publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Disinformation Studies: Global Perspectives. Journalism Practice. 2023
- Between traditional and social media: news repertoires in Portugal. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. 2017
- Designing a Communication Code for Children. International Journal of Visual Design. 2016
- A era dos self media 2009
artigo de conferência
- Exploring the uses of mobile apps by Portuguese students during COVID-19 pandemic 2022
- Intergenerational digitally mediated relationships: how Portuguese young adults interact with family members over 65+. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Uses of mobile apps during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Portuguese case 2022
- Benefits, identity and values. Discussing the perceptions of higher education students about being part of Europe. INTED Proceedings. 2021
- Debunking the #manosphere: an exploratory analysis on patriarchy and ageism within the digital realm. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Digital aging: reinforcing normative masculinities on Instagram. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Generational perspectives on EU documents tackling disinformation. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- New media, old misogyny: framing mediated Madonna on Instagram from an ageing perspective. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Am I a European? Perceptions of higher education students on what it means to be part of the European Union 2020
- Uses and Media Consumption by Portuguese University Students: an exploratory study 2019
- Ativismo feminista no Facebook: uma análise comparada das páginas Não me Kahlo (Brasil) e Capazes (Portugal) 2018
- The existence of different stages in the designing process of an inclusive indoor children’s play space 2017
- A methodological approach to design an inclusive interior children’s play space: from observation to interview 2017
- Bullying, cyberbullying and social support: a study in a Portuguese school. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- Culturas juvenis, culturas digitais: práticas de jovens portugueses e mexicanos 2017
- Discursos Identitários e União Europeia: um estudo exploratório com jovens portugueses 2017
- Impact of online and offline activism on social skills. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- The millennial generation: a study on digital consumption of Portuguese youth. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- When science becomes interactive: a collaborative project in a teaching-learning network. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- Ageism and IT: social representations, exclusion and citizenship in the digital age. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- The influence of the child (and of its kind) in the design of a children’s play area: a focus on the methodology of participatory design and in recreational activities 2016
- Fashion communication: a way to change comsumption behaviour towards ethical fashion 2015
- O espaço do lazer infantil e as suas cores, formas e texturas 2015
- Colors and a participative methodology in the design of the play areas of children 2015
- Fashion communication: a way to change consumption behaviour towards ethical fashion 2015
- The role of age in participative methodology for designing play areas 2015
- A inclusividade dos espaços de lazer infantil 2014
- Inclusive society: The importance of an inclusive space for blind children 2014
- As redes sociais e as cores dos seus logótipos 2013
- Perceção infantil dos logótipos: cores e formas 2013
- Perceção infantil dos logótipos: formas 2013
- As redes sociais e a cor dos seus logótipos 2012
- Perceção infantil dos logótipos: cores 2012
- A Coerência da Imagem da Marca: O Caso Gucci 2011
- Redes sociais no Twitter 2010
- Ambientes sociais em rede 2009
artigo de revista
- A space to resist rape myths? Journalism, patriarchy and sexual violence. European Journal of Womens Studies. 2022
- Time well spent”: the ideology of temporal disconnection as a means for digital wellbeing. International Journal of Communication. 2022
- Violência online contra as mulheres: relatos a partir da experiência da pandemia da COVID-19. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2022
- Notícias e públicos na era dos novos media: perceções e dinâmicas de consumo em rede. Comunicação Pública. 2020
- Social networks and institutional communication: the case of Portuguese universities. Prisma Social. 2020
- Cultura visual, digital e mediática: imagens entre gerações. Vista. 2019
- Jovens e práticas de acesso e de consumo de notícias nos media sociais. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2018
- A era das “fake news”: o digital storytelling como promotor do pensamento crítico 2018
- Cidades e sistemas Wayfinding. Convergências. 2018
- Audiências e cross-media: estudo de padrões de consumo de notícias em Portugal [Audiences and cross-media: study of news consumption patterns in Portugal]. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2017
- Between traditional and social media: news repertoires in Portugal. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. 2017
- Práticas e consumos dos jovens portugueses em ambientes digitais. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2017
- Modelo Circular da interação: design da interação na esfera do ciberjornalismo. Observatorio. 2016
- Designing a communication code for children. International Journal of Visual Design. 2016
- Flows of communication and ‘influentials’ in Twitter: a comparative approach between Portugal and Spain during 2014 European Elections. Observatorio. 2016
- Interfaces da lusofonia: Lusófonos em rede no Facebook. 2016
- Methodological challenges in the transition towards online audience research. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. 2016
- Representações sociais do envelhecimento ativo num olhar genderizado. Análise Psicológica. 2016
- Representações sociais da velhice. Análise Psicológica. 2015
- Participação em rede: do utilizador ao “consumidor 2.0” e ao “prosumer. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2012
- A era dos self media. Revista Eletrônica Portas. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Contribution Participatory Methodologies and Generational Research 2022
- Tracking the outbreak and far beyond: how are public authorities using mobile apps to control COVID-19 pandemic 2020
- Facebook y periodismo de proximidad: estudio de caso de los incendios en Portugal de 2017 [Facebook and local journalism: case study of the 2017 fires in Portugal] 2020
- Transmedia storytelling e literacia: histórias multimédia participativas 2019
- Bridging the gap between micro and macro forms of engagement: three emerging trends in research on audience participation 2018
- Complex networks 2018
- Everyday lives of audiences in a future Europe: tracing emerging issues from scenarios to experiences in 2030 2018
- Games and active aging 2018
- Stakeholder discourses about critical literacies and audience participation 2018
- Computational Social Sciences 2017
- Social Sciences 2017
- Foursquare 2015
- Instagram 2015
- Geotagging 2014
- Lybia 2013
- Redes Sociais no Twitter 2012
- Haiti 2011
- Literacias cívicas e críticas 2019
- Ageism: media discourses during the Portuguese elections. Atención Primaria. 2016
- Percepção infantil de logótipos 2011
- Redes sociais no Twitter 2010