publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- The moral horizon of democracy, “majority rule” and Rousseau’s solution: On the democratic procedures for decision-making. International Journal of Philosophy & Social Values. 2022
- Should we Dispense with the Idea of Personhood? The Impoverishment of Philosophical-Theological Language. Scripta Theologica. 2021
- Book review. Kimberley Brownlee. Being sure of each other. An essay on social rights. Oxford: Oxford University press, 2020. 246 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2021
- Book review. Simon Robertson. Nietzsche and contemporary ethics. Oxford: Oxford University press, 2020. 402 pp. Ethical Perspectives. 2021
- The first walgreen lectures by Leo Strauss (1949). Interpretation. A Journal of Political Philosophy. 2021
- The modern principle: the second walgreen lectures by Leo Strauss (1954). Interpretation. A Journal of Political Philosophy. 2020
- Book review. Matthew R. McLennan. Philosophy and vulnerability: Catherine Breillat, Joan Didion, and Audre Lorde, London: Bloomsbury, 2019. 183 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2020
- Dispensing with truthfulness: truth and liberty in Rorty’s thought. Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science. 2020
- Review of Daniele Santoro and Manohar Kumar, speaking truth to power: A theory of whistleblowing. Ethical Perspectives. 2020
- Review of Dierdre Lauren Mahony. Ethical Perspectives. 2020
- Las dos concepciones de "relativismo". Anuario Filosofico. 2019
- Review of Samuel Moyn, not enough: Human rights in an unequal world, Cambridge, MA: Belknap, 2018. 277 pp. Ethical Perspectives. 2019
- Liberal creed and its Critics. Ethics, Politics & SocIETy. 2018
- A noção de "pessoa" como conceito-chave no encontro das culturas: uma revisão da abordagem recente da filosofia analítica. Gaudium Sciendi. 2018
- Reaction & Debate: in Memoriam Derek Parfit (1942-2017). Ethical Perspectives. 2018
- O que queremos do Estado? As limitações das abordagens actuais. Gaudium Sciendi. 2015
- Cosmopolitismo e cidadania. Karl Popper: uma leitura moderna do Menexeno de Platão. Gaudium Sciendi. 2015
- La fuite en avant? The rhetoric of fear and the european construction. Diacrítica. 2015
- A controversy about the natural frame of reference and a universal science: Leo Strauss and Kurt Riezler. Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science. 2014
- Comentário ao texto 'Nações, Gerações e justiça climática' de Axel Gosseries. Diacrítica. 2014
- Leo Strauss on social and natural science: two previously unpublished papers. Review of Politics. 2014
- O Minos no Corpus Platónico. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Série Filosofia. 2014
- Le triomphe politique du relativisme moderne. Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science. 2013
- Marcuse and Adorno: objectivity, mediation, and one-sidedness. Psychoanalysis in the social context of modern civilization. Gaudium Sciendi. 2013
- Porque obedecer às leis? Reler O Críton de Platão. Direito & Política. 2013
- Depois d’O Príncipe - As leituras de Isaiah Berlin, Raymond Aron e Maquiavel no seu tempo. Fundamento - Revista de Pesquisa em Filosofia. 2013
- Arte e loucura. O Ion de Platão e a inspiração poética. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Série Filosofia. 2013
- Physis and nomos: the nature of equality in Popper's and Strauss' readings of Plato 2013
- Tucídides no século xx? teoria e praxeologia em Raymond Aron. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2012
- As conferências de Annapolis sobre o “Direito Natural”: um texto inédito de Leo Strauss. Diacrítica. 2012
- Democratic institutions: the spell of Plato and the return to the classics 2012
- O Clitofonte de Platão: são os filósofos inúteis no ensino da justiça?: estudo e tradução. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Série Filosofia. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Alasdair MacIntyre 2022
- Friedrich Nietzsche 2022
- John Rawls 2022
- Karl Popper 2022
- Os Estoicos 2022
- Self, mind and the recovery of metaphysics 2020
- Is there a natural framework for the social sciences? 2018
- Recovering natural right 2018
- Toward Strauss's Intention and teaching in Natural Right and History 2018
- The Republic of Science and Its Citizens: What Role May Humanities Play Within the Popperian Framework? 2018
- Art de gouverner et éthique Aron, Max Weber et « la vocation du politique » 2017
- La voix des « grands du passé » Débats permanents 2017
- Relations internationales « History is again on the Move » 2017
- Théorie, histoire, philosophie: La primauté du politique 2017
- The natural frame of reference and the possibility of a comprehensive science 2016
- International relations: “History is on the move” 2015
- Theory, History, Philosophy: The Primacy of the Political 2015
- Voices of the Great Men of the Past: Perennial Debates 2015
- [Review of] Brad Inwood, stoicism: A very short introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp 136. Ethical Perspectives. 2019
- Introduction 2018
- What is wrong with human rights?. Interpretation. A Journal of Political Philosophy. 2018
- Brian Harding and Michael R. Kelly (eds.). Early phenomenology: metaphysics, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 242 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2017
- Dale Dorsey. The limits of moral authority. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 233 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2017
- Deane-Peter Baker. Citizen killings: liberalism, state policy and moral risk. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. 156 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2017
- Natural right and history by Leo Strauss [transcript of the six Walgreen Lectures] 2017
- Review of David J. Yount. Plato and plotinus on mysticism, epistemology and ethics. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. 311 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2017
- Roger Scruton, On human nature. Princeton: Princeton University press, 2017, 151 pp., $22.90 (hardcover).. Interpretation. A Journal of Political Philosophy. 2017
- Épilogue 2017
- Andrew Fiala (ed.). The Bloomsbury companion to political philosophy. London: Bloomsbury, 2015. 288 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2016
- Christopher Kutz. On war and democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016. 332 pp. 2016
- David Palmer (ed.). Libertarian free will: contemporary debates. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 235 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2016
- Gene Fendt, Comic cure for delusional democracy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014, 314 pp., $100.00 (hardcover).. Interpretation. A Journal of Political Philosophy. 2016
- [Book review] Paul Woodruff. Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue. London: Oxford University Press, 2014. 306 pp.. Ethical Perspectives. 2015
- O Problema de Sócrates em Leo Strauss: Filosofia e Poesia 2012