publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders' perceptions. Heredity. 2022
- EEE fees and the WEEE system - A model of efficiency and income in European countries.. Waste Management. 2018
- Investimento Empresarial em Portugal: Crise e Recuperação. Notas Económicas. 2018
- Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy. Notas Económicas. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Young employment, job-skill composition and minimum wages: evidence from a “natural experiment" 2008
- Young employment, job-skill composition and minimum wages: evidence from a "natural experiment" 2007
- A Wage based measure of regional aggregate human capital 2004
- Estimating the employer size-wage premium in a panel data model with comparative advantage and non-random selection 2004
artigo de revista
- Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: Another one bites the dust. Labour Economics. 2022
- Exchange Rates, Employment and Labour Market Rigidity. World Economy. 2017
- Flexibilidade, proteção do emprego e contratos de trabalho. O Economista. 2015
- The price of unobservables and the employer-size wage premium. Economics Letters. 2012
- Employment and Exchange Rates: The Role of Openness and Technology. Open Economies Review. 2011
- Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy. Notas Económicas. 2009
- Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system. Higher Education. 2008
capítulo de livro
- A Multi- A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Understanding Green Jobs: Dimensional Approach to Understanding Green Jobs: Insights from t nsights from the nsights from the Portuguese Labor Market 2023
- Do wildfires burn tourism intentions? The case of Portugal 2023
- IZA COVID-19 crisis response monitoring: short-run labor market impacts of COVID-19, initial policy measures and beyond 2020
- IZA COVID-19 crisis response monitoring: Portugal (June 2020) 2020
- Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: another one bites the dust 2020
- Financialization, corporate governance and employee pay: a firm level analysis 2019
- Level leverage decisions and manager characteristics 2019
- Mergers and Acquisitions and wage effects in the Portuguese banking sector 2019
- EEE fees and the WEEE system – A model of efficiency and income in European countries 2018
- Returns to Postgraduate Education in Portugal: Holding on to a Higher Ground? 2017
- Returns to Postgraduate Education in Portugal: Holding on to a Higher Ground? 2017
- Emprego e TSU: o impacto no emprego das alterações nas contribuições dos trabalhadores e das empresas [Dados] 2012
- Employment, exchange rates and labour market rigidity 2010
- Manufacturing employment and exchange rates in the Portuguese economy : the role of openness, technology and labour market rigidity 2010
- Minimum wage, fringe benefits, overtime payments and the gender wage gap 2010
- Young employment, job-skill composition and minimum wages : evidence from a 'natural experiment' 2008
- Regulation and marketisation in the Portuguese higher education system 2007
- Searching, matching and education: a note 2005
- Estimating the employer size-wage premium in a panel data model with comparative advantage and non-random selection 2004
- Local human capital externalities or sorting? evidence from a displaced workers sample 2003
- Identification of the Portuguese industrial districts 2002
- Cidadania Social e Economia: Reflexões sobre a Realidade Portuguesa 2020
- Assimetrias e Convergência Regional: Implicações para a Descentralização e Regionalização em Portugal 2019
- Benefícios do Ensino Superior 2017
- Investimento Empresarial e o Crescimento da Economia Portuguesa 2017
- Oportunidades de negócio e desenvolvimento económico local em territórios do interior: setores de investimento prioritário em Montalegre 2015
- Introdução [a] "Quadros de pessoal e investigação em economia" 2007
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis response monitoring: The second phase of the crisis 2021
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis response monitoring: Portugal (November 2020) 2020
- IZA COVID-19 Crisis Response Monitoring: Portugal 2020
- Educação e mercado de trabalho em Portugal: retornos e transições 2014
- Guimarães 2012, Capital Europeia da Cultura: impactos económicos e sociais: relatório final 2013
- Emprego e TSU: o impacto no emprego das alterações nas contribuições dos trabalhadores e das empresas 2012
- Guimarães 2012: capital europeia da cultura: impactos económicos e sociais: relatório intercalar Maio 2012 2012
- Estudo sobre a retribuição mínima mensal garantida em Portugal 2011
- Os fluxos e as remunerações de sub- e sobre-escolarizados em Portugal no período 1995-2005 2007