publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Regeneration of critical-sized defects, in a goat model, using a dextrin-based hydrogel associated with granular synthetic bone substitute. Regenerative Biomaterials. 2020
- Mechanical properties of stent-graft materials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications. 2012
- The effect of sidewalk paving materials in the comfort and safety of walking: a case study in Braga, Portugal 2023
- ART'THEMIS+'s Project: gender violence prevention program in portuguese schools 2019
- Dextrin-based hydrogel as an injectable carrier for macroporous bone graft granules and other bioactive agents 2017
- Characterization of a dextrin hydrogel for biomedical applications using mass spectrometry 2015
- Study on Teen Dating Violence - Results from the Portuguese Districts and Autonomous Regions 2020 (Resultados dos Distritos e das Regiões Autónomas do Estudo Nacional da Violência no Namoro 2020)
- Study on Teen Dating Violence 2019 (Estudo Nacional sobre a Violência no Namoro 2019)
- Study on Teen Dating Violence 2020 (Estudo Nacional sobre Violência no Namoro 2020)