publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- 'A fondness for being sad: Some Portuguese Sources for Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Poetics of Melancholy in Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850)'. Diacrítica, Série Ciências da Literatura. A Emoção na Criação Literária e Cultural. 2018
- A Nova política pública de educação e formação de adultos em portugal. Os educadores de adultos numa encruzilhada?. Educação & Sociedade. 2015
- A nova política pública de educação e formação de adultos: os educadores de adultos numa encruzilhada? 2015
- The image of the mythical woman in mid-victorian gynotopia: gender and genre in Alfred Tennyson¿s The Princess (1847). Diacrítica. Série Ciências da Literatura. Dossier 50 Anos de Luuanda.. 2014
- Emily Brontë's musical appropriations : from literary inspiration to performative adaptation. Via Panorâmica: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / An Anglo-American Studies Journal. 2012
- Transições para a literacia dominante: perspetivas de coordenadores de centros de educação e formação de adultos. Roteiro. 2012
- Dramatising the conflicts of nation and the body: displacement in Charlotte and Emily Brontë's poetry of "home" and "exile" dualities. Miscelanea. 2008
- Representations of power and transgression : the idea of Byron and the byronic character in the poetry of the Brontës. Op. Cit.: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Contemporary imaginative transformations - re-visiting a romantic and victorian poetics/aesthetics of myth and dream 2020
- O (Melo)drama da melancolia em Mary Shelley: Mathilda (1819) ou a confissão traumática de incesto e suicídio no feminino 2020
- À (re)descoberta de um Karl Marx vitoriano e de um legado marxiano na arte e na política britânicas 2020
- Importância das aprendizagens em contexto de trabalho: o caso da indústria conserveira 2017
- Negotiating inclusion and exclusion through Poetry: the dynamics of Victorian women poets’ social, political and artistic networks 2017
- Esoteric victorians: the hermetic and the arcane in the poetry of Browning, Rossetti and Swinburne 2016
- Negotiating between dream, reality and nightmare: utopian, dystopian and heterotopian nineteenth-century British poets 2016
- ‘And do accept my madness’: os poetas e a Psicologia na Inglaterra de oitocentos 2014
- The modern dark poem of quest and exile: Travel as ‘Travail’ in Childe Harold, Childe Roland and Childe Rolandine 2013
- Brief encounters with an exotic but decadent other: the image and perception of Portugal (and the Portuguese) in early victorian women’s poetry 2013
- Recognition of prior learning : valuing, learning through transitions for individual and collective purposes 2013
- Recognition of prior learning: valuing learning through transitions for individual and collective purposes? 2013
- "Ear and heart with a rapture of dark delight": music and Wagnerian motives in the poetry of A. C. Swinburne 2012
- Women painting words and writing pictures: re-configuring verbal and visual art in contemporary British women’s poetry 2012
- "Speak from every mouth – the speech, a poem": conflicting voices, discourses and identities in the poetry of Robert Browning 2011
- Transitions to the dominant literacy. The views of the coordinators of New Opportunities Centres on the recognition of prior learning 2011
- "I am the Voice of Fire": a poesia como performance política na obra de Edith Sitwell e Stevie Smith 2010
- ‘Tired of being a woman …’: algumas estratégias da poesia feminina Moderna 2009
- “Exchanging voices, questioning voices"…: dissention and dialogue in the poetry of early Victorian women 2009
- Learning to have a life: how a local development association and its adult learners cope with this challenge 2007
- ‘Sunny climes beyond the sea’: Travel and imagination in Charlotte Brontë’s juvenile Poetry 2007
- Adult education in Portugal: different scenarios and distinct ways of searching for learning and development 2006
- Remembrance and forgetfulness: Feminine memory as identity and death in the poetry written by the Brontës 2004
- "Better dead than fallen": a 'dupla perspectiva' segundo Elizabeth Gaskell 1998
- A resolução de North and South de Elizabeth Gaskell 1995
- A heroína da classe trabalhadora ou A visão romântica face à realidade social em Mary Barton 1993
artigo de revista
- The debate on intergovernmental organisations and adult learning and education policies: intersections between the political and scientific fields. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 2022
- Problematizando o humano e antecipando o pós-humano: de Blake e os Shelleys a Dickens e a Wells; da poesia à ficção.. Revista 2i: Estudos de Identidade e Intermedialidade. 2020
- Lógicas políticas da educação de adultos em Portugal. Cadernos de Pesquisa. 2018
- Retrieving Fin-de-Siècle Women Poets: The Transformative Myths, Fragments and Voices of Webster, Blind and Levy. Comparative Critical Studies. 2017
- ‘A fondness for being sad’: some portuguese sources for Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poetics of Melancholy in Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850) 2017
- Recognition of prior learning at the centre of a national strategy: Tensions between professional gains and personal development. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. 2016
- The rescue of Lusia by Albion: Representations of Portugal in british women’s peninsular war poetry. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. 2016
- Lifelong education and learning, societal project and competitive advantage: tensions and ambivalences in policy and planning of educational change in Portugal. Globalisation SocIETies and Education. 2014
- The image of the mythical woman in mid-victorian gynotopia: gender and genre in Alfred Tennyson’s The Princess (1847). Diacrítica. 2014
- Robert Browning in Portugal: The response of poets, critics and readers in the lusophone world. The Journal of Browning Studies. 2013
- Emily Brontë’s musical appropriations: from literary inspiration to performative adaptation. Via Panorâmica. 2012
- Transições para a literacia dominante : perspectivas de coordenadores de Centros de Educação e Formação de Adultos. Roteiro. 2012
- Refashioning english estate as feminine paradise: Aemilia Lanyer’s country-house poem “The Description of Cookham” (1610). Diacrítica. 2011
- ‘Over my boundless waste of soul’: echoes of the natural world, or A feminine naturphilosophie, in the poetry of Emily Brontë and Mathilde Blind. Nineteenth Century Gender Studies : Women Write the Natural World. 2011
- Intimamente na sombra do bardo: ressonâncias de Shakespeare na lírica amorosa de Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Op. Cit.: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. 2010
- Dramatising the conflicts of nation and the body: displacement in Charlotte and Emily Brontë’s poetry of "Home and Exile" dualities. Miscelanea. 2008
- Representations of power and transgression: The idea of Byron and the byronic character in the poetry of the Brontës. Op. Cit.: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. 2008
capítulo de livro
- À (Re)Descoberta de um Karl Marx Vitoriano e de um Legado Marxiano na Arte e na Política Britânicas. 2022
- Introdução: revisitações críticas em torno da educação permanente 2021
- A presença de ‘Fausto’ na literatura e cultura inglesas – revisitando adaptações da lenda e interpretações do mito 2020
- Romantic representations of the Peninsular Wars (1810-1820) – Imag(in)ing and re-creating the other Europe in English poetry 2020
- Vozes de diálogo, de dissensão e de transformação: as irmãs Brontë como poetas duzentos anos depois 2020
- ‘Like an inspired and desperate alchymist’: Ler/Ser Frankenstein no cruzamento das ciências e das humanidades 2018
- Recalling the poetics and politics of the exilic and migrant other in some English women’s poetry 2017
- The sun shall be darkened’: eco-critical Byron and the feminine apocalyptic sublime in “Darkness” (1816) 2017
- ‘Am I not a fly like thee? / Or art not thou a man like me?’: os diálogos homem-animal na poesia inglesa do período romântico 2017
- Adult learning and education policies in Germany, Portugal and Sweden: An analysis of national reports to CONFINTEA VI 2016
- De Blake a Keats: a imaginação na tradição romântica inglesa 2016
- Lifelong education and learning, societal project and competitive advantage: tensions and ambivalences in policy and planning of educational change in Portugal 2016
- The Idiot Boy de William Wordsworth: uma auto figuração romântica de liminaridade e marginalidade 2015
- Landscape as language: discussing margaret drabble’s a writer’s britain. Landscape in literature, of 1979 2015
- Portugal 2015
- Portugal: policy and adult education 2015
- In search of the mythical images of Yorkshire: the poetry of the Brontë sisters in the literary tourism of Haworth 2014
- An inconsistent policy: Lifelong learning and adult education policy towards a competitive advantage 2014
- Education and empowerment in later life 2014
- Felicia Hemans’s ‘The coronation of Inez de Castro’ (1830): feminine romanticism and the memorialisation of woman 2013
- Hope and despair in modern British women’s religious poetry. Steve Smith’s representations of the divine and the human: ‘A God is a Man’s Doll” 2013
- Victorian novels "without heroes/heroines" – Barry Lyndon (1844) and Vanity Fair (1848): (mis)adapting W. M. Thackeray’s picaresque 2013
- "Ear and heart with a rapture of dark delight" : music and Wagnerian motives in the poetry of A. C. Swinburne 2012
- (Dis)entangling scientific and poetic discourse: Mathilde Blind’s The ascent of man (1889) and feminine rewriting of Darwinian evolution 2012
- Introducció [a] "Estratègies europees en l' aprenentatge permanent: una introducció crítica" 2012
- Introducción [a] "Estrategias europeas en el aprendizaje permanente: una introducción crítica" 2012
- Introdução [a] "Percursos educativos e vidas de adultos: reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências numa Associação de Desenvolvimento Local" 2012
- Reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências : tensões entre certificação, qualificação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social numa associação de desenvolvimento local 2012
- Analysing darker motives or delving Robert Browning’s "Poetry of revenge" 2010
- Comparing literature and empire: british-portuguese intercultural contacts and responses during the Victorian Period 2022
- Anatomia de Keats: imaginação, arte, melancolia, ciência, sonho e mito 2021
- Nationalism and internationalism in Europe’s ‘Spring of Nations’ (1848) and its impact on British literary culture 2021
- Introdução [Crítica a poéticas interculturais. Representações literárias do outro como estrangeiro] 2020
- Decentring and decolonising the literary canon at the University of Minho: an intercultural, interartistic and interdisciplinary approach to Victorian poetry studies 2019
- Rewriting a new literary history through poetry: temporality and the hidden histories/ figures of Webster and Levy´s female speakers 2019
- Tracing stereotypical patterns in the perception of foreign otherness: the poetic representation of the Portuguese other in some Victorian poems 2018
- ‘Looking backwards in order to be forward-looking’. Or just how Modern were the Romantics? 2017
- ‘Our Bog [God] is Dood [Dead]’: subversões do corpo divino na poesia de Stevie Smith (1902-1971) 2017
- General topics: 'The emotions and the arts in nineteenth-century english literature' 2016
- Transatlantic exchange and poetess tradition in Felicia Hemans and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “Landing of the pilgrim fathers in New England” and “The runaway slave at pilgrim’s point” 2015
- A Portuguese reading of the Brontë sisters’ poetry as collaborative representation of romantic autobiography 2014
- Dickens’ influence and reception in Portugal 2013
- (Des)encontros culturais: figurações do ‘Outro’ em representações de Portugal, da Grã-Bretanha e dos EUA na poesia e no romance portugueses e anglo-americanos do século XIX 2012
- Charlotte Brontë and the dramatic monologue: tracing the emergence of the woman poet in the development of a dramatic poetics of the self and its fictions 2012
- Reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências: tensões entre certificação, qualificação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social numa associação de desenvolvimento local 2012
- Elderly, Education, Intergenerational Relationships and Social Development. Proceedings of 2nd Conference of ELOA 2011
- Projeto Inter-departamental e Inter-artes "Liminaridades internartísticas: poesia, linguagem e música" ou "No limiar da linguagem: contactos intersemióticos entre poesia e música" 2010
- Traditions, revolutions and evolutions of women’s poetry in England: reading/writing the other: support book and website for post-graduate students 2010
- The religious poetry of Stevie Smith and Emily Brontë: negotiating between hope and despair 2009
- Poéticas literárias: modos e géneros do discurso 2008
- The poetic dilemma of the Brontës: writing with and against nature in the early victorian period 2008
- The political dimension of the poetry written by the Brontës: dramatizing the constructions of class, nation, religion and gender 2006
- Preface [of] "Perspectives on Adult Education in Portugal" 2004
- The Canterbury tales. The comedy of marriage in Chaucer's Fabliaux 1995
- O romance político inglês da viragem do século (1790-1820) 1993
- Estrategias europeas en el aprendizaje permanente una introducción crítica 2012
- Estratègies europees en l' aprenentatge permanent una introducció crítica 2012
- Percursos educativos e vidas de adultos. Reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências numa Associação de desenvolvimento local 2012
- Contexto organizacional, orientações e práticas de educação de adultos : os cursos EFA numa associação local 2007
- Condições e possibilidades de desenvolvimento de cursos EFA: um guia para a acção 2007
- Contexto organizacional, orientação e práticas de educação de adultos. Os cursos EFA numa associação local 2007