publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Rendimento académico no Ensino Superior: estudo com alunos do 1º ano. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2007
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- How the other half lives: under the arch with Lady Henry Somerset. Open Cultural Studies. 2017
- Playing the transatlantic card: the British anti-lynching campaigns of Ida B. Wells. Diacrítica. 2016
- Extra-curricular involvement, academic adjustment and achievement in higher education: A study of Portuguese students,Participación en actividades extracurriculares, ajuste y rendimiento académico en la educación superior: Un estudio con estudiantes Portugueses. Anales de Psicología. 2012
- Rendimento académico no Ensino Superior: estudo com alunos do 1º ano. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2007
- Family and education: a temperance perspective 1998
capítulo de livro
- "Do Everything" or "Single Issue": Lady Henry Somerset, Francis Willard, and the 1890s policy dispute in the British Women's Temperance Association 2016
- The early nineteenth-century English popular radical press and today’s anti-capitalist protest movement 2015
- Multilingual and multicultural practices in higher education: the IntlUni project 2015
- Agnes Slack and the Temperance Movement 2014
- Stereotypical representations of the oher in nineteenth-century satirical journals: John Bull versus Zé Povinho 2012
- The religious face of William Blake 2012
- Anglo-Portuguese colonial rivalry in late nineteenth-century Africa: visual commentary in contemporary satirical journals 2011
- A peculiarly British view of the British abroad: an enduring tradition of comic success and tragic failure 2009
- The Rechabite emblem, rituals and ceremonies 2007
- Hélio Osvaldo Alves. "O Guardador de Rios" 2005
- Temperance in Lincoln 1830 - 1870 2005
- George Cruikshank and his bottle 2004
- Joseph Livesey (1794-1884): a man of his time 2000
- ‘Under the influence’. The fight against the 'evil drink' in nineteenth-century England 2000
- Connecting Women: National and International Networks during the Long Nineteenth Century 2021
- Notes for students. Queen Victoria and humour". Victorians Like Us V. University of Lisbon, 1 April 2019. “We are not amused”: Queen Victoria and humour 2019
- A helping hand? 2017
- Transcultural amnesia: mapping displaced memories 2016
- Interwoven and intercontinental struggles: the suffrage and temperance battles of Rosalind Howard, the Radical Countess 2015
- Apresentação do grupo de investigação em estudos transculturais (GIETCult) e do seu projeto mobilidade e memória local: Representações interculturais da região Minho (MOMEL) 2013
- The anglo-american women’s temperance network in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods: Isabel Somerset and Frances Willard 2013
- Dickens and the fallen women 2012
- Hélio Osvaldo Alves 2004