publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- MORPhA Scale: Behavioral and electroencephalographic validation of a rodent anesthesia scale. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2019
- Trait determinants of impulsive behavior: a comprehensive analysis of 188 rats. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Computer simulation of the influence of thermal conditions on the performance of conventional and unconventional lithium-ion battery geometries. Applied Energy. 2018
- Ensino da Anatomia na Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho. Archives of Anatomy. 2016
- Exposure to Ketamine Anesthesia Affects Rat Impulsive Behaviour. Acta Cytologica. 2016
- Can the dopaminergic-related effects of general anesthetics be linked to mechanisms involved in drug abuse and addiction?. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2015
- The positive effect on ketamine as a priming adjuvant in antidepressant treatment. Elife. 2015
- Excitotoxic lesions in the central nucleus of the amygdala attenuate stress-induced anxiety behavior. Acta Cytologica. 2013
- Variable delay-to-signal: A fast paradigm for assessment of aspects of impulsivity in rats. Acta Cytologica. 2013
capítulo de livro
- À procura de renovações de estratégias e de narrativas sobre educação artística 2012
- Non-obstructive authentication in AAL environments. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2011