publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Exploring the user-generated content data to improve quality management. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2024
- Quality 4.0 in higher education: reinventing academic-industry-government collaboration during disruptive times. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2023
artigo de conferência
- User-generated content mining: exploring paths on the quality perspective 2022
- Critical success factors during the implementation of ISO 22000:2018 2020
- ISO 14001 standard: Benefits, motivations and difficulties throughout the implementation process 2020
- ISO 22000 standard implementation: Benefits, motivations and obstacles 2020
- Impacts from the implementation of the ISO 22000 2020
- Bibliometric analysis on the topic of "integrated management systems": a first glance 2019
- The Profile of Forthcoming Quality Leaders: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- Latest efforts aimed at upgrading the ims-mm 2018
- Management system maturity assessment based on the IMS-MM: Case study in two companies 2017
- Integrated Versus Non-Integrated Perspectives of Auditors Concerning the New ISO 9001 Revision 2016
- Integrated management systems as complex adaptive systems 2015
- A model for assessing maturity of integrated management systems 2014
- A model proposal for integrated management systems maturity assessment 2014
- Maturity models: a useful solution to assess current OHS management system 2014
- Integrated management systems: A statistical analysis 2013
- Integrated OHS management systems: is it the final frontier regarding OHS? 2012
- Integrated management systems: on the path to maturity and efficiency assessment 2012
- Integrated management systems: survey results from Portuguese companies and experts 2012
- Latest developments aiming an integrated management systems tool focusing maturity assessment. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Management systems integration: a 3-dimensional organisational perspective 2011
- Benchmarking on behalf of management systems integration 2011
- Beyond "Audit" definition: A framework proposal for integrated management systems 2011
- Integrated management systems : the vision from the perspective of the Occupational Health & Safety System 2011
- Integração de sistemas de gestão : dados preliminares no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliação do nível de maturidade 2011
- Integração de sistemas de gestão. Dados preliminares do projecto para desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliação do nível de maturidade e eficiência 2011
- Management systems integration : a 3-dimensional organisational perspective 2011
- Management systems integration: a Renaissance organizational era 2011
- Management systems integration: should quality be redefined? 2011
artigo de revista
- ISO 22000 Certification: Diffusion in Europe. Resources. 2021
- Mapping the sustainable development goals relationships 2020
- Scanning for a superior skill set. Quality Progress. 2020
- Development of key processes along the supply chain by implementing the ISO 22000 standard. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Communication of commitment towards sustainable development of certified Portuguese organisations. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2019
- Do multiple certifications leverage firm performance? A dynamic approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 2019
- Assessment of circular economy within portuguese organizations. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Integrated management systems diffusion models in South European countries. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2018
- Barómetro da certificação 2016 2017
- Management systems integration: survey results. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Barómetro da certificação 2015 2016
- Integrated management systems assessment: A maturity model proposal. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Analysis of integrated management systems from various perspectives. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2015
- Barómetro da Certificação 2014 2015
- Different perspectives on management systems integration. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2014
- Quality scoreboard: a proposal 2014
- Management systems: Integration or addition?. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2012
- New organisational issues and macroergonomics: integrating management systems. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Revisiting Diffusion Models: Portuguese Integrated Management Systems Evolution. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2019
- Diffusion of integrated occupational health and safety management systems 2016