publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Polydimethylsiloxane Surface Modification of Microfluidic Devices for Blood Plasma Separation. E-Polymers. 2024
- PDMS porous microneedles used as engineered tool in advanced microfluidic devices and their proof-of-concept for biomarker detection 2024
- Critical Issues on the Surface Functionalization of Plasmonic Au-Ag/TiO2 Thin Films with Thiolated Oligonucleotide-Based Biorecognition Elements. Biosensors. 2024
- Flexible Pressure and Temperature Microsensors for Textile-Integrated Wearables. Actuators. 2024
- Numerical evaluation and experimental validation of fluid flow behavior within an organ-on-a-chip model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2024
- PDMS surface modification of microfluidic devices for blood plasma separation. Advanced Polymer Composite Materials: Processing, Modeling, Properties and Applications III. 2024
- Numerical simulation, fabrication, and characterization of a heating system for integration into an Organ-on-a-Chip. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2023
- Spiral inertial microfluidics for separation and concentration of phytoplankton. Algal Research. 2023
- Marine Sensors: Recent Advances and Challenges. Bioengineering. 2023
- Special Issue on Novel Technology and Applications of Micro/Nano Devices and System. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis, Volume II. Micromachines. 2022
- Separation Microfluidic Device Fabricated by Micromilling Techniques. Engineering Proceedings. 2021
- 3D printing techniques and their application to organ-on-a-chips platforms: A systematic review. Sensors MDPI. 2021
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis. Micromachines. 2019
- Freestanding Multilayered Membranes patterned with Micro-Reservoirs as potential Regenerative Paths. Tissue Engineering. Part C: Methods. 2017
- Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Analysis 2015
- An overview of modeling and simulation for lab-on-a-chip applications. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Automatic detection of microaneurysm based on the slant stacking. Proceedings of CBMS 2013 - 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 2013
- Piezoelectric transducer system for improving mixing in 96 well microplates. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Point-of-Care Testing device for analysis of Diabetes Mellitus. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Reintrepreting the cardiovascular system as a mechanical model. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Remote physiological systems (RePhyS) laboratory : a didactic learning environment. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Rh phenotypes analysis by spectrophotometry in human blood typing. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Spectroscopy and pH biosensors for the detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- A numerical study on the heat transfer generated by a piezoelectric transducer in a microfluidic system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2012
- Modeling and simulation of acoustic propagation for mixing and pumping fluids in lab-on-a-chip devices. 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012. 2012
- Automatic Electronic System to Human Blood Typing. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Development of a Piezoelectric Transducers System to Improve Mixing of Fluids. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Development of an EX VIVO quantitative spectroscopic scanner. BIODEVICES 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2012
- Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2012
- Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing. 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012. 2012
- Spectroscopy microsystem for the detection of early cancer. 2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012. 2012
- Gold coated SU-8-based microelectrodes for in vivo electrophysiological studies: Rapid prototyping protocol-specific microelectrode designs. 2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER 2011. 2011
- A strategy for spectroscopic diagnosis of dysplasia using a miniaturized system for endoscopic capsules. Proceedings of SPIE. 2011
- Development and validation of a pressure transducer and its electronics for esophageal manometry. BIODEVICES 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2011
- Lab-on-a-chip using acoustic streaming for mixing and pumping fluids. 1st Portuguese Meeting in Biomedical Engineering, ENBENG 2011. 2011
- Spectra optical detection of biomolecules using a white light source-based spectrophotometric platform. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2011
- Design and fabrication of piezoelectric microactuators based on ß-poly (vinylidene fluoride) films for microfluidic applications.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- Fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for early cancer detection using a new strategy towards the development of a miniaturized system. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- Heating of samples by acoustic microagitation for improving reaction of biological fluids. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2010
- Touchscreen based on acoustic pulse recognition with piezoelectric polymer sensors. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2010
- A collaborative biomedical engineering undergraduate work: An automatic system for blood glucose regulation. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- A lab-on-a-chip for clinical analysis with acoustic microagitation based on piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride). Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2009
- Acoustic thermoagitation based on piezoelectric ß-PVDF polymer films potential evaluation in lab-on-a-chip applications. BIODEVICES 2009 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2009
- Biological microdevice with fluidic acoustic streaming for measuring uric acid in human saliva. 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2009
- Improving Alternate Flow mixing by Obstacles Located along a Micro-Channel. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- Piezoelectric micropump for lab-on-a-chip applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM. 2009
- autofluorescence spectroscopy of a human gastrointestinal carcinoma cell line : Design of optical sensors for the detection of early stage cancer. BIODEVICES 2009 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2009
- A Lab-on-a-Chip for Clinical Analysis with Acoustic Microagitation based on Piezoelectric Poly(Vinilidene Fluoride). Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2008
- Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation - Piezoelectric polymer ß-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer. BIODEVICES 2008 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2008
- Piezoelectric ß-PVDF polymer films as fluid acoustic microagitator. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2008
- Ultrasonic transducer based on ß-PVDF for fluidic microagitation in a lab-on-a-chip device. Advances in Science and Technology. 2008
- X-ray cmos detector array with scintillating light guides. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2008
- CMOS optical sensors for being incorporated in endoscopic capsule for cancer cells detection. 2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8. 2007
- CMOS x-ray image sensor array. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 2007
- Liquid flow sensor based on PVDF in its beta phase. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2007
- On-chip integrated optical sensors for fluorescence detection of cancer tissue: Application to capsule endoscopy. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 2007
- Smart-optical detector array in CMOS for absorbance measurement of physiological fluids. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2007
- Smart-pixel array for imaging sensors. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. 2007
- A tunable Fabry-Perot optical filter for application in biochemical analysis of human's fluids. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2006
- SU-8 microfluidic mixer for use in lab-on-a-chip devices for biological fluids analyses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2006
- Sigma-delta analog to digital converter for use in lab-on-a-chip devices for biochemical clinical analyses. ECS Transactions. 2006
- On-chip integrated CMOS optical detection microsystem for spectrophotometric analyses in biological microfluidic systems. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2005
- A MCM-based microsystem for biological fluids analysis by optical absorption. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2004
- High-selectivity Optical Detection in Microfluidic Systems for Clinical Diagnostics. MYU - Sensors and Materials. 2002
- Highly selective optical detection in a lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis. Sensors and Materials. 2002
- Microcontroller based voltage space vector modulator suitable for induction motor drives. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Numerical Modelling and Simulation of a Lab-on-a-Chip for Blood Cells' Optical Analysis 2024
- Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Microfluidic Device 2023
- A Numerical Study of the Heat Distribution Generated by a Microheater in an Organ-on-a-Chip Chamber 2023
- A microfluidic device for size-based microplastics and microalgae separation 2023
- Experimental Characterization of a Piezoelectric Transducer for Integration into a Photoacoustic System 2023
- Portable and Low-Cost Fluorometer for Phytoplankton Monitoring 2023
- Development and Characterization of Porous PDMS Microneedles 2023
- Analysis of a Simple Method to Change the Wettability of the PDMS Surface for Biomicrofluidic Applications 2023
- i9Masks: From a Multidisciplinary Summer Project to a Non-Accredited Short Course 2021
- A cost-effective oxygen probe manufactured by simple fabrication processes 2021
- Effect of the Materials' Properties in the Design of High Transmittance and Low FWHM SiO2/TiO2 Thin Film Optical Filters for Integration in a Malaria Diagnostics Device 2021
- Learning science during summer vacations and its effects on attitude and anxiety towards research 2021
- Haemocompatibility test of simple Magnetic Nanoparticles using the distribution of deformed RBCs 2019
- Haemocompatibility test of simple magnetic nanoparticles using the distribution of deformed RBCs (Oral presentation) 2019
- Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Micromixers Geometries for High Ratio Flow Rates 2019
- Cost-Efective Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Seawater pH Quantification by Optical Methods 2019
- PVDF piezoelectric flow sensor for velocity measurements aiming malaria diagnostics: A preliminary approach 2019
- A passive microfluidic device for cell sorting and deformability measurements 2018
- Spectrophotometric characterization of hemozoin as a malaria biomarker. Proceedings of SPIE. 2017
- Hemozoin and hemoglobin characterization by optical absorption towards a miniaturized spectrophotometric malaria diagnostic system 2017
- Literature review of vibrotactile systems addressing freezing of gait in parkinsonians. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2017
- Red blood cells deformability as a malaria biomarker 2017
- A numerical and experimental study of acoustic micromixing in 3D microchannels for lab-on-a-chip devices. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2016
- Flexible gastrointestinal pressure-sensitive tube based on aluminium thin-film 2015
- Flexible gastrointestinal pressure-sensitive tube based on aluminium thin-film strain-gauge arrays 2015
- A spectrophotometry based blood typing device 2015
- Characterization of silicon photodiodes for diffuse reflectance signal extraction 2015
- PDMS encasing system for integrated lab-on-chip Ag/AgCl reference electrodes 2015
- Design, fabrication and characterization of SiO2/TiO2 and MgO/TiO2 based high selective optical filters for spectroscopic signals extraction 2015
- PDMS biofunctionalization study for the development of a microfluidic device: Application to salivary cortisol 2015
- Patterned CNT-PDMS nanocomposites for flexible pressure sensors 2015
- Preliminary Monte Carlo based inverse model to extract optical tissue properties from experimental diffuse reflectance measurements : coefficients extraction for gastrointestinal dysplasia detection 2014
- Preliminary Monte Carlo based inverse model to extract optical tissue properties from experimental diffuse reflectance measurements: Coefficients extraction for gastrointestinal dysplasia detection 2014
- Pressure sensor for gastrointestinal intraluminal measuring 2014
- Remote physiological signals acquisition: Didactic experiments 2014
- Study of the fluorescence signal for gastrointestinal dysplasia detection. Proceedings of SPIE. 2014
- CMOS control and actuation system of piezoelectric transducers for pumping, mixing and heating microfluids in lab-on-a-chip devices. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2013
- Issues in remote laboratory developments for biomedical engineering education 2013
- Remote Physiological Data Acquisition : from the human body to electromechanical simulators 2013
- Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments 2013
- Transparent P(VDF-TrFE) transducer-based acoustic streaming for microfluidic applications 2013
- A comparison of acoustic streaming predictions by COMSOL Multiphysics and OpenFoam 2012
- Experimental study of acoustic streaming phenomenon generated by piezoelectric transducers 2012
- Point-of-Care Testing device for Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Function analysis of biological fluids. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Modeling and simulation of the mixing process of fluids in microchannels promoted by acoustic streaming 2011
- Design, simulation and fabrication of optical filters for narrow band imaging in endoscopic capsules 2011
- Development and validation of a pressure transducer and its electronics for esophageal manometry 2011
- Improving reaction and mixing times in macro- and microfluidic devices for medical applications 2011
- SU-8 spike electrodes for neural signals 2011
- Micro and nanofabrication of β-poly(vinylidene fluoride) sensors and acturators 2010
- Aluminium oxynitride thin films based optical filter for biomolecules analysis in biological fluids 2010
- Functionally graded electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) by multilayer spin-coating deposition with controlled crystalline phase content 2010
- Micro and nanofabrication of ß-poly(vinylidene fluoride) sensors and acturators 2010
- Precise duty-cycle measurement for time of transit ultrasound flowmeters 2010
- Acoustic thermoagitation based on piezoelectric β-PVDF polymer films potential evaluation in lab-on-a-chip applications 2009
- Acoustic thermoagitation based on piezoelectric ß-pvdf polymer films 2009
- Autofluorescence spectroscopy of a human gastrointestinal carcinoma cell line - design of optical sensors for the detection of early stage cancer 2009
- Lab-on-a-chip with β-PVDF based acoustic microagitation 2008
- Electroactive β-PVDF polymer as fluidic acoustic mixer for lab-on-a-chip applications 2008
- A lab-on-a-chip for clinical analysis with acoustic microagitation based on piezoelectric poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) 2008
- Electroactive ß-PVDF polymer as fluidic acoustic mixer for lab-on-a-chip applications 2008
- Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation : piezoelectric polymer ß-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer 2008
- Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation : piezoelectric polymer β-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer 2008
- Lab-on-a-chip with ß-PVDF based acoustic microagitation 2008
- Tunable fabry-perot optical filter with a resonant cavity based on a piezoelectric polymer 2008
- Ultrasonic transducer based on ß-PVDF for fluidic microagitation in a lab-on-a-chip device. Advances in Science and Technology. 2008
- A microfluidic system for integration on lab-on-a-chip devices 2007
- Alternative flows in a microfluidic device 2007
- Design of a lab-on-a-chip for clinical tests of human physiological fluids 2006
- Oscillatory and alternate flows in a microfluidic device 2006
- Scintillating microcavities for X-ray imaging sensors 2006
- Sigma-delta analog to digital converter for use in lab-on-a-chip devices for biochemical clinical analyses. ECS Transactions. 2006
- 3-D modeling and simulation of fluidic microsystems for biological fluids analysis 2005
- A SU-8 fluidic microsystem for biological fluids analysis 2004
- A MCM-based microsystem for biological fluids analysis by optical absorption. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. 2004
- 2-D modeling and simulation of fluidic microsystems for biological fluids analysis 2003
- A 16 Fabry Perot Optical-Channels Array for Biological Fluids Analysis using White Light 2003
- Biosystem with 16 highly selective optical channels for biological fluids analysis in the visible spectrum 2003
- Lab-on-a-chip for Measuring Uric Acid in Biological Fluids 2002
- A Lab-on-a-Chip for Biological Fluids Analysis 2000
- High-selectivity optical detection in microfluidic systems for clinical diagnostics 2000
- A Microcontroller Based Voltage Space Vector Modulator Suitable for Induction Motor Drives 1999
- Implementação de um Modulador de Largura de Impulso para Accionamento de um Motor de Indução Trifásico 1999
- Microcontroller based voltage space vector modulator suitable for induction motor drives 1999
- Comunicação de Dados pelas Linhas de Distribuição de Energia Eléctrica 1995
artigo de revista
- CMOS Spectrophotometric Microsystem for Malaria Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2023
- Extensional flow for assessing the effect of nanocarriers on the mechanical deformability of red blood cells. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2023
- A Review of Machine Learning Methods Recently Applied to FTIR Spectroscopy Data for the Analysis of Human Blood Cells. Micromachines. 2023
- Microneedles in Advanced Microfluidic Systems: A Systematic Review throughout Lab and Organ-on-a-Chip Applications. Pharmaceutics. 2023
- Optical Spectrophotometry as a Promising Method for Quantification and Stage Differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum Parasites. ACS Infectious Diseases. 2023
- Experimental Characterization of a Microfluidic Device Based on Passive Crossflow Filters for Blood Fractionation. Processes. 2022
- About 3D Printability of Thermoplastic Collagen for Biomedical Applications 2022
- Diagnosis Methods for COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Micromachines. 2022
- Label-free multi-step microfluidic device for mechanical characterization of blood cells: Diabetes type II. Micro and Nano Engineering. 2022
- The integration of spheroids and organoids into organ-on-a-chip platforms for tumour research: A review. Bioprinting. 2022
- Geometry effect in multi-step crossflow microfluidic devices for red blood cells separation and deformability assessment. Biomedical Microdevices. 2022
- Recent trends of biomaterials and biosensors for organ-on-chip platforms. Bioprinting. 2022
- Methodology for Phytoplankton Taxonomic Group Identification towards the Development of a Lab-on-a-Chip. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Simulation Study of Vertical p-n Junction Photodiodes' Optical Performance According to CMOS Technology. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Organ-on-a-Chip Platforms for Drug Screening and Delivery in Tumor Cells: A Systematic Review. Cancers. 2022
- Review of Microdevices for Hemozoin-Based Malaria Detection. Biosensors. 2022
- Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy to Analyse Human Blood over the Last 20 Years: A Review towards Lab-on-a-Chip Devices. Micromachines. 2022
- Properties and Applications of PDMS for Biomedical Engineering: A Review. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 2022
- Recent advances on the thermal properties and applications of nanofluids: From nanomedicine to renewable energies. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022
- Methodological Approaches for Monitoring Five Major Food Safety Hazards Affecting Food Production in the Galicia–Northern Portugal Euroregion. Antibiotics. 2021
- PtOEP-PDMS-Based Optical Oxygen Sensor. Bioengineering. 2021
- Multilayer Thin-Film Optical Filters for Reflectance-Based Malaria Diagnostics. Micromachines. 2021
- Challenges and Perspectives on Biosensors for Highly Sensitive Quantification of Salivary Troponins: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021
- 3D Printing Techniques and Their Applications to Organ-on-a-Chip Platforms: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering. 2021
- Development of Highly Sensitive Temperature Microsensors for Localized Measurements. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Graphene-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Theranostics: An Overview for Their Potential in Clinical Application. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Antibiofouling strategy for optical sensors by chlorine generation using low-cost, transparent and highly efficient electrodes based on platinum nanoparticles coated oxide. Antibiotics. 2021
- Organ-on-a-Chip: A Preclinical Microfluidic Platform for the Progress of Nanomedicine. Small. 2020
- Portable Device for Optical Quantification of Hemozoin in Diluted Blood Samples. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2020
- Blood Cells Separation and Sorting Techniques of Passive Microfluidic Devices: From Fabrication to Applications. Micromachines. 2019
- A low-cost lab-on-a-chip device for marine pH quantification by colorimetry. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019
- Towards an on-chip optical microsystem for spectroscopic detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019
- Photovoltaics, plasmonics, plastic antibodies and electrochromism combined for a novel generation of self-powered and self-signalled electrochemical biomimetic sensors. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2019
- Assessment of the Deformability and Velocity of Healthy and Artificially Impaired Red Blood Cells in Narrow Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Microchannels. Micromachines. 2018
- Layer-by-layer fabrication of highly transparent polymer based piezoelectric transducers. Materials Research Express. 2018
- Highly effective clean-up of magnetic nanoparticles using microfluidic technology. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018
- A Comparative Study of Image Processing Methods for the Assessment of the Red Blood Cells Deformability in a Microfluidic Device. Biosensors. 2018
- High-selectivity neural probe based on a Fabry-Perot optical filter and a CMOS silicon photodiodes array at visible wavelengths. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2018
- CMOS Integrated Photodetectors and Light-to-Frequency Converters for Spectrophotometric Measurements. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2017
- Microfluidic immunosensor for rapid and highly-sensitive salivary cortisol quantification. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2017
- Biomedical microfluidic devices by using low-cost fabrication techniques: A review. Journal of Biomechanics. 2016
- Improving acoustic streaming effects in fluidic systems by matching SU-8 and polydimethylsiloxane layers. Ultrasonics. 2016
- Evaluation of the successive approximations method for acoustic streaming numerical simulations. The Journal of the Acoustical SocIETy of America. 2016
- A poly-e-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water. Amino Acids. 2016
- A thin-film aluminum strain gauges array in a flexible gastrointestinal catheter for pressure measurements. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2016
- Multilayered membranes with tuned well arrays to be used as regenerative patches. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
- Flexible gastrointestinal motility pressure sensors based on aluminum thin-film strain-gauge arrays. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2015
- Mechanical simulation model of the systemic circulation. Measurement. 2015
- Optical Microsystem for Analysis of Diffuse Reflectance and Fluorescence Signals Applied to Early Gastrointestinal Cancer Detection. Bioengineering. 2015
- A Complete Blood Typing Device for Automatic Agglutination Detection Based on Absorption Spectrophotometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2015
- Design and fabrication of SiO2/TiO2 and MgO/TiO2 based high selective optical filters for diffuse reflectance and fluorescence signals extraction. Biomedical Optics Express. 2015
- Dynamic wet etching of silicon through isopropanol alcohol evaporation. Micromachines. 2015
- Piezoelectric actuators for acoustic mixing in microfluidic devices - Numerical prediction and experimental validation of heat and mass transport. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2014
- Optimized SU-8 Processing for Low-Cost Microstructures Fabrication without Cleanroom Facilities. Micromachines. 2014
- Numerical prediction of acoustic streaming in a microcuvette. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014
- Effect of ß-PVDF Piezoelectric Transducers’ Positioning on the Acoustic Streaming Flows. Micromachines. 2014
- Polymer-based acoustic streaming for improving mixing and reaction times in microfluidic applications. Nanoscale. 2014
- Multilayer spin-coating deposition of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films for controlling thickness and piezoelectric response. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2013
- A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2013
- Improving the optical and electroactive response of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) spin-coated films for sensor and actuator applications. Smart Materials and Structures. 2012
- Micro and nanofilms of poly(vinylidene fluoride) with controlled thickness, morphology and electroactive crystalline phase for sensor and actuator applications. Smart Materials and Structures. 2011
- Narrow-band pass filter array for integrated opto-electronic spectroscopy detectors to assess esophageal tissue. Biomedical Optics Express. 2011
- Spectroscopic detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia using optical microsensors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2011
- Degradation studies of transparent conductive electrodes on electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) for uric acid measurements. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2010
- Lab-on-a-Chip With beta-Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Based Acoustic Microagitation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2010
- MCM-based microlaboratory for simultaneous measurement of several biochemical parameters by spectrophotometry. Biomedical Microdevices. 2010
- Numerical study of micromixing combining alternate flow and obstacles. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010
- Pixel readout circuit for X-ray imagers. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2010
- X-ray image detector based on light guides and scintillators. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2009
- Smart-optical detector CMOS array for biochemical parameters analysis in physiological fluids. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2008
- An MCM-based microsystem for colorimetric detection of biomolecules in biological fluids. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2006
- An array of highly selective Fabry-Perot optical channels for biological fluid analysis by optical absorption using a white light source for illumination. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 2006
- Lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis by spetrophotometry. Arab Health International. 2006
- Optical coupling between scintillators and standard CMOS detectors. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2006
- A SU-8 fluidic microsystem for biological fluids analysis. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2005
- A lab-on-a-chip for spectrophotometric analysis of biological fluids. Lab on a Chip. 2005
- Micro-laboratório num chip para análise de fluidos biológicos 2005
- An Array of Fabry-Perot Optical-Channels for Biological Fluids Analysis. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2004
- Biological Microsystem for Measuring Uric Acid in Biological Fluids. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2004
- Highly selective optical detection in a lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis. Sensors and Materials. 2002
capítulo de livro
- PDMS surface modification for microfluidic devices and organ-on-chip platforms: The PEG and PEO effect 2024
- i9MASKS Project 2022
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Investigations in PDMS Microchannel Heat Sinks Fabricated by Means of a Low-Cost 3D Printer 2020
- Magnetic PDMS Microparticles for Biomedical and Energy Applications. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics. 2019
- Red Blood Cells Separation in a Curved T-Shaped Microchannel Fabricated by a Micromilling Technique. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics. 2019
- Advances towards a miniaturized optical system for gastrointestinal cancer detection using diffuse reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopies 2016
- Nanocarrier-based microfluidic system for characterization of malaria infected-cells 2024
- Fluid flow dynamics within an organ-on-a-chip model: numerical assessment and experimental validation 2024
- Cancer-on-a-chip platform for nanomedicine studies - A combination of numerical and experimental approaches 2024
- On-chip optical microsystem for Plasmodium Falciparum malaria detection 2024
- Numerical flows studies in a hyperbolic microchannel for biomedical applications 2023
- A simple method to modify the wettability of the PDMS surface for biomedical applications 2022
- Optical spectrophotometry into hemozoin: towards sensitive malaria diagnosis 2022
- Nanotherapeutic effect of graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles as a drug deliver nanocarrier in an advanced microfluidic biochip 2022
- Visualization of a blood analogue flowing in an organ-on-a-chip platform 2022
- A Simple Method to Modify the PDMS Surface Wettability for Biomicrofluidic Applications 2022
- Enhancement of the PDMS wettability using thin film deposition for microfluidic systems, organ-on-a-chip platforms and biomedical devices 2022
- CMEMS-UMinho research centre: building advanced strategies on miniaturized biomedical platforms 2022
- Separation Microfluidic Devices Fabricated by Different Milling Processes 2022
- Simulation study of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) by breathing, coughing and sneezing 2022
- How can we make breathable PDMS? 2020
- "UV-C sterilization of the PDMS", under i9MASKS FCT Summer School, University of Minho 2020
- Hemozoin: the future in malaria diagnosis 2020
- UV-C sterilization of the PDMS 2020
- Graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles as smart multifunctional theranostic nanosystems 2019
- Characterization of the malaria parasite optical features for development of a non-invasive diagnostic device 2019
- Microfluidic technology as efficient strategy for the automated and effective cleaning of magnetic entities 2017
- Preliminary evaluation of a microfluidic device for blood separation and deformation assessment 2017
- Biomedical microfluidic devices by using low cost fabrication techniques: a review 2015
- Synthesis parameters optimization of iron-oxide magnetic silica spheres for biomedical applications 2015
- Design, fabrication and characterization of SiO2/TiO2 and MgO/TiO2 based high selective optical filters for spectroscopic signals extraction 2015
- Characterization of silicon photodiodes for diffuse reflectance signal extraction 2015
- A microfluidic device to perform blood cells separation and deformability assessment by using a high-speed video microscopy system 2014
- Design, simulation and fabrication of optical filters for narrow band imaging in endoscopic capsules 2011
- Micromisturador polimérico descartável e sua aplicação em microsistemas laboratoriais 2009
- Alternate Flows in a Microfluidic Device 2007
- Lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis by spetrophotometry 2006
- Micro-laboratório num chip para análise de fluidos biológicos 2005
- A lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids analysis 2000
- Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis, Volume II 2022
- I9Masks: A micro step towards the development of PDMS masks for the protection of COVID-19 2021
- Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis 2019
- Imaging of Healthy and Malaria-Mimicked Red Blood Cells in Polydimethylsiloxane Microchannels for Determination of Cells Deformability and Flow Velocity 2018
- Real-Time Tool for Human Gait Detection from Lower Trunk Acceleration 2018
- Advances towards a miniaturized optical system for gastrointestinal cancer detection using diffuse reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopies 2016
- Smart devices 2016
- Photodiodes: Characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine 2009
- Functional feedback vibrotactile system for patients with parkinson’s disease: freezing of gait 2017
- Imunossensor microfluídico para quantificação de cortisol salivar 2017
- Matriz de sensores em filme fino para medição da pressão no trato gastrointestinal 2017
- Optical microsystem for spectroscopy signals extraction applied to gastrointestinal dysplasia detection 2017
- Quantificação e classificação de fitoplâncton por espetrofotometria 2017
- Microssistema eletrónica para leitura, controlo e atuação de compostos bioquimicos num Lab-on-a-chip 2016
- Desenvolvimento da eletrónica de leitura de uma matriz de biossensores eletroquímicos para monitorização do pH no trato gastrointestinal 2014
- Modelação, simulação e implementação de agitação acústica para aplicações em microfluídica 2014
- Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para a simulação do sistema cardíaco humano 2013
- Dispositivo para determinação do tipo de sangue humano : aplicação aos fenótipos Rh e teste reverso 2013
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de transdutores piezoelétricos para melhorar a mistura de fluidos 2012
- Dispositivo Point-of-Care Testing para análise dos Diabetes Mellitus e da função renal em fluidos biológicos 2012
- Sistema de fluxo acústico de base polimérica para aplicações microfluídicas 2012
- Spectroscopy systems for the detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia 2012
- Desenho e otimização do processo de fabrico de um biossensor piezoelétrico de base polimérica 2011
- Development of a sensoring device for environmental estrogens in wastewater 2011
- Estudo e otimização de estruturas em PDMS para dispositivos microfluídicos 2011
- Materiais híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos nanoestruturados para aplicação em fotónica 2011
- Produção de filmes finos de oxinitretos de alumínio e crómio por técnicas de PVD e sua caracterização em termos de propriedades físicas e químicas 2011
- Análise custo benefício de sistemas energéticos em escolas secundárias portuguesas 2009
- Microssistema laboratorial para análise de fluidos biológicos 2004