publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Review of Computational Modeling in Wastewater Treatment Processes. ACS ES and T Water. 2023
- Closed-Loop Control Applied to the Injection Moulding Process—An Industry 4.0 Refurbishment Case Study. Electronics. 2023
- A comparison of presmoothing methods in the estimation of transition probabilities. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 2020
- Use of antioxidant could ameliorate the negative impact of etoposide on human sperm DNA during chemotherapy. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2020
- Evaluation of fibrosis and inflammation in diffuse liver diseases using intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Abdominal Radiology. 2016
- Impact of Metformin on Male Reproduction. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2015
- Hipotiroxinemia em recém-nascidos pré-termo 2014
- Sépsis Neonatal. Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics. 2014
- Using conformity control of concrete compressive strength for construction site classification 2013
- Hipotiroxinemia em recém-nascidos pré-termo 2010
- Por uma Universidade Cidadã. SPN-Informação, (Sindicato dos Professores do Norte). 2007
artigo de conferência
- Using Machine Learning to Forecast Air and Water Quality 2021
- Behaviour Analysis in Smart Spaces 2017
- PubhD UMinho: já falou de ciência num bar? 2016
- Bootstrap performance profiles in stochastic algorithms assessment. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Conformidade da resistência à compressão de betões : um exemplo no Norte de Portugal 2011
- An adaptive constraint handling technique for evolutionary algorithms. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010
- Quality of concrete : one example in the north of Portugal 2010
- A Simulação Computorizada no Suporte à Optimização e Melhoria Contínua de Processos Organizacionais 2008
- Conformidade da resistência à compressão de betões 2007
- Analysis of compression resistance results of concretes 2006
- Statistical analysis of compressive strength of concrete specimens 2003
- Aplicação de bentonite no tratamento de vinhos da região dos vinhos verdes: análise sensorial 1996
artigo de revista
- A Framework for Representing, Building and Reusing Novel State-of-the-Art Three-Dimensional Object Detection Models in Point Clouds Targeting Self-Driving Applications. Bioengineering. 2023
- Forecasting Energy Consumption of Wastewater Treatment Plants with a Transfer Learning Approach for Sustainable Cities. Electronics. 2021
- Benchmarking deterministic optimization algorithms using an outranking approach. Optimization Methods & Software. 2016
- An adaptive constraint handling technique for evolutionary algorithms. Optimization. 2013
- Asthma control, quality of life, and the role of patient enablement: A cross-sectional observational study. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 2013
- Effect of Particle Size on Silver Nanoparticle Deposition onto Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Functionalized Polyamide Fabric. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2013
- Psychomotor development of children from an iodine-deficient region. Journal of Pediatrics. 2011
- Motor uncoordination and neuropathology in a transgenic mouse model of Machado-Joseph disease lacking intranuclear inclusions and ataxin-3 cleavage products. Neurobiology of Disease. 2010
- The selective COX-2 inhibitor Etoricoxib reduces acute inflammatory markers in a model of neurogenic laryngitis but loses its efficacy with prolonged treatment. Inflammation Research. 2010
- Parameters of thyroid function throughout and after pregnancy in an iodine-deficient population. Thyroid. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Assessment of LSTM and GRU Models to Predict the Electricity Production from Biogas in a Wastewater Treatment Plant 2024
- Image Classification Understanding with Model Inspector Tool 2023
- Using Deep Learning Models to Predict the Electrical Conductivity of the Influent in a Wastewater Treatment Plant 2023
- Applying Anomaly Detection Models in Wastewater Management: A Case Study of Nitrates Concentration in the Effluent. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Smart Tourism: How Can We Count on Digital in the Recovery of Post-covid Tourism in Portugal 2022
- Evaluating Unidimensional Convolutional Neural Networks to Forecast the Influent pH of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Multi-step Ultraviolet Index Forecasting Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks. AI Communications. 2021
- A Deep Learning Approach to Forecast the Influent Flow in Wastewater Treatment Plants. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- New decision support system for biogas and electricity forecast in wastewater treatment plants 2024
- Modelling anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: mechanistic models vs machine learning 2022
- Actuator effect of a piezoelectric anisotropic plate model 2005
- Measurement of Formal Accounting Harmonization: The Portuguese Accounting System Towards the International Accounting Harmonization 2003
- Cost-Sensitive Learning and Threshold-Moving Approach to Improve Industrial Lots Release Process on Imbalanced Datasets 2023
- A Tree-Based Approach to Forecast the Total Nitrogen in Wastewater Treatment Plants 2022
- Unsupervised Learning Approach for pH Anomaly Detection in Wastewater Treatment Plants 2021