publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Editorial: Supporting, managing, & sustaining creativity and cognition through technology. Knowledge Management and E-Learning. 2012
- Neuroadaptive technologies: Applying neuroergonomics to the design of advanced interfaces. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 2003
- The extended virtual table: An optical extension for table-like projection systems. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Information Visualization: Conceptualizing New Paths For Filtering and Navigate in Scientific Knowledge Objects 2017
- Record, play, Go¿ 2015
- Meet the frumbles-A post-digital toy orchestra 2014
- Merging physical and digital white canvas to unleash children's creativity 2014
- Merry Go Round: a physical, virtual, physical… toy 2014
- Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers – an Interface for Playful Language Exploration 2013
- Bridging book: A not-so-electronic children's picturebook 2013
- Bridging books: The printed book as a support for digital experiences 2013
- Digitally augmenting the flannel board 2012
- Thin slices of interaction: Predicting users' task difficulty within 60 sec. 2012
- t-books : merging traditional storybooks with electronics 2012
- Beyond the binding 2011
- Blink 2011
- MaLaKuLa: Stories inside "magical" seashells 2011
- NUVE: In between the analog and virtual body 2011
- TOK - A tangible interface for storytelling 2011
- Understanding virtual actors 2011
- Storytelling through drawings : evaluating tangible interfaces for children 2009
- The effectiveness of social agents in reducing user frustration 2006
- Faces of emotion in human-computer interaction 2005
- Emotional interaction 2003
- Stuchdesk - Interactive Data Analysis and Scientific Visualization in a Semi-Immersive Environment 2003
- StudyDesk: Semi-immersive volumetric data analysis 2003
- Challenges for multimodal interfaces towards anyone anywhere accessibility: A position paper 2001
artigo de revista
- Digital Manipulatives as Scaffolds for Preschoolers' Language Development. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 2016
- Investigating the use of digital manipulatives for storytelling in pre-school. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 2015
- A digital manipulative for embodied "stage-narrative" creation. Entertainment Computing. 2014
- TUIs vs. GUIs: Comparing the learning potential with preschoolers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2012
capítulo de livro
- A Brief Overview on the Evolution of Drawing Machines. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- Interfaces for Science: Conceptualizing an Interactive Graphical Interface. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2019
- Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment 2019
- A tangible platform for mixing and remixing narratives 2018
- Creativity in the Digital Age 2015
- Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometry Problems 2013
- T-words: Playing with sounds and creating narratives 2012
- HIP-storytelling: Hand interactive projection for storytelling 2011
- The computer medium in digital art's creative process 2009