publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A decision support system based on a multivariate supervised regression strategy for estimating supply lead times. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2023
artigo de conferência
- An experience report on using architectural models within distributed Scrum teams contexts 2018
- Deriving user stories for distributed Scrum teams from iterative refinement of architectural models 2018
- Incremental architectural requirements for agile modeling: A case study within a Scrum project 2018
artigo de revista
- Predicting Weighing Deviations in the Dispatch Workflow Process: A Case Study in a Cement Industry. IEEE Access. 2023
- Advancing Logistics 4.0 with the Implementation of a Big Data Warehouse: A Demonstration Case for the Automotive Industry. Electronics. 2021
- A systematic literature review about dimensioning safety stock under uncertainties and risks in the procurement process. Operations Research Perspectives. 2021