publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Remote teaching in times of COVID-19: teachers’ adaptation and pupil level of participation. Technology Pedagogy and Education. 2024
- Online learning, perceived difficulty and the role of feedback in Covid-19 times. . Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 2024
- Academic Results and Educational Service Provision: An Analysis of External Evaluation Reports in Portugal. Indagatio Didactia. 2023
- Biology Undergraduate Students’ Views of Assessment: Methods, Purposes and Effects. . Journal of Assessment in Higher Education. 2022
- Portuguese higher education students' adaptation to online teaching and learning in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: personal and contextual factors. Higher Education. 2022
- Políticas e práticas de avaliação externa dos alunos na perspetiva dos diretores: o caso das provas de aferição. . Revista Portuguesa De Investigação Educacional,. 2022
- Investigating assessment in higher education: students' perceptions. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 2022
- Políticas e práticas de avaliação externa dos alunos na perspetiva dos diretores: o caso das provas de aferição. |Principals´views of policies and practices of external assessment: the case of low-stakes national tests.. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional. 2022
- Por uma escola +, professores + focados em refletir e implementar práticas de avaliação formativa - For a + school, + teachers focused on reflecting and implementing formative assessment practices. ELO. 2022
- Autonomia e flexibilidade curricular: na perspetiva dos diretores: entre o ceticismo e a adesão |Autonomy and curriculum flexibility in the eyes of principals: skepticism and adherence| 2021
- A pesquisa-ação crítica no desenvolvimento de políticas de formação continuada para profissionais da educação [CRITICAL ACTION RESEARCH IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTINUING TRAINING POLICIES FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS]. Revista Ibero-Americana de Educação. 2021
- Ensino e aprendizagem à distância em tempos de COVID-19 - Distance teaching and learning in times of COVID-19. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. 2021
- Ensino e aprendizagem à distância em tempos de COVID-19. Um estudo com alunos do ensino superior | Distance learning and teaching during Covid-19 pandemic: a study with higher education students| . Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. 2021
- Ensino remoto de emergência em tempos de pandemia: a experiência de professores portugueses | Emergency remote teaching in pandemic times: the experience of Portuguese teachers|. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional. 2021
- The Role of Perceived Difficulty and Feedback in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study in Higher Education. Studies in Higher Education. 2021
- Portuguese university students' conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement. Higher Education. 2020
- Avaliação e feedback no ensino superior: um estudo na Universidade do Minho - Assessment and feedback in higher education: a study at the University of Minho. Revista Ibero-Americana de Educação. 2013
- Percepções dos estudantes universitários sobre a avaliação das aprendizagens: um estudo exploratório - University students' perceptions of assessment: an exploratory study. Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Práticas de colaboração e aprendizagem profissional numa escola privada portuguesa |Collaboration practices and professional learning in a Portuguese private school| - IV Luso-Brazilian Meeting Teaching Work and Teacher Training 2019
- Práticas de avaliação no ensino superior: um estudo com professores universitários - Assessment practices in higher education: a study with university teachers 2018
- Métodos de avaliação no Ensino Superior: um estudo em cinco universidades públicas [Assessment methods in higher education: a study of five public universities] 2017
- University Teachers’ Perceptions about Assessment Practices: A Study in Five Portuguese Universities. 2017
- Atas do 1º Colóquio Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores - Proceedings of the 1st Colloquium Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges in Teacher Training 2015
- Atas do I Congresso Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores. 2015
- Proceedings of the 15th biennial of the international study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT), back to the future : legacies, continuities and changes in educational policy, practice and research 2011
artigo de revista
- Investigating the Effect of the Programme of Study on University Students Perceptions about Assessment. Educational Assessment. 2022
- How do undergraduates perceive the use of assessment? A study in higher education. European Journal of Higher Education. 2022
- Perceptions of Portuguese undergraduate students about assessment: a study in five public universities. Educational Studies. 2017
- Effectiveness and relevance of feedback in Higher Education: A study of undergraduate students. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2016
- Students’ perceptions of assessment: a comparative analysis between Portugal and Sweden. Higher Education. 2016
- Assessment revisited: a review of research in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 2016
- Conceptions and Practices of Assessment in Higher Education: A Study of Portuguese University Teachers. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa. 2016
- Perceptions of effectiveness, fairness and feedback of assessment methods: a study in higher education. Studies in Higher Education. 2015
- Pre-service Teachers’ Views of Their Training: Key Issues to Sustain Quality Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Aprendizagem e avaliação online em tempos de COVID-19: A experiência de alunos portugueses do Ensino Superior. - Online learning and assessment in times of COVID-19: The experience of Portuguese higher education students. 2023
- Avaliação das aprendizagens no ensino básico e secundário português: uma síntese da literatura (2011-2021) - Assessment in Portuguese basic and secondary education: a synthesis of the literature (2011-2021) 2023
- Introdução 2023
- A influência das iniciativas políticas na melhoria dos resultados escolares dos alunos e no trabalho dos diretores e professores - The influence of political initiatives on the improvement of students' school results and on the work of school principals and teachers 2022
- O projeto de investigação - The research project 2022
- Conceções e uso da avaliação na perspetiva dos estudantes e dos professores - |Conceptions and use of assessment from the perspective of students and teachers| 2019
- Conceções e uso da avaliação na perspetiva dos estudantes e dos professores [Students and teachers' conceptions and use of assessment] 2019
- Conclusões e implicações - conclusions and implications 2019
- Métodos de avaliação: A visão dos estudantes e dos professores [Assessment methods: students' and teachers' views] 2019
- Métodos de avaliação: a visão dos estudantes e dos professores |Assessment methods: the view of students and teachers| 2019
- O projeto de investigação - The research project 2019
- O projeto de investigação [The Research Project] 2019
- Revisão da literatura - Literature review 2019
- A avaliação no ensino superior na perspetiva dos estudantes: um estudo em cinco universidades portuguesas - Assessment in higher education from the perspective of students: a study in five Portuguese universities 2018
- Avaliação das aprendizagens: reflexões e práticas internacionais 2023
- E-Book Currículo, Avaliação e Profissão Docente. Conceções Curriculares, autonomia e flexibilidade e o papel do professor (volume I) |E-Book Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Profession. Curriculum Concepts, autonomy and flexibility and the role of the teacher (volume I)| 2021
- Currículo, Avaliação e Profissão Docente. Conceções curriculares, autonomia e flexibilidade e o papel do professor (E-book) 2020
- Assessment methods in Higher Education: A study of university students 2019
- Professional learning and teacher collaboration in Portugal and Chile 2018
- Assessment for learning in Higher Education: Potential andconstraints from the students’ points of view 2018
- Undergraduates’ Views of Assessment in Higher Education: A Study carried out in Portugal 2017
- Métodos de avaliação no Ensino Superior: um estudo em cinco universidades públicas - Assessment methods in Higher Education: a study in five public universities 2017
- Atas do I Colóquio - Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores [Proceedings of the I Conference - Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges in Teacher Education] 2015
- A Avaliação das Aprendizagens no Ensino Superior: a perspectiva dos estudantes' - Assessment in Higher Education: the students' perspective - in F- Veira et al.Pedagogia Para Autonomia (Pedagogy for autonomy) I UM CIEd. Congresso Ibérico/ 5º Encontro GT-PA. ISBN:XXXXXX 2011
- Proceedings of the 15th Biennial of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), Back to the Future: Legacies, Continuities and Changes in Educational Policy, Practice and Research, Braga, University of Minho. 2011