publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The impact of a health promotion program on toddlers’ socio-emotional development: a cluster randomized study. BMC Public Health. 2024
- Neurodevelopment and Dietary Intake in Toddlers—A Cross-Sectional Study from the Healthy Children 2021 Project. Nutrients. 2023
- Is the association between sleep and socio-emotional development mediated by weight in toddlers aged 12 to 36¿months?. Frontiers in Physiology. 2023
- Parentalidade positiva e a sua relação com o desenvolvimento socioemocional em crianças. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2022
- Cardiac well-being indexes: a decision support tool to monitor cardiovascular health. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 2021
- Cell wall dynamics modulate acetic acid-induced apoptotic cell death of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbial Cell. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Projeto Intercomunicare: Intervenção comunitária no caminho do recovery 2019
- Projeto Intercomunicare; Intevenção Comunitária no Caminho do Recovery 2019
- Projeto de intervenção domiciliária na promoção da recuperação da pessoa com doença mental 2019
- A Community Project: Assessing Needs in People with Mental Illness 2018
- InterComuniCare: a Research Project in Recovery and Community Intervention 2018
- Mental illness: community intervention on the way of recovery: InterComuniCaRe 2018
- Needs of Patients with Mental Illness in a Community Context 2018
- Recovery and Research: Presentation of the Project InterComuniCaRe 2018
- Recovery e doença mental: um projeto de intervenção comunitária 2018
- Satisfaction with the Social Support of People with Mental Ilness in Recovery Process 2018
- Satisfaction with the social support of people with mental illness in recovery process 2018
- Necessidades da pessoa com doença mental após alta hospitalar na voz dos profissionais de saúde 2017
artigo de revista
- Adaptation and validation of the Digital Health Literacy Instrument for Portuguese university students. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2022
- Adaptation and validation of the Digital Health Literacy Instrument for Portuguese university students. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2022
- Promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis na primeira infância: A voz de familiares e peritos. Revista de Enfermagem Referência. 2022
- Associations between COVID-19-Related Digital Health Literacy and Online Information-Seeking Behavior among Portuguese University Students. Healthcare. 2020
- Associations between COVID-19-Related Digital Health Literacy and Online Information-Seeking Behavior among Portuguese University Students. Healthcare. 2020
- The choroid plexus as a sex hormone target: Functional implications. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 2017
capítulo de livro
- Generating and Updating Supervised Data Mining Models on a Periodic Basis 2024
- An Alternative Metric to Support Case Base Maintenance in Case-Based Reasoning Processes 2023
- Blending Case-Based Reasoning with Ontologies for Adapting Diet Menus and Physical Activities 2023
- Learning from Failure: A Methodology for the Retrieve Stage of a Cardiovascular Case-Based Reasoning System 2023
- Promoting Cardiovascular Health Using a Recommendation System 2022
- Associations Between Fine Motor Skills And Cognitive And Socioemotional Development In Toddlers 2021
- Alimentação na infância: guia prático sobre a alimentação para crianças 2020
- Vamos cozinhar? Receitas para miúdos e graúdos 2020
- Projeto Intercomunicare: Intervenção comunitária no caminho do recovery 2019
- Projeto de intervenção domiciliária na promoção da recuperação da pessoa com doença mental 2019
- Satisfaction with the Social Support of People with Mental Illness in Recovery Process 2018
- A community project: assessing needs in people with mental illness 2018
- Recovery and research: presentation of the project InterComuniCare 2018
- Recovery e doença mental: um projeto de intervenção comunitária 2018
- A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques Applied to Renal-Cell Carcinomas 2022
- SHE Academy 2021 - Health Promotion: Call for Action 2021
- Alimentação na infância: guia prático sobre a alimentação para crianças 2020
- Congresso internacional de saúde mental e psiquiatria: evidência e práticas na promoção do Recovery: livro de resumos 2019
- Guião de Intervenção na Promoção do Recovery para a Pessoa com Doença Mental 2019
- Fabrication Methods of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds 2014
poster de conferência