publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Delphi study of business models for cycling urban mobility platforms. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 2022
- Application of indels (investigator DIPplex) in mixture samples. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2011
artigo de conferência
- The adoption of big data technologies - A challenge for national statistics offices 2021
- Water quality on the fluvial beaches from north of Portugal 2021
- Qualidade da água em praias fluviais - caso de estudo na da Bacia hidrográfica do Rio Cávado 2020
- Avaliação da qualidade da água nas praias fluviais da bacia do rio Cávado-propostas de melhoria ambiental 2019
- Novel strategies for cancer treatment: drug delivery combining graphene quantum dots and core-filled lipid vesicles 2017
- TUTOPAR-LLE: an experiment in peer tutoring 2011
artigo de revista
- Factors influencing user behaviour in micromobility sharing systems: A systematic literature review and research directions. Travel Behaviour and SocIETy. 2022
- The Work Values of Portuguese Generation Z in the Higher Education-to-Work Transition Phase. Social Sciences. 2021
- A guide to the concept and implementation of business model innovation: The 5 V BM framework. Organizational Dynamics. 2021
- Water Management of River Beaches—A Portuguese Case Study. Geosciences. 2021
- Absorptive capacity in analytics implementations: A research model. Revista de Administração Mackenzie. 2020
- Illusionists and Puppet Masters. Organizational Dynamics. 2019
- Lipid nanocarriers loaded with natural compounds: Potential new therapies for age related neurodegenerative diseases?. Elife. 2018
- Volunteer management beyond prescribed best practice: a case study of Portuguese non-profits. Personnel Review. 2017
- Great Places to Work®: Resilience in Times of Crisis. Human Resource Management. 2016
- Training in Portuguese non-profit organizations: the quest towards professionalization. International Journal of Training and Development. 2016
- The impact of PBL on transferable skills development in management education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 2016
- Bioactive Properties of Tabebuia impetiginosa-Based Phytopreparations and Phytoformulations: A Comparison between Extracts and Dietary Supplements. Biomolecules. 2015
- Polymeric Versus Lipid Nanoparticles: Comparative Study of Nanoparticulate Systems as Indomethacin Carriers. Journal of Applied Solution Chemistry and Modeling. 2015
- Students' perceptions of fairness in peer assessment: evidence from a problem-based learning course. Teaching in Higher Education. 2013
- Students perceptions of Blackboard and Moodle in a Portuguese university. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2011
- Quantifying the Third Sector in Portugal: An Overview and Evolution from 1997 to 2007. Voluntas. 2010
- Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system. Higher Education. 2008
- Flexibility through HRM in management consulting firms. Personnel Review. 2008
capítulo de livro
- Towards an Integrated Framework for Aerospace Supply Chain Sustainability. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- Qualidade da água em praias fluviais - caso de estudo na da Bacia hidrográfica do Rio Cávado 2020
- Avaliação da qualidade da água nas praias fluviais da bacia do rio Cávado-propostas de melhoria ambiental 2019
- A value-based approach to business model innovation: defining the elements of the concept 2018
- An organizational aapacity model for wine cooperatives 2018
- Shoot-at-will: the effect of mass-shootings on US small gun manufacturers 2018
- The work preferences of Portuguese millennials - a survey of university students 2018
- Towards a survival capabilities framework: lessons from the Portuguese Textile and Clothing industry 2018
- Novel Strategies for cancer treatment: drug delivery combining graphene oxide quantum dots and core-filled lipid vesicles 2017
- AMEC nas empresas: Experimentar ciência em contexto empresarial 2016
- "Science Festival" 2013
- "Science communication in a local journal: ECUM and Correio do Minho" 2013
- "Tertúlias FNACiência: the socialization of knowledge" 2013
- Regulation and marketisation in the Portuguese higher education system 2007