publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Stimulation of secondary metabolism in grape berry exocarps by a nature-based strategy of foliar application of polyols. Oeno One. 2024
- Conde A, Badim H, Dinis LT, Moutinho-Pereira J, Ferrier M, Unlubayir M, Lanoue A and Gerós H (2024) Stimulation of secondary metabolism in grape berry exocarps by a nature-based strategy of foliar application of polyols. OENO One (in press). Oeno One. 2024
- Non-Mature miRNA-Encoded Micropeptide miPEP166c Stimulates Anthocyanin and Proanthocyanidin Synthesis in Grape Berry Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024
- Fruit Photosynthesis: More to Know about Where, How and Why. Plants. 2023
- The influence of light microclimate on the lipid profile and associated transcripts of photosynthetically active grape berry seeds. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023
- Vale M, Rodrigues J, Badim H, Gerós H, and Conde A (2021) Exogenous application of non-mature miRNA-encoded miPEP164c inhibits proanthocyanidin synthesis and stimulates anthocyanin accumulation in grape berry cells. BioRxiv. doi: - SENIOR AND CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. BioRxiv. 2021
- Plant SWEET transporters: from sugar transport to plant-pathogen interaction and more atypical physiological roles. New Phytologist. 2021
- A aplicação exógena de caulino aumenta a capacidade antioxidante e o teor de compostos fenólicos em extratos de folhas e frutos de videira sob stresse estival. Revista A Voz do Campo - AgroCiência. 2016
- Solute transport across plant cell membranes. Canalbq - Journal of the Portuguese Biochemical SocIETy. 2011
- Transporters, channels, or simple diffusion? Dogmas, atypical roles and complexity in transport systems. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2010
artigo de revista
- Constitutive expression of VviNAC17 transcription factor significantly induces the synthesis of flavonoids and other phenolics in transgenic grape berry cells. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022
- Exogenous Application of Non-mature miRNA-Encoded miPEP164c Inhibits Proanthocyanidin Synthesis and Stimulates Anthocyanin Accumulation in Grape Berry Cells. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021
- Light Microclimate-Driven Changes at Transcriptional Level in Photosynthetic Grape Berry Tissues. Plants. 2021
- Metabolomics of Photosynthetically Active Tissues in White Grapes: Effects of Light Microclimate and Stress Mitigation Strategies. Metabolites. 2021
- Plant SWEETs: from sugar transport to plant-pathogen interaction and more unexpected physiological roles. New Phytologist. 2021
- Breia, R. Conde, A. Conde, C Fortes, AM. Granell, A. Gerós, H. (2020) VvERD6l13 is a grapevine sucrose transporter highly up-regulated in response to infection by Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe necator. 154, 508-516. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.06.007 - Top 10% Journal in Plant Science category in Scopus rank - CiteScore 2021 = 7.1 - CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020
- Breia, R.; Mósca, A.F.; Conde, A.; Correia, S.; Conde, C.; Noronha, H.; Soveral, G.; Gonçalves, B.; Gerós, H. Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) PaPIP1;4 Is a Functional Aquaporin Upregulated by Pre-Harvest Calcium Treatments that Prevent Cracking. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3017. (CiteScore 2021 = 6.8). Int. J. Mol. Sci.. 2020
- VvSWEET7 Is a Mono- and Disaccharide Transporter Up-Regulated in Response to Botrytis cinerea Infection in Grape Berries. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020
- Influence of Foliar Kaolin Application and Irrigation on Photosynthetic Activity of Grape Berries. Agronomy. 2019
- Kaolin particle film application stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2018
- Postharvest dehydration induces variable changes in the primary metabolism of grape berries. Food Research International. 2018
- Kaolin particle film application lowers oxidative damage and DNA methylation on grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L.) - Top 10% Journal in Plant Science category in Scopus rank – CiteScore 2021 = 8.9. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2017
- Kaolin Foliar Application Has a Stimulatory Effect on Phenylpropanoid and Flavonoid Pathways in Grape Berries - (Top 5% Journal in Plant Science category in Scopus rank - CiteScore 2021 = 7.8) - CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016
- Kaolin exogenous application boosts antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in berries and leaves of grapevine under summer stress - Top 10% Journal in Plant Science category in Scopus rank– CiteScore 2021 = 6.8. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2016
- Polyols in grape berry- transport and metabolic adjustments as a physiological strategy for water-deficit tolerance in grapevine. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2015
- Mannitol Transport and Mannitol Dehydrogenase Activities are Coordinated in Olea europaea Under Salt and Osmotic Stresses - (Top 5% Journal in Plant Sciences category in Scopus rank – CiteScore 2021 = 9.0). Plant and Cell Physiology. 2011
- Membrane Transport, Sensing and Signaling in Plant Adaptation to Environmental Stress - Top 5% Journal in Plant Sciences category in Scopus rank – CiteScore 2021 = 9.0. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2011
- Solute transport across plant cell membranes. Canalbq - Journal of the Portuguese Biochemical SocIETy. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Insights for the role of grape berry tissue-specific photosynthesis in the physiology and metabolism of the berries 2023
- Membrane solute transport in plant-environment interaction 2022
- Keep it simple ¿ Circadian cycles of stomata opening 2021
- Badim H, Coelho M, Vale M, Granell A, Gerós H and Conde A (2021) “Overexpression of VviNAC17 in Vitis vinifera (cv. Gamay Freaux) cells significantly stimulates phenylpropanoid, stilbenoid and flavonoid pathways”, III Simpósio de Bioquímica, Braga, October 2021 2021
- Badim H, Coelho M, Vale M, Granell A, Gerós H and Conde A (2021) “Overexpression of VviNAC17 in Vitis vinifera (cv. Gamay Freaux) cells significantly upregulates phenylpropanoid, stilbenoid and flavonoid pathways”, I EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, Porto, October 2021 2021
- Vale M, Badim H, Gerós H and Conde A (2021) “Exogenous application of miPEP166c increases the synthesis of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins in grape berry cells”, III Simpósio de Bioquímica, Braga, October 2021 2021
- Vale M, Badim H, Gerós H and Conde A (2021) “Non-mature miRNA-encoded miPEP166c increases the synthesis of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins in grape berry cells”, I EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, Porto, October 2021 2021
- Plant-environment interactions: from intracellular processes through to climate change. 2021
- Teixeira T, Conde A, Noronha H, Breia R, Martins V, Vale M, Badim H, Silva A, Ayogu P, Gerós H (2021) Plant-environment interactions: from intracellular processes through to climate change. II summer School of AgroEcology. Bologna, September 13-17. Departament of Agricultural and Food Scinces. Universidade de Bolonha 2021
- Membrane solute transport in grapevine and plant environment interaction 2021
- Gerós H, Breia R, Conde A, Noronha H, Martins V,Teixeira A (2021) “MEMBRANE SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN GRAPEVINE AND PLANT ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION” XVII Spanish Portuguese Congress on Plant Biology, July, 2021 2021
- Garrido A, Conde A, de Vos R and Cunha A (2021) “Metabolome and transcriptional changes in ripening grapes: a link with berry tissues’ photosynthesis?” PLANT BIOLOGY EUROPE 2021, June 2021 2021
- Inovação agrícola e crescimento sustentado 2021
- Garrido A, Conde A, de Vos R and Cunha A (2021) ¿Grapevine canopy light microclimate effects on the metabolism and gene expression of two photosynthetically active grape berry tissues¿, II Plant Abiotic Stress Forum, May 2021, Porto 2021
- Flavescence Dorée¿derived leaf yellowing in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is caused by a general repression of isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways. 2021
- Teixeira A, Martins V, Frusciante S, Cruz T, Breia R, Conde A, Noronha H, Diretto G, Fortes A, Gerós H.Flavescence Dore´e¿derived leaf yellowing in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is caused by a general repression of isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways. REDEFINING CONCEPTS, MECHANISMS &MANAGEMENT TOOLS. II PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES FORUM. MARCH 24. University of Porto 2021
- Grapevine in a changing environment field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures 2021
- António Teixeira, Artur Conde, Henrique Noronha, Richard Breia, Viviana Martins, Hernâni Gerós (2021) “Investigação e inovação no setor agroalimentar”, “X Ciclo de Conferências Científicas V.N. Famalicão”, February 10th 2021 2021
- Metabolome and transcriptional changes in ripening grapes in relation to berry tissue-specific photosynthesis 2021
- Grapevine in a changing environment ¿ field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures¿ in the international Webinaire ¿Vine & Wine: building the heritage of the future 2020
- Breia R, Teixeira A, Noronha H, Martins V, Conde A, Gerós H (2020) From the French paradox to nanoencapsulation of wine bioactive compounds. Workshop Exploring the molecular diversity of grape, a source of natural ingredients. LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies. Virtual meeting. 2020
- Breia R, Teixeira A, Noronha H, Martins V, Conde A, Gerós H “Grapevine in a changing environment – field-oriented research to optimize short-term adaptation measures” in the international Webinaire “Vine & Wine: building the heritage of the future”, Session 2: Cultiver la vigne au XXIIe siècle, Université de Tours, November 2020 2020
- A Garrido, A Conde, A Cunha and R D Vos "Phytochemicals and Photosynthesis of Grape Berry Exocarp and Seed (Vitis vinifera, cv. Alvarinho): Effects of Foliar Kaolin and Irrigation". XIII ICGPB: International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology", December, 2019, Barcelona, Spain; 2019
- A Garrido, J Serôdio, R D Vos, A Conde and A Cunha (2019) Photosynthesis of grape berry tissues under kaolin film application at canopy. XXIII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology/XVI Spanish Portuguese Congress of Plant Physiology, Pamplona, 26-28 June 2019 2019
- Conde A, Pimentel D, Breia R, Vale M, Dinis L-T, Bernardo S, Correia C, Gerós H, and Moutinho-Pereira (2019) Kaolin foliar application stimulates sugar transport activity in grape berries and variably modifies primary metabolism. - IV Jornadas INTERACT, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 10th April 2019
- Badim, H., Gerós, H., Conde, A. (2019) “Exploring VvNAC17 in grapevine towards the improvement of grape berry quality and stress tolerance”, IV Jornadas INTERACT, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 10th April 2019
- Rodrigues J, Vale M, Gerós H., Conde A. (2019) Exogenous application of micropeptide miPEP-MYB5b as a fine-tuning tool to upregulate stilbene biosynthesis in grape berry cells - IV Jornadas INTERACT, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 10th April 2019
- Vale M, Gerós H., Conde A. (2019) Exogenous application of miRNA-encoded peptides as a tool for improving characteristics of grape berry cells. IV Jornadas INTERACT, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 10th April 2019
- Badim, H., Gerós, H., Conde, A. (2019) “Unlocking the potential of VvNAC17 in grapevine – a new avenue to significantly increase grape berry quality and abiotic stress tolerance?”, 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho – March 2019 2019
- Breia R; Conde A; Fortes A; Granell A, Gerós, H. (2019) VvSWEET7 is a high-capacity monosaccharide transporter in grapevine that responds to Botrytis cinerea infection. - 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho –March 2019 2019
- Conde A, Neves A, Breia R, Pimentel D, Dinis LT, Bernardo S, Correia CM, Vale M, Gerós H and Moutinho-Pereira J. (2018) Kaolin particle film application stimulates photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves. 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho – March 2019 2019
- Conde A, Pimentel D, Breia R, Vale M, Dinis L-T, Bernardo S, Correia C, Gerós H, and Moutinho-Pereira (2019) Kaolin foliar application upregulates sugar transport capacity in grape berries and modifies primary metabolome. - 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho – March 2019 2019
- Rodrigues J, Vale M, Gerós H., Conde A. (2019) Exploring the potential of newly-identified miRNA-encoded peptides to improve the production of bioactive secondary metabolites in grape cells - 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho – March 2019 2019
- Vale M, Gerós H., Conde A. (2019) Exploring miRNA-encoded peptides as a tool for modulating characteristics of grape berry cells. - 1st Annual Meeting of Science (Annual Meeting of Applied Biology joined with Annual Meeting of Biochemistry) of the University of Minho – March 2019 2019
- Breia R, Conde, A., Noronha H, Martins V, Gerós H. “Yeast as a model for functional characterization of plant solute transporters” XXI Professor Nicolau van Uden Meeting. 8-9th June 2018, University of Minho 2018
- Conde A, Pimentel D, Dinis L-T, Bernardo S, Correia C, Gerós H, and Moutinho-Pereira (2018) Kaolin foliar application stimulates sugar transport capacity in grape berries and variably changes primary metabolism. 5th June 2018, 1st International Meeting on Innovation & Development in the Food Sector 2018
- Vale M, Conde A., Gerós H. (2018) Exogenous application of small peptide formulations modifies anthocyanin synthesis and concentration in suspension-cultured grape berry cells. 5th June 2018, 1st International Meeting on Innovation & Development in the Food Sector 2018
- Conde A, Neves A, Breia R, Pimentel D, Dinis LT, Bernardo S, Correia CM, Vale M, Gerós H and Moutinho-Pereira J. (2018) Exogenous kaolin application increases photoassimilate synthesis and modifies the primary metabolome of grape leaves. II International Symposium on Water, Soil and Geotecnologies (II SASGEO), May 17-18th, Vila Real, Portugal 2018
- Vale M, Conde A., Gerós H. “Exogenous application of small peptide formulations modifies anthocyanin synthesis and concentration in suspension-cultured grape berry cells”. II International Symposium on Water, Soil and Geotecnologies (II SASGEO), May 17-18th, Vila Real, Portugal. 2018
- Breia, R; Conde, A; Fortes A; Granell A, Gerós, H. (2018) Elucidation of the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters on plant-pathogen interaction in grapevine. - April 2018, IX Annual Meeting of Biochemistry, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal 2018
- Conde, A., Soares, F., and Gerós, H. (2018) Postharvest dehydration induces variable changes in the primary metabolism of grape berries- April 2018, IX Annual Meeting of Biochemistry, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal 2018
- Gerós H, Conde A, Noronha H, Breia R, Martins V. “Research in Applied Plant Biology and AgriFood Industry”. 11th April 2018, IX Annual Meeting of Biochemistry of the University of Minho 2018
- Vale M, Conde A., Gerós H. (2018) Innovative strategies to modulate anthocyanin synthesis and concentration in suspension-cultured grape berry cells – the effect of small peptides. 11th April 2018, IX Annual Meeting of Biochemistry of the University of Minho 2018
- Conde, A. “Unveiling the influence of kaolin foliar application on key molecular mechanisms associated with grape berry quality – from source leaves to sinks” 2nd Interact Seminars, 12th July 2017, UTAD, Vila Real 2017
- Breia, R; Conde, A; Fortes, A; Granell, A; Gerós, H. (2017) Elucidation of the role of the newly identified SWEET transporters on plant-pathogen interaction in grapevine – a transcriptional analysis and VvSWEET15 characterization - 2017, VIII Annual Meeting of Biochemistry, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal 2017
- Gerós H, Conde A, Breia R, Martins V, Noronha H, Cunha A (2017) Membrane transport & plant-environment interaction. National Meeting of Applied Biology, University of Minho, Portugal 2017
- Soares, F., Conde, A. and Gerós, H. (2016) Modifications in Organic Acid metabolism during postharvest dehydration process in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries. National Congress of the Portuguese Biochemistry Society, December 2016, Guimarães 2016
- Conde, A. “Foliar Application Has a Stimulatory Effect on Phenylpropanoid and Flavonoid Pathways in Grape Berries” QualityFruit2016 - Final Annual Conference of the COST FA1106 action, October 7th, Porto 2016
- Soares, F., Conde, A. and Gerós, H. (2016) Organic Acid metabolism changes during postharvest dehydration process in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries. QualityFruit2016 - Final Annual Conference of the COST FA1106 action, October 7th, Porto 2016
- Conde, A. “Kaolin application influences key biochemical pathways associated with grape berry quality” Enoexcel Seminars, 12th June 2015, UTAD, Vila Real 2015
- Conde, A., Regalado, A., Rodrigues, D., Chaves, M.M. and Gerós, H. (2013) Modifications in the metabolism of polyols in Vitis vinifera during water deficit. XIII Luso-Spanish Congress of Plant Physiology, July 2013, Lisbon 2013
- Conde, A., Regalado, A., Rodrigues, D., Chaves, M.M. and Gerós, H. (2013) Polyol transport and metabolism adjustments in Vitis vinifera in response to water stress. 4th edition of the Annual Workshop BioPlant, July 2013, Porto 2013
- Mannitol transport and oxidation are synchronized in Olea europaea under salt and drought stresses 2011
- Conde, A., Silva, P., Agasse, A., Conde, C. and Gerós, H. (2011) Mannitol transport and oxidation are synchronized in Olea europaea under salt and drought stresses. MicroBiotec Congress, December 2011, Braga 2011
- Breia, R., Conde, A., Martins, V., Noronha, H., Teixeira, A., Cunha, A., Gerós, H. (2011) "From the Biochemistry to the Agro-industry". iSci – Science Interface, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, November 2011 2011
- Um tributo ao manitol em Olea europaea 2011
- Conde, A., Regalado, A., Gerós, H. and Chaves, M. (2010) Cloning of a mannitol transporter (VvMaT1) and a mannitol dehydrogenase (VvMTD1) from Vitis vinifera: evidences for a mannitol role in salt/drought stress tolerance. National Congress of the Portuguese Biochemistry Society, December 2010. Porto 2010
- Noronha, H., Conde, A., Gerós, H. (2010) "VvHT1 regulation by high temperature" XVI National Congress of Biochemistry, Porto, Portugal, December 2010 2010
- Silva, P., Agasse, A., Conde, A., Araújo, A.M., Conde, C., Delrot, S., Tavares, R.M. and Gerós, H. (2008) Identification, cloning and characterization of an Olea europaea mannitol dehydrogenase (OeMTD1) and its involvement in salt stress tolerance. XV National Biochemistry Congress. October 2008. Azores 2008
- GenBank sequence data publication (VvMTD1 - Vitis Vinifera Mannitol Dehydrogenase 1)
- GenBank sequence data publication (VvPLT1 – Vitis Vinifera Polyol Transporter 1)
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