publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Path planning for complex 3D multilevel environments. The continuous development of graphics hardware is contributing to the creation of 3D virtual worlds with high level of detail, from models of large urban areas, to complete infrastructures, such as residential buildings, stadiums, industrial settings or archaeological sites, to name just a few. Adding virtual humans or avatars adds an extra touch to the visualization providing an enhanced percept. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Preface 2019
- Space Colonisation for Procedural Road Generation 2019
- Any object is a PC controller 2017
- Community based repository for georeferenced traffic signs 2017
- GParticles: A flexible GPU-based particle library 2017
- MARS: Mobile augmented reality script framework 2017
- Poolimmersion: A realistic physically-based billiards simulation 2017
- Assisting speech therapy for autism spectrum disorders with an augmented reality application 2014
- Assisting speech therapy for autism spectrum dissorders with an augmented reality application 2014
- Atmospheric scattering - state of the art 2014
- Livro de Actas do Encontro Portugues de Computação Gráfica - EPCG 2104 2014
- Open source debuggers and integration with a 3D engine 2014
- Pedestrians behavior simulation in real 3D environments 2008
- Simulação comportamental de pedestres em ambientes 3D desconhecidos 2008
- Accessibility and visually impaired users 2006
- Efficient conservative collision detection for populated virtual worlds 2006
- Parallel progressive precomputed radiance transfer 2006
- Transcoding for web accessibility for the blind : semantics from structure 2006
- Transcoding for web accessibility for the blind: Semantics from structure 2006
- Testing AudioBrowser 2005
- Accelerated epipolar geometry computation for 3D reconstruction using projective texturing 2004
- Accelerated epipolar geometry computation for 3D reconstruction using protective texturing 2004
- Accessibility and visually impaired users 2004
- Robust reconstruction of 3D points from images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 2004
- Personagens virtuais no ensino da língua gestual portuguesa 2003
- Reconstructing depth from spatiotemporal curves 2002
- A different approach to real web accessibility 2001
- Exploring alternative devices for blind users 2000
artigo de revista
- From spatiotemporal curves to reconstructed depth. Image and Vision Computing. 2004
capítulo de livro