publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Is Bony Morphology and Morphometry Associated With Degenerative Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. 2019
- Meniscus Subluxation Retensioning: “Autotransplant”. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2019
- Anatomic and non-anatomic reconstruction improves post-operative outcomes in chronic acromio-clavicular instability: a systematic review. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2019
- Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome Improves Tendon Cell Viability In Vitro and Tendon-Bone Healing In Vivo When a Tissue Engineering Strategy Is Used in a Rat Model of Chronic Massive Rotator Cuff Tear. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018
- Augmentation of Patellar Tendon Repair With Autologous Semitendinosus Graft-Porto Technique. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2017
- Modified Elmslie-Trillat Procedure for Distal Realignment of Patella Tendon. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2017
- Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017
- Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for irreparable massive rotator cuff tears: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2017
- Surgical Adjustment of the Guide Pin to Perform a Correct Tibial Tunnel in Anatomical Anterior Cruciate Ligament Single-Bundle Reconstruction. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2016
- Animal model for chronic massive rotator cuff tear: behavioural and histologic analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015
- Assessment of rotatory laxity in anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees using magnetic resonance imaging with Porto-knee testing device. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012
- Osteochondral transplantation using autografts from the upper tibio-fibular joint for the treatment of knee cartilage lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012