nano CuO to freshwater microbes and invertebrates 2012
- Polyhydroxyl fullerene can mitigate toxicity effects of cadmium on yeasts 2012
- Responses of freshwater microbial decomposers to copper oxide nanoparticles 2012
- Copper oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress, DNA strand breaks and laccase activity in aquatic fungi 2011
- Nano copper oxide is a threat to an endemic shredder of the Iberian Peninsula 2011
artigo de revista
- Plastic Interactions with Pollutants and Consequences to Aquatic Ecosystems: What We Know and What We Do Not Know. Biomolecules. 2022
- Can photocatalytic and magnetic nanoparticles be a threat to aquatic detrital food webs?. Heredity. 2021
- Transcriptomics reveals the action mechanisms and cellular targets of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles in a ubiquitous aquatic fungus. Environmental Pollution. 2021
- Biochemical and functional responses of stream invertebrate shredders to post-wildfire contamination. Environmental Pollution. 2020
- Effects of metal nanoparticles on freshwater rotifers may persist across generations. Aquatic Toxicology. 2020
- Proteomic responses to silver nanoparticles vary with the fungal ecotype. Heredity. 2020
- Wildfire impacts on freshwater detrital food webs depend on runoff load, exposure time and burnt forest type. Heredity. 2019
- Proteomics and antioxidant enzymes reveal different mechanisms of toxicity induced by ionic and nanoparticulate silver in bacteria. Environmental Science-Nano. 2019
- Enzymatic biomarkers can portray nanoCuO-induced oxidative and neuronal stress in freshwater shredders. Aquatic Toxicology. 2016
- Humic acid can mitigate the toxicity of small copper oxide nanoparticles to microbial decomposers and leaf decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2016
- Natural organic matter alters size-dependent effects of nanoCuO on the feeding behaviour of freshwater invertebrate shredders. Heredity. 2015
- Fungi from metal-polluted streams may have high ability to cope with the oxidative stress induced by copper oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2015
- Copper oxide nanoparticles can induce toxicity to the freshwater shredder Allogamus ligonifer. Chemosphere. 2012
- Can Metal Nanoparticles Be a Threat to Microbial Decomposers of Plant Litter in Streams?. Microbial Ecology. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Is plastic a real threat to freshwater detrital ecosystem? A trophic approach 2020
- Microplastics and silver nanoparticles can affect microbially-driven plant litter decomposition in streams 2019
- Omics reveal distinct mechanisms of toxicity of nanoparticulate and ionic silver in microbes 2019
- Impact of three fungicides (cymoxanil, metalaxyl and myclobutanil) on aquatic decomposers 2018
- Impacts of anti-cancer drugs on freshwater rotifers at environmentally realistic concentrations. 2018
- Proteomic approach to assess the impacts of engineered nanoparticles on freshwater fungi 2018
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in freshwater microbes with different background 2018
- A timely look at effects of agriculture on fluvial DOM: the role of hydrology. AGRHYDROM, 2nd Young collaborative project from the Iberian Association of Limnology 2017
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in fungi from metal-polluted and non-polluted streams 2017
- Brachionus calyciflorus, a promising model for fast and effective risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials 2016
- Evaluation of the toxicity of TiO2 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles towards aquatic fungal communities 2016
- Proteomic analysis of aquatic microbial responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver 2016
- Proteomic responses to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in aquatic fungi 2016
- Quantitative weight of evidence approach for hazard evaluation of engineered nanoparticles in freshwaters 2016
- Ecotoxicological effects of post-fire runoff on aquatic microbial decomposers and invertebrate shredders 2015
- Impacts of nanoparticles to microbes and invertebrates: from community responses to cellular targets 2015
- Responses of antioxidant enzymes to nanoparticulate and ionic silver in aquatic microbes 2015
- Neurotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by copper oxide nanoparticles and ionic copper in freshwater invertebrate shredders 2014
- Effect of the size of copper oxide nanoparticles and the presence of humic acids on the detritivorous invertebrate Allogamus ligonifer 2013
- NanoCuO toxicity to freshwater microbial decomposers depends on nanoparticle size and humic acids 2013
- Sublethal toxicity of nanoCuO to freshwater shredders can be influenced by nanoparticle size and humic acids 2013
- The toxicity of copper oxide nanoparticles to aquatic decomposing microorganisms depends on the size of the nanoparticles and the presence of humic acids 2013
- Humic acids and nanoparticle size change the toxicity of nano CuO to freshwater microbes and invertebrates 2012
- Effects of nano CuO on aquatic decomposers: from community to cellular responses 2012
- Polyhydroxyl fullerene can mitigate toxicity effects of cadmium on yeasts 2012
- Responses of freshwater microbial decomposers to copper oxide nanoparticles 2012
- Copper oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress, DNA strand breaks and laccase activity in aquatic fungi 2011
- Impacts of CuO nanoparticles on aquatic detritus foodwebs 2011
- Nano copper oxide is a threat to an endemic shredder of the Iberian Peninsula 2011
- Nano metals may pose negative impacts to microbial decomposition in streams 2010
- Sulfate Reducing Bacteria: A Promising Candidate for Environmental Sulfate Removal 2007
- Nurture Nature for the Future 2006
- GenBank Submission of 16S Ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence of 25 novel bacterial clones (Accession numbers: EF536721-EF536745)
poster de conferência