publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Avaliação da resistência de cultivares de feijoeiro (Phaseolus spp.) a Meloidogyne javanica, para uso como porta-enxerto 2016
- Estudo comparativo das comunidades de nemátodes em horticultura biológica e convencional 2016
- Comunidade de nemátodes do solo associada a brassica rapa, em regime de agricultura biológica 2011
artigo de revista
- First report of Meloidogyne naasi parasitizing turfgrass in Portugal. Journal of Nematology. 2020
- Larvicidal, molluscicidal and nematicidal activities of essential oils and compounds from Foeniculum vulgare. Journal of Pest Science. 2014
- The Aspergillus nidulans signalling mucin MsbA regulates starvation responses, adhesion and affects cellulase secretion in response to environmental cues. Molecular Microbiology. 2014
- Seven new species of Trichodorus (Diphtherophorina, Trichodoridae) from Spain, an apparent centre of speciation. Nematology. 2013
- Molecular diagnosis of trichodorid species from Portugal 2011
- Phylogenetic relationships, based on SSU rDNA sequences, among the didelphic genera of the family trichodoridae from Portugal. Nematology. 2010
- Paratrichodorus divergens sp. n., a new potential virus vector of tobacco rattle virus and additional observations on P. hispanus Roca & Arias, 1986 from Portugal (Nematoda: Trichodoridae). Nematology. 2005
- Trichodoridae, família de nematóides vetores de vírus. RAPP: Revisão Anual de Patologia de Plantas. 2005
capítulo de livro
- Effects of trichodorids and TRV on potato growth and yield 2011
- Nematodes associated with cork oak, Quercus suber, in Montado ecosystems 2011
- Potato production impacts of the association trichodorids and TRV in naturally infected fields 2011
- Soil nematodes associated with Brassica rapa under organic farming 2011
- Study of the virus vector genus Trichodorus (Diphtherophorina, Trichodoridae) from the Iberian Peninsula, an apparent centre of speciation 2011
- Integrative taxonomic study of the virus vector family Trichodoridae from the Iberian Peninsula, an apparent centre of speciation 2011
- A method to discriminate species of virus vector trichodorid nematodes exploring 18S rDNA region 2010
- Risk assessment and ecological sustainability of cork oak in montado ecosystems 2010
- Essencial oil components of Hypericum androsaemum infusions and their nematotoxic effects against Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitwood. 2009
- Os nemátodes: seres minúsculos mas valiosos no estudo da biodiversidade: vamos "espreitar" e "ver" se é verdade? 2004
- Molecular diagnosis of Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus species 2004
- Phylogenetic relationships among Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus species 2004
- Tobacco rattle virus and its associated vector trichodorid nematodes in Portugal 2002
- Biogeographical characterization of Trichodoridae in the Iberian Peninsula. Nematology. 2002