publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Early alterations in the MCH system link aberrant neuronal activity and sleep disturbances in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Neuroscience. 2023
- Medial Entorhinal Cortex Excitatory Neurons Are Necessary for Accurate Timing. Journal of Neuroscience. 2021
- Transection of the Superior Sagittal Sinus Enables Bilateral Access to the Rodent Midline Brain Structures. Eneuro. 2021
- Laughter catches attention!. Biological Psychology. 2017
- Does emotion change auditory prediction and deviance detection?. Biological Psychology. 2017
artigo de revista
- What is the Melody of That Voice? Probing Unbiased Recognition Accuracy with the Montreal Affective Voices. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2017
- Minho Affective Sentences (MAS): Probing the roles of sex, mood, and empathy in affective ratings of verbal stimuli. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 2017
- The music of language: An ERP investigation of the effects of musical training on emotional prosody processing. Brain and Language. 2015
- The music of language: An ERP investigation of the effects of musical training on emotional prosody processing. Brain and Language. 2015
- The role of interneurons in spatial memory 2024
- Medial entorhinal cortex is necessary for the accurate estimation of elapsed time 2020
- Time to probe hippocampal function 2018
- Impact of circadian modulation and ageing on suprachiasmatic nucleus functional connectivity 2018
- The melody of voice across cultures: an ERP study of emotional vocal change detection. 2016
- A cross-cultural ERP study on emotional vocal processing. 2016
- Does culture play a role in the processing of emotional non-verbal vocalizations? An event- related potentials study. 2014
- Listening to the music of speech: electrophysiological correlates of emotional prosody processing in musicians vs. non-musicians. 2013
- How does the brain listen to the music of emotion? An investigation of the effects of musical training on vocal emotional processing. 2013
- Understanding how the brain processes vocal emotional information: an ERP study with musicians. 2013