publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Screening of novel ASOs against Tau protein - shifting isoforms. Molecular Therapy. 2024
- Cannabidiol restores ketamine-induced schizophrenia-like symptomatology by multi-level actions on the underlying neurobiological substrate. Translational Pschiatry. 2024
- Glial-Restricted Precursors stimulate endogenous cytogenesis and effectively recover emotional deficits in a model of cytogenesis ablation. Elife. 2024
- Brain plasticity and behavioral deficits in Down syndrome: "space" for therapeutic intervention? 2024
- A novel isolation method for spontaneously released extracellular vesicles from brain tissue and its implications for stress-driven brain pathology. Cell Communication and Signaling. 2023
- Loss of function of Tau in the adult brain leads to synaptic dysfunction through nucleosome destabilization. Nature. 2023
- Chronic pain causes Tau-mediated hippocampal pathology and memory deficits. Elife. 2022
- Suppression of adult cytogenesis in the rat brain leads to sex-differentiated disruption of the HPA axis activity. Cell Proliferation. 2022
- Loss of function of Tau in the adult brain leads to synaptic dysfunction through nucleosome destabilization. Nature. 2022
- Rab35 and glucocorticoids regulate APP and BACE1 trafficking to modulate Aß production. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2021
- Where dopaminergic and cholinergic systems interact: a gateway for tuning neurological and psychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscienc. 2021
- Constitutive deficiency of the neurogenic hippocampal modulator AP2¿ promotes anxiety-like behavior and cumulative memory deficits in mice from juvenile to adult periods. Elife. 2021
- Allosteric modulation of AMPA receptors counteracts Tau-related excitotoxic synaptic signaling and memory deficits in Stress and Aß-evoked hippocampal pathology. Elife. 2020
- Dysregulation of autophagy and stress granule-related proteins in stress-driven Tau pathology. Cell Death & Diff. 2019
artigo de revista
- Nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons subtypes signal both reward and aversion. Elife. 2020
- Nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons subtypes signal both reward and aversion. Elife. 2020
- The energetic brain - A review from students to students.. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2019
- MORPhA Scale: Behavioral and electroencephalographic validation of a rodent anesthesia scale. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2019
- MORPhA Scale: Behavioral and electroencephalographic validation of a rodent anesthesia scale. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2019
- Dysregulation of autophagy and stress granule-related proteins in stress-driven Tau pathology. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2018
- Dysregulation of autophagy and stress granule-related proteins in stress-driven Tau pathology. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2018
- Endolysosomal degradation of Tau and its role in glucocorticoid-driven hippocampal malfunction. EMBO J. 2018
- Neuroprotective Effects of Creatine in the CMVMJD135 Mouse Model of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3. Movement Disorders. 2018
- Neuroprotective Effects of Creatine in the CMVMJD135 Mouse Model of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3. Movement Disorders. 2018
- Atypical, non-standard functions of the microtubule associated Tau protein. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2017
- AP2¿ 3 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and modulates cognitive, but not anxiety or depressive-like behavior. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- AP2¿ 3 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and modulates cognitive, but not anxiety or depressive-like behavior. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Tau-dependent suppression of adult neurogenesis in the stressed hippocampus. Elife. 2017
- Tau-dependent suppression of adult neurogenesis in the stressed hippocampus. Elife. 2017
- Tau Mislocation in Glucocorticoid-Triggered Hippocampal Pathology. Molecular Neurobiology. 2016
- Chronic Stress and Glucocorticoids: From Neuronal Plasticity to Neurodegeneration. Neural Plasticity. 2016
- The Advantages of Structural Equation Modeling to Address the Complexity of Spatial Reference Learning. Acta Cytologica. 2016
- The Advantages of Structural Equation Modeling to Address the Complexity of Spatial Reference Learning. Acta Cytologica. 2016
- Female Hippocampus Vulnerability to Environmental Stress, a Precipitating Factor in Tau Aggregation Pathology. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2015
- Female Hippocampus Vulnerability to Environmental Stress, a Precipitating Factor in Tau Aggregation Pathology. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2015
capítulo de livro
- Therapeutic potential of mTOR inhibitor for the clearance of Tau accumulation and RNA-protein granules in stress and Alzheimer’s Disease pathologies 2024
- Antisense oligonucleotide (ASOs) therapeutic approach against Tau-driven neuronal pathology in Alzheimer's disease brain pathology. 2023
- ATXN3-mediated deubiquitylation of splicing factors regulates neuronal mRNA splicing and tau isoform ratio ATXN3 regulates SRSF7 levels and Tau ratio 2023
- A novel RNA-targeted therapeutic approach against Tau-driven neuronal pathology in Alzheimer's and Down syndrome brain pathologies 2023
- Therapeutical potential of tauroursodeoxycholic acid in stress-related brain pathologies 2023
- Regulation of neuronal mRNA splicing and Tau isoform ratio by ATXN3 through deubiquitylation of splicing factors 2019
- Implication of Rab35/ESCRT pathway in tau proteostasis under control and pathological conditions 2019
- Regulation of neuronal mRNA splicing and of Tau isoforms ratio by ATXN3 through deubiquitylation of splicing factors 2019
- Molecular mechanisms of post-anesthesia cognitive deficits and Tau protein 2018
- A novel role for Tau protein in the mechanisms of brain damage caused by peripheral neuropathy 2018
- A novel modulator of AMPA receptors against Alzheimer's Disease pathology: the first in vivo evidence 2018
- A novel role for Tau protein in the mood and cognitive deficits triggered by peripheral neuropathy 2017
- Chronic stress triggers Tau pathology through autophagy inhibition and induction of stress granules 2017
- Conditional ablation of Tau in the adult brain leads to anxious and depressive pathology 2016
- The stressed autophagy: chronic stress exacerbates Tau pathology by blocking autophagy clearance system 2016
- The “stressed” autophagy: chronic stress exacerbates Tau pathology by blocking autophagy clearance system 2016
- Microtubule-associated protein tau is important for stress-driven depressive pathology and cognitive deficits 2015
- The “stressed” autophagy: chronic stress blocks autophagy in a model of Tau pathology 2015
- Stressed Proteostasis: chronic stress impact on the orquestration of chaperone mediated proteosomal and autophagic pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease pathology 2014
- Structural dynamics of synapses: the role of TAU and its vulnerability f to stress hormones 2013
- Dissecting the role of stress on cognitive and emotional components of Tau-related AD pathology: Is gender important? 2012
- Mechanisms of Tau aggregation and degradation: what does it change by chronic stress? 2012
- Chronic Stress aggravates insoluble tau accumulation in P301L-tau Tg mice: a gender-based study and its implications in human tauopathies 2012
- CNIDÁRIOS: Hidras, Medusas, Anémonas e Corais / PHYLUM CNIDARIA: Cnidarians, Hydras, Anemones and Corals.
- Esponjas/Sponges
- Tau (mal)function in brain plasticity and pathology – a gateway beyond Alzheimer’s Disease 2017
- Tau (mal)function in brain plasticity and pathology: a gateway beyond Alzheimer's Disease 2017
- Neurodegenerative role of stress and glucocorticoid hormones trought Alzheimer's disease Tau protein : a proteomic link between stress and brain pathology 2012
- Neurodegenerative role of stress and glucocorticoid hormones trought Alzheimer's disease Tau protein: a proteomic link between stress and brain pathology 2012