publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Are electronic government innovations helpful to deter corruption? Evidence from across the world. Economics & Politics. 2023
- Questionnaires Measuring 24-Hour Movement Behaviors in Childhood and Adolescence: Content Description and Measurement Properties—A Systematic Review. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2023
- Digital government as a business facilitator. Information Economics and Policy. 2022
- Bond Yields Movement Similarities and Synchronization in the G7: A Time-Frequency Analysis. Journal of Business Cycle Research. 2022
- Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman. Social Science Computer Review. 2021
- Undergraduate students' economic literacy, knowledge of the country's economic performance and opinions regarding appropriate economic policies. International Journal of Education Economics and Development. 2020
- Effects of castration and testosterone replacement over serotonin (prostatic and plasmatic): a mice in vivo study. Journal of Urology. 2018
- A multi-scale modelling framework to guide management of plant invasions in a transboundary context 2016
artigo de conferência
- Towards a smart-vest for forward posture monitoring: improving usability with e-textiles 2023
- Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leap-froggers and Trends since 2003 2023
- Insertion of RFID tags into plastic parts using ultrasonic welding 2022
- Verification of railway network models with EVEREST 2022
- ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context - Evidence from across the World 2020
- Electronic Government and the Ease of Doing Business 2018
- 7to77, A new database querying experience. Edulearn Proceedings. 2015
- Effect of non saturation on the strength and stiffness of a compacted clayey sand 2015
- Medição e interpretação da rigidez de uma areia no âmbito das muito pequenas deformações 2014
artigo de revista
- Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects. Government Information Quarterly. 2023
- Undergraduate students’ economic literacy, knowledge of the country’s economic performance and opinions regarding appropriate economic policies. International Journal of Education Economics and Development. 2020
- A multi-scale modelling framework to guide management of plant invasions in a transboundary context. Forest Ecosystems. 2016
- Comparison between Laboratory and Field Stiffness by Wave Measurements. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2015
- POLG1-related levodopa-responsive parkinsonism. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2014
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