publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Impact of Psychological Distress on Physiological Indicators of Healing Prognosis in Patients with Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Longitudinal Study. Advances in Wound Care. 2023
- Wound healing and healing process in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A survival analysis study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2023
- Healing profiles in patients with a chronic diabetic foot ulcer: an exploratory study with machine learning 2023
- Validation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale in Portuguese women with cervical cancer 2023
- Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Cross-sectional Study. Advances in Skin and Wound Care. 2022
- Children's version of the systemic clinical outcome and routine evaluation ( C-SCORE ): Exploring the psychometric qualities in the Portuguese context. Journal of Family Therapy. 2022
- Communication, Forgiveness and Morbidity in Young Adults Involved in a Romantic Relationship. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. 2022
- A Portuguese translation of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE): the psychometric properties of the 15- and 28-item versions. Journal of Family Therapy. 2018
- Escala de Congruência (EC): Estudos de adaptação para a população portuguesa 2014
artigo de revista
- Wound healing and healing process in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A survival analysis study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2023
- Stress reduction interventions for patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers: a qualitative study into patients and caregivers’ perceptions. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2023
- Quality of life in Female Users of Antiageing Cosmetic Products/Aesthetic Treatments. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. 2022
- Quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A cross-sectional study. Advances in Skin and Wound Care. 2022
- Predictors and Moderators of Quality of Life in Male Users of Anti-Aging Products. Psych Journal. 2022
- Effectiveness of Two Stress Reduction Interventions in Patients with Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers (PSY-DFU): Protocol for a Longitudinal RCT with a Nested Qualitative Study Involving Family Caregivers. Healthcare. 2022
- Communication, forgiveness and morbidity in young adults involved in a romantic relationship. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. 2022
- Sociodemographic and psychological contributors to quality of life in users of anti-aging cosmetic products and procedures. Journal of Men's Health. 2022
- Validation of the Short-Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in older patients with myeloma. Psychogeriatrics. 2021
- The mediator role of unmet needs on quality of life in myeloma patients. Quality of Life Research. 2020
- Quality of life in caregivers of patients with multiple myeloma. Aging and Mental Health. 2020
- Validation of the caregiver oncology quality of life questionnaire in Portuguese caregivers of myeloma patients. Palliative & Supportive Care. 2020
- Validation of the Quality of Life Multiple Myeloma Module Questionnaire (QLQ-MY20) in Portuguese myeloma patients. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2019
- Quality of life in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: the mediator role of mindfulness and spirituality. Aging and Mental Health. 2019
- Validation of the spiritual and religious attitudes in dealing with illness (SpREUK) in Portuguese Alzheimer‘s patients. Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging. 2019
- Effect of distress on circulating microRNA levels and immune cell subpopulation distribution in diabetic foot ulcers 2022
- O impacto do distress na expressão de microRNAs circulantes e nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada na úlcera do pé diabético 2022
- Exploratory Study with SCORE-15 data: Preliminary Cultural Adaptation 2011
- Portuguese version of System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances 2011
- Portuguese version of Systemic Clinical Outcomes and Routine Evaluation: SCORE-15 2011
- Sistema de Observação da Aliança em Terapia Familiar: SOFTA [Versão Portuguesa. Versão Clientes; Versão Terapeutas] 2011
- Systemic Clinical Outcomes and Routine Evaluation: SCORE-29 [Versão Portuguesa. Versão Clientes; Versão Terapeutas] 2011
- Portuguese versão of Sistema de Observación de la Allianza Terapêutica en Intervención Familiar (SOATIF_o) ¿ Manual de Entrenamiento 2010
- Sistema de Observação da Aliança em Terapia Familiar (SOFTA-o) - Manual de Treino 2010