publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The fungicide cymoxanil impairs respiration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae via cytochrome c oxidase inhibition. FEBS Letters. 2024
- Current trends and mismatches on fungicide use and assessment of the ecological effects in freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 2024
- Novel yeast-based biosensor for environmental monitoring of tebuconazole. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024
- Macroinvertebrate communities reveal regional asymmetries in riverine ecosystems along a gradient of water availability in hydrologically distinct years. Aquatic Sciences. 2024
- Enantioselectivity in the ecotoxicity of amphetamine using Daphnia magna as the aquatic model organism: morphophysiological, behavioral, reproductive and biochemical parameters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2023
- Macroinvertebrate community structure and ecological status in Portuguese streams across climatic and water scarcity gradients. Hydrobiologia. 2023
- Antiparasitic potential of agrochemical fungicides on a non-target aquatic model (Daphnia × Metschnikowia host-parasite system). Heredity. 2022
- Enantioselective Ecotoxicity of Venlafaxine in Aquatic Organisms: Daphnia and Zebrafish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2022
- Fungicidas nos ecossistemas aquáticos: evidências do projeto FunG-Eye. Lucanus - Ambiente e Sociedade. 2021
- Cholinesterases as environmental biomarkers to address the putative effects of low, realistic levels of waterborne uranium. Ecological Indicators. 2017
- Phytotoxicity of natural soils using physiological and biochemical endpoints reveals confounding factors: can a weight of evidence tackle uncertainty?. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2016
- Biochemical and physiological modifications in tissues of Sardina pilchardus: spatial and temporal patterns as a baseline for biomonitoring studies. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2015
- Biochemical and populational responses of an aquatic bioindicator species, Daphnia longispina, to a commercial formulation of a herbicide (Primextra® Gold TZ) and its active ingredient (S-metolachlor). Ecological Indicators. 2015
- New insights towards the establishment of phycocyanin concentration thresholds considering species-specific variability of bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia. 2015
- Hormonal dynamics during recovery from drought in two Eucalyptus globulus genotypes: From root to leaf. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2014
- Resilience of the macroinvertebrate community of a small mountain river (Mau River, Portugal) subject to multiple stresses. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2014
- Seawater is a reservoir of multi-resistant Escherichia coli, including strains hosting plasmid-mediated quinolones resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases genes. Antibiotics. 2014
- Toxic potential of paracetamol to freshwater organisms: A headache to environmental regulators?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2014
- Water stress and recovery in the performance of two Eucalyptus globulus clones: Physiological and biochemical profiles. Physiologia Plantarum. 2014
- Community-level effects in edaphic fauna from an abandoned mining area: Integration with chemical and toxicological lines of evidence. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2013
- Competitive Outcome of Daphnia-Simocephalus Experimental Microcosms: Salinity versus Priority Effects. Antibiotics. 2013
- Efeitos de alterações ambientais em populações de invertebrados: uma abordagem prática. CAPTAR - Ciência e Ambiente para todos. 2013
- Life-history responses of salinity-tolerant and salinity-sensitive lineages of a stenohaline cladoceran do not confirm clonal differentiation. Hydrobiologia. 2013
- Short-term effects of neuroactive pharmaceutical drugs on a fish species: Biochemical and behavioural effects. Aquatic Toxicology. 2013
- Bacterioplankton community composition in Portuguese water bodies under a severe summer drought. Community Ecology. 2012
- Effects of anticholinesterase drugs on biomarkers and behavior of pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2012
- Genetic variability in the tolerance of natural populations of Simocephalus vetulus (Müller, 1776) to lethal levels of sodium chloride. Annales de Limnologie. 2012
- Impact of water quality on bacterioplankton assemblage along Cértima River Basin (central western Portugal) assessed by PCR-DGGE and multivariate analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2012
- Cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition in pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) as environmental biomarker: ChE characterization and potential neurotoxic effects of xenobiotics. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2011
- Differential inter-and intra-specific responses of Aphanizomenon strains to nutrient limitation and algal growth inhibition. Journal of Plankton Research. 2011
- Impaired microbial activity caused by metal pollution: A field study in a deactivated uranium mining area. Heredity. 2011
- Performance of standard media in toxicological assessments with Daphnia magna: Chelators and ionic composition versus metal toxicity. Ecotoxicology. 2011
- Planktivory in non-indigenous fish and implications for trophic interactions in a Mediterranean shallow lake. Annales de Limnologie. 2011
- Genetic, biochemical, and individual responses of the teleost fish carassius auratus to uranium. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2010
- Manipulação experimental da densidade piscícola na lagoa da Vela: uma perspectiva aplicada. CAPTAR - Ciência e Ambiente para todos. 2010
- “Impressões digitais moleculares” – um caso de estudo com populações naturais de zooplâncton. CAPTAR - Ciência e Ambiente para todos. 2010
- Comunicação química em sistemas predador-presa alterados: um contributo para a controvérsia. CAPTAR - Ciência e Ambiente para todos. 2009
- Short-term recovery of soil functional parameters and edaphic macro-arthropod community after a forest fire. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2009
- Toxicity evaluation of three pesticides on non-target aquatic and soil organisms: Commercial formulation versus active ingredient. Ecotoxicology. 2009
- Contribution for tier 1 of the ecological risk assessment of Cunha Baixa uranium mine (Central Portugal): II. Soil ecotoxicological screening. Heredity. 2008
- In situ bioassay with Eisenia andrei to assess soil toxicity in an abandoned uranium mine. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008
- Evaluation of water column and sediment toxicity from an abandoned uranium mine using a battery of bioassays. Heredity. 2007
- Habitat selection and diel distribution of the crustacean zooplankton from a shallow Mediterranean lake during the turbid and clear water phases. Freshwater Biology. 2007
- Life history responses of Daphnia longispina to mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) kairomones. Hydrobiologia. 2007
- Salinity effects on survival and life history of two freshwater cladocerans (Daphnia magna and Daphnia longispina). Annales de Limnologie. 2007
- Seasonal dynamics of the crustacean zooplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake from the Mediterranean region. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. 2007
- Short-term effects of Quirlan® (chlorfenvinphos) on the behavior and acetylcholinesterase activity of Gambusia holbrooki. Environmental Technology. 2007
- Rotifer community structure in three shallow lakes: Seasonal fluctuations and explanatory factors. Hydrobiologia. 2005
- An in Situ bioassay integrating individual and biochemical responses using small fish species. Ecotoxicology. 2004
- Effect of food level on the acute and chronic responses of daphnids to lindane. Environmental Pollution. 2004
- Chronic responses of different clones of Daphnia longispina (field and ephippia) to different food levels. Acta Oecologica: International Journal of Ecology. 2003
- In situ bioassay chambers and procedures for assessment of sediment toxicity with Chironomus riparius. Environmental Pollution. 2003
- Characterization of cholinesterase from guppy (Poecilia reticulata) muscle and its in vitro inhibition by environmental contaminants. Biomarkers. 2000
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Toxicity of the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Its Enantiomers to Daphnia magna after Isolation by Semipreparative Chromatography. Biomolecules. 2023
- Bacterioplankton community shifts during a spring bloom of Aphanizomenon gracile and Sphaerospermopsis aphanizomenoides at a temperate shallow lake. Hydrobiology. 2022
- Challenges to water quality assessment in Europe – Is there scope for improvement of the current Water Framework Directive bioassessment scheme in rivers?. Ecological Indicators. 2021
- Fungistatic effect of agrochemical and pharmaceutical fungicides on non-target aquatic decomposers does not translate into decreased fungi- or invertebrate-mediated decomposition. Heredity. 2020
- Can parasites adapt to pollutants? A multigenerational experiment with a Daphnia × Metschnikowia model system exposed to the fungicide tebuconazole. Aquatic Toxicology. 2020
- First characterization of the ecotoxicity of paraffin particles: assessment of biochemical effects in the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020
- First ecotoxicological characterization of paraffin microparticles: a biomarker approach in a marine suspension-feeder, Mytilus sp. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020
- Relações hospedeiro-parasita. Revista de Ciência Elementar. 2019
- Sensitivity of freshwater species under single and multigenerational exposure to seawater intrusion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal SocIETy B: Biological Sciences. 2019
- Sensitivity to salinization and acclimation potential of amphibian (Pelophylax perezi) and fish (Lepomis gibbosus) models. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019
- Temperature modulates the interaction between fungicide pollution and disease: evidence from a Daphnia-microparasitic yeast model. Parasitology. 2018
- Cianobactérias: problemática e estratégias de gestão em sistemas dulçaquícolas com uso recreativo. CAPTAR - Ciência e Ambiente para todos. 2018
- Feeding inhibition in Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Muller, 1774) as an effect criterion to pollutant exposure: Perspectives for ecotoxicity screening and refinement of chemical control. Aquatic Toxicology. 2018
- Transgenerational Effects of Toxicants: An Extension of the Daphnia 21-day Chronic Assay?. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2018
- Interplay between fungicides and parasites: Tebuconazole, but not copper, suppresses infection in a Daphnia-Metschnikowia experimental model. Antibiotics. 2017
- Concentration and timing of application reveal strong fungistatic effect of tebuconazole in a Daphnia-microparasitic yeast model. Aquatic Toxicology. 2017
- Drought × disease interaction in Eucalyptus globulus under Neofusicoccum eucalyptorum infection. New Phytologist. 2017
- Invasive Asian clam distribution pattern reveals minimal constraints to downstream dispersal and imperceptible ecological impacts. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2017
- Pulgas-de-água (Daphnia spp.). Revista de Ciência Elementar. 2017
- Stepwise strategy for monitoring toxic cyanobacterial blooms in lentic water bodies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2017
- Biological control of the invasive Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea: can predators tame the beast?. Hydrobiologia. 2016
- Toxicity of two fungicides in Daphnia: is it always temperature-dependent?. Ecotoxicology. 2016
- Whole-organism and biomarker endpoints in Daphnia magna show uncoupling of oxidative stress and endocrine disruption in phenolic derivatives. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2016
- Progressive acclimation alters interaction between salinity and temperature in experimental Daphnia populations. Chemosphere. 2015
capítulo de livro
- A Educação Ambiental como ferramenta de apoio no combate à eutroficação 2016
- Avaliação da qualidade do solo: uma actividade para diferentes níveis de Ensino 2016
- The effects of wildfire on the biosphere 2011
- Toxicity effects of sodium chloride - a tool to perceive environmental change in freshwater ecosystems 2008
- À descoberta do Litoral 2007
- The cymoxanil fungicide impairs Saccharomyces cerevisiae respiration via complex IV inhibition 2024
- Assessment of Butylone degradation by advanced oxidation technologies and ecotoxicity of treated wastewater 2023
- Cymoxanil inhibits respiration through inhibition of mitochondrial complex IV 2023
- Coping with nanoplastics and parasites: a brave new world for Daphnia? 2023
- Stimulant or stressor? Enantio-dependent ecotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Daphnia magna 2023
- 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) sublethal ecotoxicity assay on the microcrustacean Daphnia magna 2023
- Enantioselectivity in Toxicity of Smphetamine, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Methylenedioxypyrovalerone on Greshwater Organisms (Daphnia magna and Danio rerio) 2023
- Changes on swimming behavior induced by 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) enantiomers on Daphnia magna 2023
- MDA effects on morphophysiology and reproduction of Daphnia magna ¿ preliminary data 2023
- A yeast-based biosensor to monitor tebuconazole in environmental samples 2022
- Sublethal and sub-chronic ecotoxicity of five synthetic cathinones in two aquatic organisms 2022
- MDMA effects on Daphnia magna morphophysiology - preliminary data 2022
- Sublethal ecotoxicity assays of an emergent psychoactive substance in Daphnia magna 2022
- Sucessão da comunidade zooplanctónica e seu potencial para avaliação da qualidade de água em reservatórios do sul de Portugal 2021
- Crustacean zooplankton metrics in the assessment of water quality in reservoirs 2021
- Enantioselective ecotoxicity of psychoactive substances in Daphnia magna. 2021
- A conceptual optimization of the ecological evaluation in rivers 2020
- Crustacean zooplankton dynamics from Portuguese reservoirs and its relation with abiotic and biotic variables 2020
- Trends in the use and ecological effects assessment of fungicides in aquatic ecosystems 2020
- Azoxystrobin effects on non-target aquatic organisms: impacts on a host-parasite relationship and disease spread potential 2020
- Evaluation of the water quality in some Portuguese reservoirs according to the Water Framework Directive 2020
- Exposure to triazole fungicides affects disease spread in aquatic ecosystems: different paths to the same outcome? 2020
- Ecotoxicological evaluation of fungicides commonly used in viticulture in aquatic microorganisms 2019
- Can a common agrochemical fungicide alter the outcome of host-parasite relationship? 2019
- Anthropogenic antifungal formulations impair aquatic fungi involved in plant litter decomposition 2018
- Yeast system to uncover molecular targets of fungicides of environmental concern 2018
- Feeding behaviour of Corbicula fluminea a sensitive endpoint for ecotoxicological assessment and refinement of chemical control. 2018
- Influence of invasive Asian clam distribution patterns on macroinvertebrate assemblages and water ecological status in a semiartificial catchment 2018
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system to uncover target and off-target effects of fungicides of environmental concern 2018
- Can common agrochemical fungicides impact host-parasite relationships in aquatic systems? 2018
- Seawater Intrusion: what problems will freshwater communities from low lying ecosystems face in the near future? 2014
- New insights for the establishment of phycocyanin concentration thresholds considering inter-specific variability from bloom-forming cyanobacteria 2014
- Stepwise strategy proposal for monitoring toxic cyanobacterial blooms: validation with field data from Portuguese water bodies 2014
- Toxicity of two fungicides in two Daphnia genotypes: is it always temperature-dependent? 2014
- Biochemical and populational responses of Daphnia longispina to commercial formulation (Primextra ® Gold TZ) and its active ingredient (S-metolachlor). 2014
- It´s a hard knock life for Daphnia: coping with parasites and contamination 2014
- Toxic potential of paracetamol to freshwater organisms: a critical appraisal of standard methods 2014
- Water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate community of river Sabor and its tributaries: regional and local perspectives 2014
- Respostas populacionais de Daphnia longispina a formulação comercial e princípio ativo de um herbicida. 2013
- Implementação de uma estratégia integrada para lidar com blooms de cianobactérias 2013
- Quando as cianobactérias crescem de mais.... 2013
- Water Quality Assessment of Mau River: a multistressor case study 2012
- Evaluation of biochemical and behavior effects of neostigmine and pyridostigmine (antimyasthenic drugs) in Lepomis gibbosus. 2011
- Lepomis gibbosus exposed to anti-epileptical drugs (carbamazepine and diazepam): biochemical effects. 2011
- Water quality in River Tuela: natural and anthropogenic impacts 2010
- Toxicity evaluation of three pesticides and corresponding active ingredients on non-target organisms 2009
- Assessment of uranium genotoxicity by comet assay in the teleost fish Carassius auratus. 2008
- Case studies in freshwater aquatic Ecotoxicology 2005
- A short-term in situ fish bioassay based on post-exposure feeding inhibition and biomarkers. 2001
- Sub-cellular to individual organization levels: the first step indicating ecological relevance of biomarkers 2001
- Avaliação da toxicidade de sedimentos com Chironomus riparius: in situ vs. Laboratório 2000
- Efeito in vitro de vários contaminantes na actividade dos enzimas acetilcolinesterase, lactato desidrogenase e glutationa-S-transferase de Poecilia reticulata 2000
- In situ bioassay chamber for assessment of sediment toxicity using benthic invertebrate Chironomus riparius 2000
- In vivo and in vitro effects of pesticides and metals on Glutathione-S-Transferase activity of Gambusia affinis liver and gills 2000
- Variação na actividade de lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e acetilcolinesterase (AChE) em populações naturais de Gambusia affinis expostas a contaminação por pesticidas 2000
- Development of test-chamber for in situ toxicity testingwith Chironomus riparius. VIII European Ecological Congress, Halkidiki 1999
- Effect of contaminants on the activity of acetylcholinesterase and lactate dehydrogenase of Poecilia reticulata 1999
- Improvements on classical methodology in toxicity testing: rapid toxicity tests based on biomarkers 1999