publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The role of connectivity in conservation planning for species with obligatory interactions: Prospects for future climate scenarios. Global Change Biology. 2024
- The Relationship between Nursing Practice Environment and Pressure Ulcer Care Quality in Portugal’s Long-Term Care Units. Healthcare. 2023
- Fishing for hosts: Larval spurting by the endangered thick-shelled river mussel, Uniocrassus. Ecology. 2023
- Interspecific differences in the physiological condition of native freshwater mussels in response to the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea. Hydrobiologia. 2023
- Biopsychosocial Factors That Influence the Purpose in Life among Working Adults and Retirees. Healthcare. 2023
- Joint species distribution models unveil co-occurrences between freshwater mussels and their fish hosts. Journal of Biogeography. 2023
- Identifying freshwater priority areas for cross-taxa interactions. Heredity. 2023
- Content Validity and Reliability of the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test and the Knowledge Level of Portuguese Nurses at Long-Term Care Units: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023
- Streams in the Mediterranean Region are not for mussels: predicting extinctions and range contractions under future climate change 2023
- The silent extinction of freshwater mussels in Portugal 2023
- The crown pearl: a draft genome assembly of the European freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) 2021
- Prevalence of acute and chronic wounds – with emphasis on pressure ulcers – in integrated continuing care units in Alentejo, Portugal. International Wound Journal. 2020
- Setting the standards for new ecological indicator species: a holistic case study on the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793.. Ecological Indicators. 2020
- Effects of an extreme drought on the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera: a before/after assessment. Hydrobiologia. 2019
- Two approaches for the resolution of a resources system selection problem for Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises - A contribution to the Broker performance. Centeris 2014 - Conference on Enterprise Information Systems / Projman 2014 - International Conference on Project Management / Hcist 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. 2014
artigo de conferência
- FRESHCO project ¿ preliminary results assessing the multiple implications of invasive species on freshwater mussel decline and coexistence processes 2018
- Fish hosts of the critically endangered Unio foucauldianus Pallary, 1036 (Mollusca: Unionidae) 2018
- Invasive crayfishhes as a threat to native freshwater bivalves 2018
- Remarkable reprodutive spurting behaviour of endangered thick shelled river mussel, Unio crassus 2018
- Trophic niche overlap between native bivalves and the invasive Corbicula fluminea 2018
- FRESHCO: multiple implications of invasive species on freshwater mussel decline and coextinction processes 2017
- Threatened fish and mussel populations in Douro basin (Northern Portugal): in-situ and ex-situ conservation measures 2017
- Saúde-doença: a proximidade de cuidados num mundo sem fronteiras e com rápida mobilidade 2015
- Bioecologia dos mexilhões de água doce (Unionidae) nos rios Sabor, Tua e Tâmega (Bacia do Douro, Portugal): principais ameaças e medidas de conservação 2013
- CONBI: Biodiversidade e conservação de bivalves ¿ informação ecogeográfica, genética e fisiológica. 2012
artigo de revista
- A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe. Conservation Biology. 2023
- Predicting climatic threats to an endangered freshwater mussel in Europe: The need to account for fish hosts. Freshwater Biology. 2022
- Alarming decline of freshwater trigger species in western Mediterranean key biodiversity areas. Conservation Biology. 2021
- Trophic niche overlap between native freshwater mussels (Order: Unionida) and the invasive Corbicula fluminea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2021
- Major shortfalls impairing knowledge and conservation of freshwater molluscs. Hydrobiologia. 2021
- The role of anthropogenic habitats in freshwater mussel conservation. Global Change Biology. 2021
- Intraspecific Variation in the Common Pea Clam, Pisidium casertanum (Poli, 1791) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae): A Geometric Morphometric Analysis. Malacologia. 2021
- Assessment of a terrestrial protected area for the conservation of freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2021
- Mitogenomic phylogeny and fossil-calibrated mutation rates for all F- And M-type mtDNA genes of the largest freshwater mussel family, the Unionidae (Bivalvia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean SocIETy. 2021
- Preliminary data on fish hosts and their conservation importance for the critically endangered Pseudunio marocanus (Pallary, 1918). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2021
- Towards a taxonomically unbiased European Union biodiversity strategy for 2030. Proceedings of the Royal SocIETy B-Biological Sciences. 2020
- From the lab to the river: Determination of ecological hosts of Anodonta anatina. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2020
- Setting the stage for new ecological indicator species: A holistic case study on the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793. Ecological Indicators. 2020
- Small hydropower plants as a threat to the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Heredity. 2020
- Origin and history of Phoxinus (Cyprinidae) introductions in the Douro Basin (Iberian Peninsula): an update inferred from genetic data. Biological Invasions. 2020
- Fish hosts of the freshwater mussel Unio foucauldianus Pallary, 1936. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2019
- Water mill canals as habitat for Margaritifera margaritifera: Stable refuge or an ecological trap?. Ecological Indicators. 2019
- Potential impacts of the invasive species Corbicula fluminea on the survival of glochidia. Heredity. 2019
- A tale of shells and claws: The signal crayfish as a threat to the pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in Europe. Heredity. 2019
- Research priorities for freshwater mussel conservation assessment. Biological Conservation. 2019
- The male and female complete mitochondrial genomes of the threatened freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 2019
- Die-offs of the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera during an extreme drought. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018
- Conservation of freshwater bivalves at the global scale: diversity, threats and research needs. Hydrobiologia. 2018
- Current and future effects of global change on a hotspot's freshwater diversity. Heredity. 2018
- Diversity, biogeography and conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) in East and Southeast Asia. Hydrobiologia. 2018
- Expansion and systematics redefinition of the most threatened freshwater mussel family, the Margaritiferidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2018
- Fish and mussels: Importance of fish for freshwater mussel conservation. Fish and Fisheries. 2018
- Conservation status of freshwater mussels in Europe: state of the art and future challenges. Biological Reviews. 2017
- Invasive Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana threatens native mussel reproduction by inducing cross-resistance of host fish. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2017
- Lifting the curtain on the freshwater mussel diversity of the Italian Peninsula and Croatian Adriatic coast. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2017
- Phylogeny of the most species-rich freshwater bivalve family (Bivalvia: Unionida: Unionidae): Defining modern subfamilies and tribes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2017
- The first Margaritiferidae male (M-Type) mitogenome: Mitochondrial gene order as a potential character for determining higher-order phylogeny within Unionida (Bivalvia). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 2017
- Factors driving changes in freshwater mussel (Bivalvia, Unionida) diversity and distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. Heredity. 2016
- Newly developed microsatellite markers for the pan-European duck mussel, Anodonta anatina: Revisiting the main mitochondrial lineages. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2016
- Pearl mussels (Margaritifera marocana) in Morocco: Conservation status of the rarest bivalve in African fresh waters. Heredity. 2016
- The male and female complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the Endangered freshwater mussel Potomida littoralis (Cuvier, 1798) (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2016
- The strange case of the tetragenous Anodonta anatina. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 2016
- Who lives where? Molecular and morphometric analyses clarify which Unio species (Unionida, Mollusca) inhabit the southwestern Palearctic. Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 2016
- A massive freshwater mussel bed (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in a small river in Ukraine. Folia Malacologica. 2015
- Conservation status of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in Portugal. Limnologica. 2015
- First record of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester, 1880 in Greece suggests distinct European invasion events. Limnology. 2015
- Biology and conservation of freshwater bivalves: Past, present and future perspectives. Hydrobiologia. 2014
- Genetic diversity of the pan-European freshwater mussel Anodonta anatina (Bivalvia: Unionoida) based on CO1: New phylogenetic insights and implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2014
- Biotic homogenization as a threat to native affiliate species: Fish introductions dilute freshwater mussel's host resources. Diversity and Distributions. 2013
- Development and multiplexing of microsatellite loci for the near threatened freshwater mussel Potomida littoralis (Cuvier, 1798) using 454 sequencing. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2013
- Ecological status of a margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) population at the southern edge of its distribution (River Paiva, Portugal). Environmental Management. 2013
- Ecology of southern European pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera): First record of two new populations on the rivers Terva and Beça (Portugal). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2013
- Reproductive Cycle and Strategy of Anodonta anatina (L., 1758): Notes on Hermaphroditism. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 2013
- Massive die-offs of freshwater bivalves as resource pulses. Annales de Limnologie. 2012
- The effects of Anodonta cygnea biological fluids on biomineralization of chitosan membranes. Journal of Membrane Science. 2010
- Oued Bouhlou: A new hope for the Moroccan pearl mussel. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
capítulo de livro
- Prevalence and trends in tobacco, alcohol and drugs consumption among adolescents: findings from the AlenRiscos Observatory 2023
- Having The Foot at Risk:Experience Report 2016
- Two Stage Atmospheric Burners: Development and Verification of a New Mass-Energy Balance Model 2015
- Outreach from Project Projeto PAELORIS : ¿RIAS, ESTUÁRIOS E LAGOAS DE PORTUGAL ¿ CONHECER E CONSERVAR¿ from InAqua Fundo de Conservação by Oceanário de Lisboa e National Geographic Channel