publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Prognostic impact of variant histology in bladder cancer: Would early and aggressive treatment shift the paradigm?. Urologic Oncology-Seminars and Original Investigations. 2024
- Prostate cancer treatment in Portugal: a nationwide analysis. Acta Cytologica. 2023
- Quality-of-life reporting in randomized controlled trials shaping the EAU Renal Cell Carcinoma Guidelines.. Journal of Cancer Policy. 2022
- Effect of Intratrigonal Botulinum Toxin in Patients with Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: A Long-Term, Single-Center Study in Real-Life Conditions.. Toxins. 2022
- Review of 175 Cases of Tuberculosis Infections Affecting the Urogenital System.. Turkish journal of urology. 2022
- Can serum endoglin be used to improve the diagnostic performance in prostate cancer?. World Journal of Urology. 2021
- Mini-Slings: Do They Stand the Test of Time? A 10-Year Cohort. Urologia Internationalis. 2021
- Accuracy and Safety of Percutaneous Core Biopsy in Management of Renal Masses: An Initial Single-Center Experience. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2018
- Ajudem a Erradicar as “Sangrias” Modernas. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2018
- Comparative Study of the Efficacy and Safety Between Two Bipolar Instruments (EnSeal® and Ligasure™) in Ex-Vivo Porcine Vessel Sealing. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2018
- Editorial Comment on: Isolated Red Patches Seen During Endoscopic Surveillance of Bladder Cancer: Incidence of Malignancy and When Should We Biopsy? by Nkwam et al.. Journal of Endourology. 2018
- Help Fight Modern “Bloodletting”. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2018
- Tumores Primários Superficiais de Alto Grau da Bexiga. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2017
- Comportamento sexual de estudantes de medicina portugueses e seus fatores preditivos. Revista Internacional de Andrologia. 2016
- Use of statins and serum levels of Prostate Specific Antigen. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2015
- Uso de ácido acetilsalicílico, metformina e estatinas e o cancro da próstata: impacto sobre as características patológicas e risco de recidiva bioquímica. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2015
- Can serum angiogenin be used to improve the diagnostic performance in prostate cancer screening?. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP). 2014
- Model-based patterns in prostate cancer mortality worldwide. British Journal of Cancer. 2013
- The influence of different metabolic syndrome definitions in predicting vasculogenic erectile dysfunction: is there a role for the index of central obesity?. Aging Male. 2013
- Urinary Neurotrophic Factors in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Overactive Bladder. Journal of Urology. 2013
- Endoscopic removal of a proximal urethral stent using a holmium laser: Case report and literature review.. Urology Annals. 2012
- Erectile dysfunction in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome-Prevalence and determinants. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia. 2012
- Are All Metabolic Syndrome Components Responsible for Penile Hemodynamics Impairment in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction? The Role of Body Fat Mass Assessment. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2011
- Exploratory Study Assessing Efficacy and Complications of TVT-O, TVT-Secur, and Mini-Arc: Results at 12-Month Follow-Up. European Urology. 2011
- Intraprostatic botulinum toxin type A administration: evaluation of the effects on sexual function. BJU International. 2011
- Reply from authors re: Elisabetta costantini and massimo lazzeri. Surgery for stress urinary incontinence: So near and yet so far. Eur Urol 2011;59:945-6. European Urology. 2011
- Single-incision sling system as primary treatment of female stress urinary incontinence: prospective 12 months data from a single institution. BJU International. 2011
- [Trends in prostate cancer mortality in Portugal (1980-2006)].. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2011
- Leiomiomas da bexiga e uretra – dois casos clínicos. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2010
- Epidemiologia explicada – Viéses. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2010
- VEGF and prostatic cancer: a systematic review. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2010
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Prostate Pathology. International Braz J Urol. 2010
- How do cognitive and axial motor signs correlate in Parkinson's disease? A 6-year prospective study.. Journal of Neurology. 2009
- Epidemiologia explicada – Análise de Sobrevivência. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2009
- Intermediate-term results, up to 4 years, of a bone-anchored male perineal sling for treating male stress urinary incontinence after prostate surgery.. BJU International. 2009
- Intraprostatic Botulinum Toxin Type A injection in patients with benign prostatic enlargement: duration of the effect of a single treatment.. BMC Urology. 2009
- Kidney Hemorrhage After Renal Biopsy Treated by Percutaneous Superselective Segmental Renal Artery Embolization. Urotoday International Journal. 2009
- Epidemiologia explicada – O valor de prova . Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2008
- Human serum angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) levels are not associated to pathology diagnosis on prostate biopsy. European Urology Supplements. 2008
- Laparoscopic partial nephroureterectomy for duplex kidney and ureter with megaureter serving a hydronephrotic excluded upper pole: A case report. Urotoday International Journal. 2008
- Incontinência Urinária Feminina. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2007
- Coffee and gastric cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis.. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2006
artigo de revista
- Smoking Cessation after Bladder Cancer Diagnosis. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2018
- Endothelial function in patients with metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction: A question of Angiopoietin imbalance?. Andrology. 2013
- Metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction: Assessing the clinical and hemodynamic parameters. Revista Internacional de Andrologia. 2013
- Predictive factors of a successful testicular biopsy and subsequent clinical pregnancy. Andrologia. 2012
- Does baseline total testosterone improve the yielding of prostate cancer screening?. European Journal of Cancer. 2012
- Síndrome metabólica e disfunção eréctil - avaliação de parâmetros clínicos e hemodinâmicos. Revista Internacional de Andrologia. 2012