publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Influence of Particle Size on Compressed Earth Blocks Properties and Strategies for Enhanced Performance. Applied Sciences. 2024
- Green Concrete with Glass Powder—A Literature Review. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Spatial Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Based on Fire Risk through GIS Systems—Case Study: Historic City Center of Guimarães, Portugal. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Breakthrough of the resemblances and correspondences between resilience and sustainability in civil infrastructures. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- Effect of using biomass fly ash on the concrete sustainability. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- Authors closure to the Discussion of the Review article "Optimisation of Compressed earth blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review". Cement & Concrete Composites. 2022
- A construção em terra e a sua ecoeficiência 2021
- From quality control to decision-making on the management of bridges and structures: What's next?. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures. 2020
- Methodology for Analysis of the Reactivity of Coal Fly Ash Using Selective Dissolution by Hydrofluoric Acid. Key Engineering Materials. 2016
- Emissions from the combustion of eucalypt and pine chips in a fluidized bed reactor. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China). 2016
- Characteristics of distinct ash flows in a biomass thermal power plant with bubbling fluidised bed combustor. Energy. 2015
- Treatment and use of bottom bed waste in biomass fluidized bed combustors. Fuel Processing Technology. 2014
- Particulate emissions from the co-combustion of forest biomass and sewage sludge in a bubbling fluidised bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Machine learning for natural fibre-reinforced compressed earth blocks 2023
- Melhoria da precisão e otimização do método do índice de vulnerabilidade às cheias 2022
- Breakthrough of the resemblances and correspondences between resilience and sustainability in civil infrastructures 2022
- Effect of using biomass fly ash on the concrete sustainability 2022
- Integrated risk and resilience assessment for critical civil infrastructures – a case study proposal for fire risk in Northern Portugal 2022
- Risk management and criticality ranking of civil infrastructures – case study 2021
- Identification of Risk Management Models and Parameters for Critical Infrastructures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Avaliação do potencial do uso de cinzas volantes de biomassa na produção de betões 2021
- Risk management and criticality ranking of civil infrastructures - Case study 2021
- Influence of Biomass Fly Ash on Hydration and Carbonation of Cementitious Materials 2019
- Caracterização e Incorporação de Cinza Volantes de Biomassa em Argamassas 2018
- Caracterização e incorporação de cinzas volantes de biomassa em argamassas 2018
- Estudo de Betões Eco Eficientes Através da Utilização de Cinzas Volantes de Biomassa 2018
- Biomass and coal fly ash as cement replacement on mortar properties 2016
- Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Containing Biomass Fly Ash 2016
- Incorporação de cinzas de biomassa como substituto do cimento em argamassas 2016
- Residual Forest Biomass Combustion in a Pilot-Scale Bubbling Fluidised Bed: Influence of Fuel Properties and Characteristics of Ashes Produced 2015
- Biomass (direct) gasification in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor 2014
- Emission from the combustion of eucalyptus and pine chips in a fluidised bed reactor 2014
- Physical-chemical characteristics of distinct particle size ash fraction in a biomass thermal power plant 2014
- Stabilization of ashes produced during biomass combustion in industrial FBC. 2014
- Characteristics of biomass used as fuel and ashes produced in two thermal power plants with BFBC 2014
- Combustion characteristics of residual forest biomass derived from eucalyptus and pine in a bubbling fluidized bed 2014
- Influência das Condições Operatórias nas Emissões de Partículas da Combustão Doméstica 2013
- Influência das características da biomassa e condições operatórias nas propriedades das cinzas resultantes da combustão em leito fluidizado borbulhante 2013
- Forest Biomass Residues Combustion in a Thermal Power Plant with FBC and Ash Characteristics and Management Options 2013
- Physical-chemical Characteristics of Ash Flows in a Biomass Thermal Power Plant 2013
- Wood Combustion in a Domestic Stove: Characterization of Operating Conditions and Ashes Produced 2013
- Characterization of bottom ashes from forest biomass combustion in fluidized bed 2012
- Particulate emissions from the cocombustion of forest biomass waste and sewage sludges in a bubbling fluidised bed 2012
- Characteristics of co-combustion sludges with forest biomass in bubbling fluidized bed 2012
- Characteristics, management, and applications of ashes from thermochemical conversion of biomass to energy 2012
- Treatment by leaching of bottom bed ash from biomass combustion in bubbling fluidized bed 2012
- Characteristics of Ashes from Two Portuguese Biomass Co-Generation Plants 2011
artigo de revista
- Concrete production with domestic and industrial wastewaters - A literature review. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Analysis of the effect of incorporating construction and demolition waste on the environmental and mechanical performance of earth-based mixtures. Composite Structures. 2022
- Viability Study of the Application of Bi-Block Concrete Sleepers as a Solution for Technical Landfills. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Synergetic effect of biomass fly ash on improvement of high-volume coal fly ash concrete properties. Composite Structures. 2022
- Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs). Fibers. 2021
- Optimisation of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review. Composite Structures. 2021
- A construção em terra e a sua ecoeficiência 2021
- Effect of Biomass Fly Ash on Fresh and Hardened Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Mortars. Crystals. 2021
- Characterisation and Life Cycle Assessment of Pervious Concrete with Recycled Concrete Aggregates. Crystals. 2021
- Mechanical and Thermal Performance Characterisation of Compressed Earth Blocks. Energies. 2020
- From quality control to decision-making on the management of bridges and structures: what's next?. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures. 2020
- Recycling of biomass and coal fly ash as cement replacement material and its effect on hydration and carbonation of concrete. Waste Management. 2019
- Recycling of biomass and coal fly ash as cement replacement material and its effect on hydration and carbonation of concrete. Waste Management. 2019
- Valorisation of wood fly ash on concrete. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019
- Quality and durability properties and life-cycle assessment of high volume biomass fly ash mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Quality and durability properties and life-cycle assessment of high volume biomass fly ash mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Comparative environmental life-cycle analysis of concretes using biomass and coal fly ashes as partial cement replacement material. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Development of optimized compressed earth blocks based on circular economy concepts 2023
- Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in flood risk forecasting 2022
- A construção em terra e a sua ecoeficiência 2021
- Construction of guarded hot-box 2020
- Arquitetura vernácula Portuguesa: contributos para a sustentabilidade 2018
- Environmental life cycle assessment of concrete containing biomass fly ash 2016
- High Volume Synergic Pozzolan Eco-Efficient Concrete 2015
- Physical-chemical characteristics of distinct particle size ash in a biomass thermal power 2014
- Physical-chemical characteristics of ash flows in a biomass thermal power plant 2013
- Characterization of bottom ashes from forest biomass combustion in fluidized bed 2012
- Characteristics of co-combustion sludges with forest biomass in bubbling fluidized bed 2012