publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Understanding the associations between the five-factor model, harmful alcohol consumption and problematic internet use in university students. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2024
- Neurocognitive effects of binge drinking on verbal episodic memory. An ERP study in university students. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023
- Assessing attentional bias through the alcohol Hayling task in young college students with and without a binge drinking pattern. 2022
- Forgetting alcohol: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating memory inhibition training in binge drinkers. 2022
- Effects of the COVID-19 mitigation measures on alcohol consumption and binge drinking behavior: A longitudinal survey of Portuguese college students.. Healthcare. 2021
- Anomalías neurocognitivas asociadas al consumo intensivo de alcohol (binge drinking) en jóvenes y adolescentes: Una revisión. Adicciones. 2014
- Hyperactivation of right inferior frontal cortex in young binge drinkers during response inhibition: a follow-up study. Addiction. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Suppression of memories in the Think/No-Think Alcohol task: An envent-related potential study 2018
- Volumetric Alterations in the Nucleus Accumbens of Young Binge Drinkers: A Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study 2018
- Executive control network in college binge drinkers 2018
- Effects of binge drinking on prefrontal executive function: Evidence from a two-year follow-up study 2013
- Executive function among binge-drinking college students: a two-year follow-up study 2011
artigo de revista
- Forgetting Alcohol: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating Memory Inhibition Training in Young Binge Drinkers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022
- Forgetting Alcohol: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating Memory Inhibition Training in Young Binge Drinkers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2022
- "It's a beer!": Brain functional hyperconnectivity during processing of alcohol-related images in young binge drinkers. Addiction Biology. 2022
- "It's a beer!": Brain functional hyperconnectivity during processing of alcohol-related images in young binge drinkers. Addiction Biology. 2022
- Cortical auditory evoked potentials in 1-month-old infants predict language outcomes at 12 months. Infancy. 2022
- Cortical auditory evoked potentials in 1-month-old infants predict language outcomes at 12 months. Infancy. 2022
- Effects of the COVID-19 Mitigation Measures on Alcohol Consumption and Binge Drinking in College Students: A Longitudinal Survey. Healthcare. 2021
- Effects of the COVID-19 Mitigation Measures on Alcohol Consumption and Binge Drinking in College Students: A Longitudinal Survey. Healthcare. 2021
- Portuguese Validation of the Alcohol Craving Questionnaire - Short Form - Revised. Antibiotics. 2021
- Electroencephalographic signatures of the binge drinking pattern during adolescence and young adulthood: A PRISMA-driven systematic review. Neuroimage-Clinical. 2021
- Electroencephalographic signatures of the binge drinking pattern during adolescence and young adulthood: A PRISMA-driven systematic review. Neuroimage-Clinical. 2021
- Increased Nucleus Accumbens Volume in College Binge Drinkers - Preliminary Evidence From Manually Segmented MRI Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020
- Increased Nucleus Accumbens Volume in College Binge Drinkers - Preliminary Evidence From Manually Segmented MRI Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020
- Functional and Structural Connectivity of the Executive Control Network in College Binge Drinkers. Addictive Behaviors. 2019
- Functional and Structural Connectivity of the Executive Control Network in College Binge Drinkers. Addictive Behaviors. 2019
- The Think/No-Think Alcohol Task: A New Paradigm for Assessing Memory Suppression in Alcohol-Related Contexts. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2019
- The Think/No-Think Alcohol Task: A New Paradigm for Assessing Memory Suppression in Alcohol-Related Contexts. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2019
- Electrophysiological Anomalies in Face-Name Memory Encoding in Young Binge Drinkers. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2017
- Electrophysiological Anomalies in Face-Name Memory Encoding in Young Binge Drinkers. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2017
- Developmental trajectory of the prefrontal cortex: a systematic review of diffusion tensor imaging studies. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017
- Developmental trajectory of the prefrontal cortex: a systematic review of diffusion tensor imaging studies. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017
- The Brain of Binge Drinkers at Rest: Alterations in Theta and Beta Oscillations in First-Year College Students with a Binge Drinking Pattern. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Gray Matter Abnormalities in the Inhibitory Circuitry of Young Binge Drinkers: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017
- Gray Matter Abnormalities in the Inhibitory Circuitry of Young Binge Drinkers: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017
- Neural Correlates of Face Familiarity in Institutionally Reared Children With Distinctive, Atypical Social Behavior. Child Development. 2015
- A VEP study in sleeping and awake one-month-old infants and its relation with social behavior. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2015
- A VEP study in sleeping and awake one-month-old infants and its relation with social behavior. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2015
- Anomalías neurocognitivas asociadas al consumo intensivo de alcohol (binge drinking) en jóvenes y adolescentes: una revisión. Adicciones. 2014
- Binge drinking trajectory and neuropsychological functioning among university students: A longitudinal study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2013
- Effects of a Persistent Binge Drinking Pattern of Alcohol Consumption in Young People: A Follow-Up Study Using Event-Related Potentials. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2013
- Effects of a Persistent Binge Drinking Pattern of Alcohol Consumption in Young People: A Follow-Up Study Using Event-Related Potentials. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Effects of Alcohol Hangover on Working Memory Processes Following a Binge Drinking Episode 2024
- Alcohol-specific memory inhibition training in binge drinkers: A double-blind randomized controlled trial examining alcohol use and craving levels 2023
- Associative memory, alcohol-context cues and their impact on reward circuitry – An fMRI study with young binge drinkers 2023
- Olvidando el alcohol: Mecanismos cerebrales subyacentes a la supresión de memorias en jóvenes binge drinkers 2023
- Understanding the Neurocognitive Processes of Memory Inhibition in Binge Drinkers: Insights from Event-Related Potentials 2023
- Mecanismos Neuronais da Memória Inibitória em Indivíduos com Perturbação de Uso de Álcool 2023
- Forgetting alcohol: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating memory inhibition training in binge drinkers 2021
- The Effects of Hangover on Inhibitory Control in Young Binge Drinkers: A Preliminary Event-Related Potentials Study. 2018
- Binge Drinking and Functional Brain Connectivity: a resting-state fMRI study 2016
- Effects of binge drinking on regional gray and white matter: a preliminary MRI study. 2016
- Trying to Forget Alcohol: Brain mechanisms underlying memory suppression in young binge drinkers